4.2 - Survey Zone Leak Inspection Log Template

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Equipment Label
[Add columns as needed for each
Run Hours
Load Hours
Motor Starts
Regulator Hours
Output PSI
Inspection Date
Leak Tag #
Zone/Area Inspected
Leak Type
Line Pressure
Line Size
Line Temperature
General Leak Size or dBµV
Leak Cost
Usage Reduction
General Comments
Equipment Label: List a recognizable title for supply equipment being tracked.
Date/Time: List the date and time when supply equipment data was documented.
Run Hours: List the number of run hours between the inspection periods (month, quarter, etc.) for the
supply equipment.
Load Hours: List the number of hours the equipment was under a load between the inspection periods
(month, quarter, etc.) for the supply equipment.
Motor Starts: List how many times the equipment was started between the inspection periods (month,
quarter, etc.) for the supply equipment.
Regulator Hours: List the number of hours documented on the regulator between the inspection periods
(month, quarter, etc.) for the supply equipment.
Output PSI: List the current PSI of compressed air being produced by the supply equipment.
Inspection Date: List the date on which the survey zone inspection was performed or the leak was found.
Leak Tag #: List the number of leak tag attached or to be attached, if applicable.
Survey Zone Leak Inspection Log - Template ■ PB1.4
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Zone/Area Inspected: Describe the general location and area being inspected (for example: mapped leak
survey zone, production line, department, room, etc.)
Leak Type: List what is leaking (for example: compressed air, steam, water, vacuum, product, waste,
Line Pressure: List the operating pressure of the line that is leaking.
Line Size: List the size of the line that is leaking.
Line Temperature: List the temperature of the line that is leaking. Measure the temperature from the bare
piping surface if no temperature gauge installed; do not measure from surface of any insulation.
General Leak Size or dBµV: Describe the leak size (for example, pinhole, 1/32”, 1/8”, etc.) or decibel
reading from ultrasonic detector. Alternately, prioritize the leak size or dBµV as high, medium, low.
CFM: List the reading from the mass flow sensor or the reading that is calculated from ultrasonic detector
or appendix data on the line that is leaking.
Leak Cost: Calculate the approximate cost of the leak using the method identified in the procedure.
Survey Zone Leak Inspection Log - Template ■ PB1.4
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