secular - The Earth Is Not Moving

Part III
Points Of Fact And Law For Conducting Cases
Involving The Teaching of Evolutionism In U. S. Schools
It is now known that the Big Bang "Origins Scenario" is the same as the
"Origins Scenario" found in the Kabbala, the Most Holy Book of the Religion of
the Pharisees. In light of that long hidden but recently documented and
revealed fact, the "Establishment" and "Separation" arguments that have been
used by the Courts in the USA to lawfully defeat challenges to the Evolution
Monopoly in tax supported schools must now be applied with the same force
to the Pharisaic Religion’s evolution-based teaching about the Origin of all that
This Is Why This Is So, And Why Only One
Constitutional Option Is Open To The Courts:
The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says: "Congress shall make no
law respecting [regarding, concerning] an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof...."
It is clear that Congress has not knowingly made any law which establishes
the Pharisee Religion’s Big Bang Evolutionary Paradigm as the only Religion’s
teaching about the Origin of the universe, earth, and mankind that can be
taught in tax supported schools and universities.
Yet, a monopoly of that religion’s Origins teaching exists throughout tax
funded education in all 50 states of the USA.
Thus, in fact, the Court’s interpretation of the "establishment clause" has
upheld the very violation which the Constitution forbids. However, the Courts
rulings have been based on a hitherto accepted assumption that the Evolution
Paradigm is a purely secular, i.e., non-religious science-supported conclusion
about the Origin of all that exists.
That assumption--as Kabbalist scientists and scholars themselves have
recently revealed after two millennia of secrecy on the matter--is no longer
valid. The facts as they are now known reveal that all of the essential features
of the Evolution Paradigm are derived from, and are the fulfillment of, the
writings of Rabbinic Kabbalists dating at least to the 1st century A.D.
Since the truth of this matter has only recently become available to the courts
and to the public, the Court’s rulings in past instances where the evolution
controversy has arisen are understandable.
In all of those examples it has been argued that the crux of the various
challenges to the monopoly of evolution teaching in science classes has been
perceived as a contest solely between the desires of Bible Fundamentalists to
mandate the Biblical teaching about the Origin of all that exists over against
purely secular scientific teachings about the Origin of all that exists.
Given that apparently clear breakdown wherein those on one side of the
controversy had a religious agenda and those on the other side had only a
secular science agenda, the Court’s ruling, again, was Constitution-based and
Now, however, that it is documented and uncontested that the Evolution
Paradigm is not an Origins scenario based on the conclusions of secular
science alone, but is, rather, an Origins scenario that is described concept by
concept in a holy book of a particular religion, the premise of all previous
Court rulings is seen to no longer apply and, indeed, that premise is
irrevocably invalidated.
Consequently, as it cannot now be framed otherwise, the issue must be
perceived as it is, namely; an issue between one religion’s Origins Scenario
and another religion’s Origins Scenario.
This situation presents the Courts with a unique conundrum, one never
considered or even envisioned in previous rulings on this subject.
Having consistently ruled against allowing one perceived religious agenda to
have its way in the government schools relevant to the teaching of
evolutionism, the Courts must now concede that the winning side in their
rulings has also had a religious agenda behind its insistence that the teaching
of evolutionism in the schools remain unchallenged.
From a Constitutional standpoint, this development is a conundrum, to be
sure, but, as can already be seen, there is one obvious solution.
It is a conundrum because the Courts--having ruled against allowing one
perceived religious agenda to challenge the evolutionary basis of the Origins
of all that exists--obviously cannot rule to allow another perceived religious
agenda to have its way by denying that challenge. Both sides are seeking to
vindicate their teachings about a certain "Origins Scenario" involving
evolutionism. Both are religious and cannot be recognized in the USA
according to numerous Constitution -based Court rulings.
The gravity of this unique conundrum is heightened by the unavoidable
responsibility of the Courts to define and implement a non-religious solution.
Not in dispute here is the universal recognition that man’s knowledge cannot
go further back in time than the Origin of all that exists. Irrefutably, man’s
knowledge must begin with a concept of the Origin of all that exists, himself
Equally irrefutable is the universal agreement upon the overriding purpose of
education, be it government funded or not. That purpose is to acquire
knowledge, i.e., that which is known to be true. The obvious importance for
learners of all ages to acquire demonstrably accurate information about the
most rudimentary knowledge there can be, namely, knowledge about the
Origin of the universe, earth, and mankind, can hardly be overstated or
argued against.
Therefore, to address this pressing need, the Court’s options in this matter
rapidly and inexorably dwindle to one and one alone.
Ruling in favor of those seeking to challenge evolutionism is not an option for
the same reason that this effort has been ruled against in the past; namely, its
intent is to support the "Origins Scenario" of a certain religion, which intent
has been ruled unconstitutional. Likewise, those seeking to stop any
challenge to their pro-evolution monopoly cannot be upheld as in the past
because the intent of keeping and protecting that evolutionary teaching is now
known to validate the "Origins Scenario" of yet another religion, thus rendering
that opposition unconstitutional on the very same grounds.
Furthermore, for obvious reasons, neither is the compromise of "theistic
evolutionism" an option that is open to the Courts.
This would-be solution argues that it is acceptable to attribute the creation of
everything to some g’d of one’s choice, but that it must be understood that
whatever g’d is chosen has used the prescribed evolutionary process over
billions of years to do the creating. Both components of this compromise are
religious and are therefore not a constitutional option for the Courts. It must be
noted also that the only God and the only "Origins Scenario" that is ruled out
by this alleged compromise is the God and the scenario taught in the Bible. In
point of fact, the g’d of the Pharisee Religion’s "Origins Scenario" which
provides the billions of years required by the Evolution Paradigm, fits this
"compromise" perfectly in the eyes of many Kabbalist Rabbis and Rebbes and
is, therefore, just another extension of that religion.
Beyond those facts--and setting aside whatever frivolous options there may
be--there is only one constitutionally legal option open to the Courts. In light of
the religious agenda of both the anti and pro evolution parties, that single legal
solution is one that neither of these religions can convincingly reject in good
faith nor refuse to embrace without exposing their fear of ignominious and
irreversible defeat.
That one option that is open to the Courts is one that is consistent with their
early rulings in one major respect, namely; those rulings were based on an
accepted and judicious conclusion that a secular science solution
accommodated both the "Establishment Clause" of the 1st Amendment and
the "Separation Clause" of Jefferson’s writings, and that conclusion was,
therefore, Constitutional.
Thus, the Courts have already determined what option is open to them to
adjudicate this hugely important but heretofore interminable controversy. That
option has been--and now is--to rule that only science which is strictly secular
meets the Constitutional requirement and that it alone may be taught with
public monies.
Since this was and is the only unclouded judicial option open to the Courts,
the guidelines for enforcing this ruling must be equally unclouded. It will
therefore be incumbent upon the Courts to issue the following guidelines for
curriculums in the physical and biological sciences:
1)Henceforth, in a period to be no longer than ninety days after the Court
Order is handed down, only the known, factual, non- theoretical Laws of
Science which apply to all levels of knowledge about the Origin of the
universe, the earth, all plant and animal life, and human life itself, shall be
counted as true secular science in tax- supported centers of learning
throughout the United States.
2)All theoretical science which would tend to weigh in favor of either the Biblebased religion’s "Origins Scenario" or the Kabbala-based religion’s "Origins
Scenario" shall be superseded by factual science when the two conflict. In all
such cases theoretical science shall not be regarded as secular science
evidence from which final conclusions can be drawn, and said theoretical
science will play no role in any testing that students may undergo.
It would be hard to conceive of a more poignant example of the danger to the
rights of students to be taught true science rather than theoretical science
than the example evaluated herein. Cloaking itself under the title of
"theoretical science", the Pharisee Religion has succeeded in establishing in
the USA and around the world, its evolution-based "Origins Scenario" built
entirely upon theoretical science concepts. Those surreptitiously implanted
and fraudulently propagated concepts have fulfilled a religious agenda and
deceived even the Courts thereby.
Accordingly, in addition to the guidelines above, and with proper concern for
the impact of evolutionary teachings in learning disciplines outside of the
physical and biological sciences, every theoretical concept upholding the
Pharisee religion’s evolution-based Origins Model in those disciplines will be
classified as spurious and the discipline’s teachings restructured to fit only the
known facts.
For example: World History Courses which begin with the acceptance of
theoretical evolutionary premises about proto-human ancestors, etc., will
subject those premises not only to the scientific Laws of Biogenesis and
Thermodynamics, but also to the abundant falsified claims of evolutionary
paleontologists, the egregiously fraudulent dating techniques that are used,
etc. Factual evidence which has never failed to be certified by observation and
experiment throughout all of man’s history will establish the parameters of
knowledge here as in all subjects. All hypothetical and theoretical
assumptions which contradict demonstrable, observable, repeatable, testable
criteria for determining true knowledge will be inadmissible in the curriculums
of tax-supported schools and universities.
Tax-supported education will henceforth be mindful that the root word for
"science" is the Latin: "scire", which means "to know". To hypothesize and
theorize is legitimate scientific endeavor when trying to uncover and establish
a true scientific fact. However, to permit hypotheses and theories to contradict
and override demonstrable, observable, repeatable facts and laws of science
is to willfully endorse teachings which can be essential to the survival and
furtherance of a particular religion, as demonstrated by the evolution teaching,
and can not be Constitutionally approved in the USA.
The perfect resolution of the debate over evolutionism is now within the grasp
of the Courts, high and low, viz.: Educate only with the known facts of science,
and let those facts form each student’s conclusions about the Origin of the
universe, the earth, and mankind.
With a fact-based foundation about the Origin of all that exists serving as a
cornerstone for all other knowledge that is built upon it, students and all
seekers after truth in all subjects can confidently set about living their lives
and shaping their beliefs in accordance with the dictates of the facts they have
learned. The Constitution has been rightly interpreted, to wit: No tax funded
education can teach an Origins Scenario that is derived from a Religion's holy
book. That interpretation must now be applied to the Pharisee Religion's Big
Bang Evolutionary Paradigm which is derived concept for concept from its
holy book Zohar/Kabbala.
This "Brief" is to be read in conjunction with the documented Paper entitled:
"Evolution is a Religious Doctrine that is Taught in Violation
of the Establishment Clause of the U. S. Constitution"