Minutes for organization meeting (long form)

Idea Charter School Governance Board
Meeting Minutes
Sept. 15, 2014
The regular meeting of the Idea Charter School Governance Board was called to order at
11:32 on Sept. 15, 2014 in Idea Charter School Conference Room by Matt Yde.
Matt Yde, Sue Thompson, Patrick Schmidt, Steve Pophal, Andy Dercks, Heather Martell,
Jacob Eckmann, Addison Narlock, Kris Weirauck, Patricia McMurtrie, Peter Vance.
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
The July 3 Greenheck Grant will be formally approved after all data is in. Members
discussed how the Idea Budget and transactions would be reported and the information
disseminated. Jane Miller will work with Heather Martell and Pam Eckmann to establish
Student Representatives Report
Jacob Eckmann reported that a group of Idea Charter students set up a presentation at
UWSP to promote a tutoring program. Several people expressed interest in coming to
Idea for their Student Teaching, and Andy Dercks made an appointment for a Science
Student Teacher from UWSP for Thursday, Sept. 18th.
Addison Narlock explained the duties of Student Ambassadors, which include promoting
Idea Charter School in the community, giving tours to potential students, and manning
the front desk in the afternoons. She expressed a need for more student volunteers.
Administrator’s Report
Steve Pophal gave an update on the construction which is going on in the building. The
warehouse are will be a Professional Development Center. Construction will be messy
and noisy, but it is hopeful that the majority of loud work will be done after school hours.
The project will also make room for the Blessings in a Backpack supplies, the installation
of a fire wall, and room for Shipping and Receiving of district items. Heather Martell
asked about electrical zoning, and Peter Vance asked about the heating of the space. Sue
Thompson brought up the possibility of holding Board meetings in the new area.
Advisor’s Report
Andy Dercks reported that it’s been a very good start to the school year, and students
know what is expected of them. Andy mentioned the Attendance goal, and the report
will be finished for the next Board meeting. It was also brought up that the number of
tests which are required affect scheduling. Andy mentioned that tomorrow night, Sept.
16th, would be the first Parent Meeting night of the 2014-2015 school year. He invited
Board members to attend. Heather Martell asked if the Bike Rally date of May 30 would
be given to parents at this meeting.
Sue Thompson said enrollment is at 57 students, with a stable start to the year. One
anticipated student, minus one out of state move, and one student returning to traditional
school; however, number of leaving students is decreasing. The current ratio is 19:1.
Committee Reports/Parents Groups
Peter Vance and Matt Yde brought up the question of what committees to have to
maximize involvement and volunteerism. Peter spoke with parents at the Open House.
55 families attended the Open House and were encouraged to become involved with Idea
Charter School. Free marketing tools, such as getting our name out in the community by
radio and T.V. sponsorship was discussed.
Handbook Approval
There were no major changes to the Student Handbook; however, Jacques DuVair did
make some changes to the calendar. Sue Thompson brought up the idea of mandatory
conferencing at the end of the year. Instead of Spring Conferences, parents would be
required to attend a conference which would be scheduled the last three days of school.
Students’ PLP’s would be discussed, educational growth, test scores and learning target
goals. It was felt that this would be a calmer, more relaxed form of communication
between parents, staff and students. A conference in the Spring is also an option for
parents who request it.
The addition of 15 minutes in the school day would accommodate Math. Mr. Strand
comes each afternoon to teach Math. The addition of these minutes met with O student
complaints. The idea of a later start time was brought up by Sue Thompson, as research
indicates that students learn better later in the day. The majority of parents in an informal
poll were against this idea, mainly because of the hardship of getting students to school
when a parent is working. Doors would still be open for students to come in early, and
either socialize or work on their projects.
Back to back Home Study Days were explained. There has not been enough time at the
end of one block to close previous projects and be ready for the next.
Sue Thompson made a motion to approve the calendar. Heather Martell seconded it and
motion was approved.
Restructuring Committees
Peter Vance suggested expanding membership to the Governance Board. What would be
the requirements and would it be necessary to have a formal process for accepting new
members? Kris Weirauch brought up the need to see how committed a prospective
member was before choosing him or her for membership. The creation of ad hoc
committees for specific projects, and chairpersons for these was discussed.
Patrick Schmidt will head a Marketing Committee and work with the community to
enhance school/community partnerships.
The fact that Advisors should be teaching and taking care of students versus running the
administration of the school was discussed. Matt Yde mentioned the lack of a CEO in
the organization, and will speak with the district regarding having increased
administrative presence that would be accountable to the Board.
English Position
The need for and English teacher was brought up by Andy Dercks. The tests students are
required to take involve grammar, writing and English skills which are very extensive
and necessitate extra teaching. Pending budget approval, a posting for this position can
go out; however, actual hiring cannot be done until approval is given. Depending upon
future enrollment, the possibility of a fourth advisor was discussed. The maximum
enrollment has been met, with six graduating seniors this year.
Heather Martell made a motion to move forward with the posting, Peter Vance seconded.
Motion was carried.
Adjournment – Peter Vance made a motion to adjourn. Patricia McMurtrie seconded,
and the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m.