Rules (requirements) to the text layout and content of the scientific matters for publication in the "Audit" magazine (confirmed in a panel session of the editorial staff d/d 25.08.2014) The following requirements to the text layout of the scientific matters are accepted in the "Audit" magazine: 1. Scientific articles sent for publication in the "Audit" magazine should meet the following requirements: 1.1. Writing a scientific article the author has to stick to the following structure of the text: 1.1.1. The heading of the article. The heading should be both in Russian and in English. Such information as: last name, first name and patronymic name (in full) of the authors; the name of the scientific establishment or scientific organization where the work was written; authors' specialities, degrees and ranks; e-mail and contact number for contacting with the edition - should be included both in Russian and in English. The heading should meet the following requirements: reflect the content clearly and be informative, there cannot be any transliteration in the headings while translating them from Russian into English, except uninterpretable proper names and names of other objects; uninterpretable slang known only to Russian speaking scientists also cannot be used. Authors' last names should be in Russian language and in the Latin alphabet. For making your work easier, we recommend you to use the following instructions: you can use the program for transliteration of the Russian text in the Latin alphabet on the website for free. Instructions: Choose BGN on the website. The window of switching between the standards is situated on the right above the line with alphabetic letters. Before 1 "Audit" magazine, Certificate of registration in the Russian Federation No 015245 d/d 04.09.1996 Rules (requirements) to the text layout of the scientific matters for publication in the "Audit" magazine placing the text in the operating field and before beginning the transliteration make sure that you have chosen BGN standard. Then you place authors' last names in the operating field and select button "translit". Formally approved organization name - place of work (study) in subjunctive case is indicated in Russian language. Full translated formally approved organization name is indicated in English language. An exception is uninterpretable into English firm names. They are transliterated. It is necessary to use the rules of writing organization names in English language: all significant words (except articles and prepositions) must begin with a capital letter. Example: Таганрогский технологический институт Южного федерального университета (in Russian language) Taganrog Technological Institute, South Federal University (in English language). 1.1.2. Annotation. Describes tasks and objectives of the research, its thematic justification and novelty and also possibilities of its practical use (3-5 sentences) both in Russian and in English. 1.1.3. Significant words, word combinations (not more than 10 words) both in Russian and in English, which reflect the main line of the research. Significant words are text marks introducing the content of the article and which can be used to find the article and to determine topical area of the text. So, to pick up significant words, list the key terms which are used in the article. 1.1.4. Body of the text of the article, which may be divided into introduction, data on the research method, experimental procedure and conclusions. Introduction – is the value of examined scientific facts in theory and in practice. Data on the research method – is the scientific research itself, previous research works on the topic of the article and statistics which are used by the author in the article. 2 "Audit" magazine, Certificate of registration in the Russian Federation No 015245 d/d 04.09.1996 Rules (requirements) to the text layout of the scientific matters for publication in the "Audit" magazine Experimental procedure – it is an analysis, integration and explanation of personal data or the comparison of other theories. By volume it is central part in the article. 1.1.5. Conclusions – are the answers to the questions, set in the introduction of the article. 1.1.6. Bibliography. It is executed in accordance with regulatory requirements of bibliographical entry (National State Standard RF 7.052008) both in Russian and in English languages. 1.2. Executing the article it is necessary to keep the following technical requirements: 1.2.1. typing in the text editor Microsoft Word; 1.2.2. font - Times New Roman, font size – 14 pt; page size: А4 (210х297 mm), borders: 20 mm – from above, 25 mm – from below, from the left and right, line interval – one-and-a-half; 1.2.3. text justification – breadth wise; 1.2.4. new passage begins with a new line indented 1,3–1,5 sm; 1.2.5. clipping is not allowed, except generally accepted. Abbreviations while mentioned for the first time should be fully expanded (for example: Трудовой кодекс Российской Федерации – ТК РФ). 1.3. Language. Edition is taking the materials for publication in Russian language. The articles in English can be accepted but together with translation into Russian. 1.4. Basic requirements, applicable to illustrative matters. 1.4.1. Tables and pictures in the article should have a reference to the text, numbering, heading (for the table) or picture caption (for the picture). 1.4.2. Formulas should be executed in built-in "Equation Editor". The formulas should be typed in Roman characters (basic size of the symbol is 14 pt) and numbered from the right in parenthesis. The length of the formula together with the number cannot be more than 10 sm. 3 "Audit" magazine, Certificate of registration in the Russian Federation No 015245 d/d 04.09.1996 Rules (requirements) to the text layout of the scientific matters for publication in the "Audit" magazine 1.4.3. Tables, schemes and diagrams should be built in the text and be connected with (should be editable) the source program in which they were maid (Excel, Corel Draw 10.0–11.0). 1.4.4. Illustrations on the article topic and photographs of the authors are welcomed. The photograph in electronic format should be of density not less than 300 dpi. Scanned pictures are not accepted. 1.5. Basic requirements, applicable to the bibliographical references: 1.5.1. Bibliographical references in the article is a required element of the article. Articles which do not have bibliographical references, are not accepted to publication. 1.5.2. Bibliographical references should be executed in accordance with regulatory requirements of bibliographical entry (National State Standard RF 7.05-2008) both in Russian and in English languages. 1.5.3. All hyperlinks should be executed in accordance with National State Standard RF 7.0.5-2008 consistently: only with dots, no dashes between the parts of the description. 1.5.4. Double slash mark separates the description of larger document, on which text item the author refers to. There is no dot before double slash mark //. Spaces before and after // are necessary. 1.5.5. Do not use hyperlinks-footnotes for pointing bibliographical references. 2. We draw the authors' attention to the necessity to provide high professional quality of translation of the article heading, annotation, significant words and bibliographical references (names of original sources) into English language. Mechanical translation with help of program systems (translation tools) doesn't provide required quality. It is important to note that this information in English language is the main and, as a rule, the only source of information about the content of the article and written in it research results for foreign scientists and experts. 3. Non-observance of these requirements may become a reason for refusal in publication or lengthen the duration of preparation of the materials for printing. 4 "Audit" magazine, Certificate of registration in the Russian Federation No 015245 d/d 04.09.1996 Rules (requirements) to the text layout of the scientific matters for publication in the "Audit" magazine