Controlled entities - Department of Treasury and Finance

Controlled entities
Note 41 Controlled entities within the 2012-13 Financial Report for the State of Victoria contains a list of
significant controlled entities which have been consolidated for the purposes of the financial report.
Following is a list of general government sector entities and entities included as investments by the
general government sector that have changed since 1 July 2013 or are expected to change for the budget
year 2014-15. Unless otherwise noted below, all such entities are wholly owned.
Controlled entities (a)
Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development (b)
Department of Environment and Primary
Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of
Victoria (c)
Agriculture Victoria Services Pty Ltd (c)
Dairy Food Safety Victoria (c)
Murray Valley Citrus Board (c)
Murray Valley Wine Grape Industry
Development Committee (c)
Northern Victorian Fresh Tomato Industry
Development Committee (c)
Phytogene Pty Ltd (c)
PrimeSafe (c)
VicForests (c)
Victorian Strawberry Industry Development
Committee (c)
Department of Premier and Cabinet (d)
Shrine of Remembrance Trustees (e)
Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council (e)
Victorian Public Sector Commission (d)
Victorian Veterans Council (e)
Department of State Development, Business
and Innovation
CenITex (f)
Energy Safe Victoria (g)
Regional Development Victoria (h)
Department of Transport, Planning and Local
Infrastructure (i)(j)
Architects Registration Board of Victoria (k)
Heritage Council (k)
Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust (k)
Metropolitan Planning Authority (l)
Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria (k)
Victorian Building Authority (k)(m)
Victorian Institute of Sport Limited (k)
Victorian Institute of Sport Trust (k)
Melbourne and Olympic Parks Trust (k)
State Sport Centres Trust (k)
Urban Renewal Authority Victoria (Places
Victoria) (k)
Entities included as
investments in other sectors
Controlled entities (a)
Entities included as
investments in other sectors
Effective 1 July 2013, the following departments ceased to exist and had their functions and operations transferred to other Victorian
government departments:
– Department of Planning and Community Development; and
– Department of Primary Industries.
The Education and Training Reform Amendment (Dual Sector Universities) Act 2013 was enacted and gave effect to the deconsolidation of
the four dual sector TAFE divisions of universities from 1 January 2014:
– Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology;
– Swinburne University of Technology;
– University of Ballarat ; and
– Victoria University.
Entities moved as a result of the machinery of government changes effective 1 July 2013 from the Department of Primary Industries to the
Department of Environment and Primary Industries.
Effective 1 April 2014, the States Services Authority will cease to exist and operations will be transferred to the Victorian Public Sector
Entities moved as a result of the machinery of government changes effective 1 July 2013 from the Department of Planning and Community
Development to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Effective from 29 August 2013, CenITex was transferred from the Department of Treasury and Finance to the Department of State
Development, Business and Innovation.
Entity moved as a result of the machinery of government changes effective 1 July 2013 from the Department of Primary Industries to the
Department of State Development, Business and Innovation.
Entity moved as a result of the machinery of government changes effective 1 July 2013 from the Department of Planning and Community
Development to the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation.
The Public Transport Ticketing Body was put into administration on 1 January 2013 with operations to cease on 30 June 2013. All functions
were transferred to Public Transport Victoria, a general government entity.
Effective 1 July 2013, the Building Commission and Plumbing Industry Commission ceased to exist and operations were transferred to the
Victorian Building Authority.
Entity moved as a result of the machinery of government changes effective 1 July 2013 from the Department of Planning and Community
Development to the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure.
Effective 9 October 2013, the Growth Areas Authority was renamed the Metropolitan Planning Authority.
On 1 July 2013, the Victorian Building Authority commenced operations.
The Court Services Victoria Act 2014 establishes Court Services Victoria as a statutory public sector body to provide the administrative
services and facilities for the Victoria’s courts and the Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal taking effect from 1 July 2014 and accordingly
estimates for 2014-15 reflect this separation.