B/12/0136 BOSTON BOROUGH COUNCIL Planning Committee 26 June 2012 Reference Number: Application Type: B/12/0156 Application Expiry Date Outline Planning Permission Proposal Description At: Outline application (with all matters reserved) for the erection of six, 3bedroomed houses following demolition of existing Drainage Board office building 72 Carlton Road, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 8PB For: Mr Stuart Hemmings, Black Sluice IDB Third Party Reps: Author of Report: Parish: Ward Name: Paul Edwards Date of Report: 10 July 2012 Boston Town Area Committee Staniland North 15 June 2012 MAIN RECOMMENDATION: GRANT outline planning permission 1.0 REASON FOR REPORT 1.1 This application has been reported to Committee in the light of neighbour objections and although additional publicity will not have expired until two days after the day of Committee the application would go out of time if it was presented to the July meeting. 2.0 PROPOSAL AND BACKGROUND 2.1 The application site is the vacant premises and offices of the Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board located on the west side of Carlton Road. The cross roads junction of Carlton Road with Argyle/Fydell Street is approximately 120m to the north and the application site almost faces Albert Street, on the east side of Carlton Road. 2.2 The property is a two storey double fronted detached building in red brick with stone cills and plinths under a double hipped slate roof. Access is presently taken along the north side of the building and there is hard surfacing and parking areas to the north and west of the property, the area to the south is laid out as a lawn behind a significant and previously pollarded poplar and mixed hedge. The southern boundary of the site is defined by an adopted footpath which leads from Carlton Road through to Bartol Crescent at the rear, accessed off Brothertoft Road. 2.3 The application is in outline with all matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale – the “reserved matters”) reserved for future Planning Committee Agenda - Planning Committee 26th June 2012 1 B/12/0136 submission and determination. The proposal is for the demolition of the existing building and the erection of six, three bedroomed houses. An indicative drawing shows three pairs of semi detached properties with vehicular access from a point to the south of one of the pairs to serve a rear parking and turning area for the benefit of all of the proposed houses. There is no relevant planning history to the site; replacement windows were approved in 2008. 3.0 RELEVANT POLICY BACKGROUND 3.1 The application site is within the defined development limits of Boston without allocation, it is not within a Conservation Area and there are no listed buildings in the vicinity of the site. The majority of the site is in the Danger for All hazard category; with a depth of flooding in the range of 0.5m to 1m category whilst the Council’s SFRA shows that the site has a low probability from all sources of flooding. 3.2 In policy terms this is a windfall housing site to which saved Local Plan Policy H2 applies. Policy H2 would permit housing within settlement development limits subject to the satisfaction of criteria relating to no loss of open space or a frontage which contributes significantly to the character of the area; that the site is not too small to accommodate the development; the resultant properties and curtilages are of a size and character which reflects current density and that it does not constitute tandem or backland development. 3.3 Policy H3 relates to the quality of housing development with criteria relating to the environment for residents; that the scheme is compatible in relation to layout, density, design and materials with the existing; not close to an existing use which could cause environmental problems and it will not aggravate traffic conditions. Policy G1: General Amenity reflects the criteria in those policies above. Policy G6 requires satisfactory pedestrian and vehicular access. 4.0 REPRESENTATIONS 4.1 A petition with the signatures of four Carlton Road residents has been received which objects to the application. The grounds relate to the existing building being very fine, the only one of its type left on Carlton Road and that to destroy it would down grade the area more than has happened with the increase in traffic and footfall over the years since the school was built. Many of the houses, they say, are in multiple occupation so they feel outnumbered and must make a stand against loosing a grand house and gardens. 4.2 You are requested to resolve to receive the petition and take it into account in your determination. Planning Committee Agenda - Planning Committee 26th June 2012 2 B/12/0136 4.3 Additional letters for Bartol Crescent residents have a ‘response by’ date of 28 June 2012. One resident has contacted the office by phone to say that there is no objection assuming the footpath link is unaffected. 5.0 RELEVANT CONSULTATIONS 5.1 The Environment Agency has replied with comment that the application will meet national guidance if the finished floor levels are raised 1m above existing ground level and that the Flood Risk Assessment is implemented in accordance with the submitted details. Conditions on any approval relating to those matters are requested. 5.2 The County Highway Authority has responded with No Objections subject to condition(s) to relate to the new vehicular access. 6.0 PLANNING ISSUES AND DISCUSSION 6.1 The application seeks permission, in principle for six new residential properties on the site of these former offices. Although there is an indicative layout, this would not form part of any determination, other than it is designed to show that this is one way in which six properties may be satisfactorily accommodated on the site. Similarly, the access is indicative and although I am not convinced with the large rear car parking area, this does actually exist at the moment but will be considered in detail at the time of any submission of the reserved matters. 6.2 The Design and Access Statement (DAS) says that the indicative layout shows the reinforcement of the character of Carlton Road given the existing building line and that there is a mixture of semi detached and terraced housing. 6.3 The intention to raise floor levels to 1m above existing is being investigated given that the site is in a Low Probability of flooding category - although the DAS does suggest that any new dwellings will have the same eaves height as the existing building (7.4m) even with the raising of floor levels. 6.4 The density, with six on this site, would be ~33 dph and given the prevalence of terraced properties on this side of the road; with semi detached and some detached on the east side, this is an appropriate scale and can be in keeping with the character of the area consistent with Policies H2 and H3. The immediate neighbours to the north and south are both end of terrace properties whilst the Bartol Crescent properties to the rear are semi detached houses. Overall the footprint of the indicative proposals is similar to that which exists; the terraces on this side of the road generally all have conjoined two storey rear projections which give a uniform character. 6.5 The proposal is neither backland nor tandem development and the existing frontage which comprises a rather dense hedge is neither open nor worthy of protection under Policy H2. The demolition of the property in isolation of this application would require ‘prior approval’ in order to exercise ‘permitted Planning Committee Agenda - Planning Committee 26th June 2012 3 B/12/0136 development’ rights but otherwise there is no protection of this unlisted building outside of a Conservation Area. The reuse of the site and more efficiently to provide housing in a sustainable location outweighs any local interest the building mighty possess. 6.6 Carlton Road here has on street parking restrictions on both sides in the vicinity of the site; it is relatively straight with good visibility and speed restrictors across the carriageway. There are no highway objections to the granting of outline planning permission. 6.7 The presumption in favour of sustainable development suggests that this housing development of a suitable scale on previously developed land within development limits of a major settlement resulting in more housing choice and a more efficient use of land can be compliant with the NPPF. 7.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 7.1 At this outline stage the layout is purely indicative (but not the numbers) but it does demonstrate that outline planning permission can be granted since it has been demonstrated that the site is suitable for this type and scale or development. The proposed numbers can be accommodated on this site and the application, it is recommended, is compliant with Local Plan policies, particularly Policies H2 and H3. 7.2 The publicity exercise does not finish until 28 June and thus the recommendation is that you are Minded to Grant this application subject to the standard and other outline conditions set out below, the resolution of the floor raising issue, and that authority is delegated to the Development Control Manager to release any permission after the expiry of the period unless any new matters, which have not been previously considered by Committee are received before 28 June. 8.0 RECOMMENDATION A: That Committee receives the petition and takes it into account in the determination of the application, and B: Authority to Grant outline planning permission subject to the conditions set out below is Delegated to the Development Control Manager upon the expiry of the publicity period provided that no new matters which have not already been considered by Committee are raised. 1. Approval of the details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (hereinafter called “the reserved matters”) shall be obtained from the local planning authority in writing before any development is commenced. Reason: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Planning Committee Agenda - Planning Committee 26th June 2012 4 B/12/0136 2. Application for approval of reserved matters shall be made to the local planning authority not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved. Reason: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 4. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the Design and Access Statement dated April 2012 the Flood Risk Assessment approved Dwg no 0000/1 Site Plan Reason: To ensure the development is undertaken in accordance with the approved details and to accord with Adopted Local Plan Policies H2, H3, G1 and G6. Reason for Granting Planning Permission The application site is previously developed land within the development limits of a major settlement and as such is a windfall housing site, the development of which would be in accordance with saved Local Plan Polices H2, H3, G1 and G6. Subject to the satisfactory consideration of the reserved matters there are no matters which outweigh the principle of residential development and any local value the existing building might have, which is un listed and not within a Conservation Area is outweighed by the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Policies Boston Borough Local Plan G1: Amenity G6: Vehicular and pedetsrian access H2: Windfall housing sites H3: Quality of housing development Paul Edwards Development Control Manager Planning Committee Agenda - Planning Committee 26th June 2012 5 B/12/0156 Planning Committee Agenda - Planning Committee 26 June 2012 1