Grant County Schools Standards Based Map Ag 3 – Advanced Principles of Agriculture Timeline Standard(s) Aug 0136.1 • supply and demand. • entrepreneurship. • business planning. 0136.2 • execute supply-and-demand principles in agri-businesses. 0136.3 0136.9 Student I Can Statement(s) / Learning Target(s) • demonstrate entrepreneurship, including idea generation, opportunity analysis and assessment. • consumer needs. • marketing principles. • advertising. Essential Question s Academic Vocabular y Strategie s/ Activitie s Resource s/ Material s Assessment s How does supply and demand affect your SAE? How does supply and demand affect your SAE? How does supply and demand affect your SAE? How does supply and demand affect your SAE? Entrepre neur Design a busines s plan for your SAE iCEV, Graded Whetzel plan Entrepre neur Design a busines s plan for your SAE iCEV, Quiz Whetzel Entrepre neur Design a busines s plan for your SAE iCEV, Group Whetzel discussio n, questions, participati on Entrepre neur Design a busines s plan for your SAE iCEV, Graded Whetzel advertisin g plan, radio ad and verbal presentati on Notes / Self Reflectio n Grant County Schools Standards Based Map Sept 01036.11 0136.39 0136.4 How identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, based on can I • knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics, and market cost and markup factors. my ham Added value, marketin g niche and bacon hog? use hand tools, such as shovels, rakes, pruning saws, saws, hedgeCan I • use or brush trimmers, or axes. lanscapi ng as my SAE? • identify components of business plans and demonstrate how to How do I write write such components using the SMART format. Entrepre neur using the SMAR T format? 0136.14, 0136.15, 0136.16, 0136.17, 0136.18, 0136.19, 0136.20, 0136.21 determine types or quantities of crops or livestock to be raised, Why is • according to factors such as market conditions, federal programs itor importa incentives, or soil conditions. nt to keep good maintain financial, operational, production, or employment records • records for farms. for my monitor activities such as irrigation, chemical application, SAE? • harvesting, milking, breeding, or grading to ensure adherence to • evaluate marketing or sales alternatives for farm products. safety regulations. plan crop activities based on factors such as crop maturity or • weather conditions. • prepare budgets or financial reports for farm or ranch operations. • analyze market conditions to determine acreage allocations. Profit, loss, supply, demand, irrigation , marketin g strategies Meat lab hog process ing Whetzel Participat /Yokum ion grade Pruning the schools shrubs and trees PSU video on pruning shrubs and trees Whetzel - NC Entrepr eneursh ip lesson Participat ion grade AET, iCEV Completi on of SAE Record Book, Workshee t grade Reeval uate your busines s plan for your SAE iCEV worksh eet, scenari o, video, record books, Workshee t on selfevaluatio n Grant County Schools Standards Based Map Oct 0136.25, 0136.26, 0136.27, 0136.28 0136.29 0136.22 0136.10 • buy or sell futures contracts or price farm products in advance of future sales to minimize risk or maximize profits. • describe the functions of major organs in the male and female reproductive systems. select breeding animals based on characteristics of the reproductive organs. • summarize factors that lead to reproductive maturity. • evaluate and select animals for reproductive readiness. • evaluate reproductive problems that occur in animals. • • animal selection. • animal physiology. • How can underst anding the reprodu ctive cycle of animals improve my SAE? Or save me money? How do I select an ideal animal for my SAE? formulate, direct and coordinate marketing activities to promote Can I market products and services. my SAE? Refer to male and female terms Posters, interact ive CD Rom, Worksh eets iCEV, Quiz on OSU Parts Interacti ve CD Rom and Animal Science Kits Refer to different breeds and species for specific terms “” and videos “” and Penn State Judging Manual Student s are given a scenari o to develop their own SAE with a fictitiou s grant Whetzel They must develop the marketing scheme, develop it, draw it and try to sell it to the class. Scores on judging a class of animals Grant County Schools Standards Based Map Nov 0136.13 • • • • AG 11 • safety procedures. • accident reporting agencies. • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). AG 14, AG 15, AG 16, AG 17, AG 18 • • • • • AG 31 • • • Why is safety so importa nt? PPE, OSHA, Student s are given a scenari o to develop their own SAE with a fictitiou s grant iCEV videos Why is develop a plan which outlines the procedures for handling an safety accident. demonstrate operating instructions before using any equipment. so importa establish procedures for safe evacuation of the worksite in the nt? event of an emergency. follow safety and security procedures. wear PPE as required for specified task. What literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex. real-world problems associated with their career/technical contentdoes reading area. and improve their thinking and reasoning skills. writing PPE, OSHA, iCEV videos market conditions. growing conditions. production agriculture. break-even costs. Do I underst and the conditio ns that are ideal for my SAE? have to do with real world stuff? Worksh eets, coopera tive learnin g activity , writing assign ment Whetzel They must develop the marketing scheme, develop it, draw it and try to sell it to the class. iCEV and Whetzel ’s collecti on iCEV and Whetzel ’s collecti on TEST!!! To be filed for proof FFA Horizon s Magazi ne, New Holland Magazi ne Graded paper in Portfolio TEST!!! To be filed for proof Grant County Schools Standards Based Map AG 34, AG 35 demonstrate accuracy in calculating and measuring graphical How do I show • work required to complete career/technical assignments and my projects. • analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and projects. AG 26 SAE success ? Etiquette confer with customers by telephone or in person to provide What can , • information about products or services, take or enter orders, cancel fundrais manners, accounts, or obtain details of complaints. Prepare graphs to show the growth of their SAE in hours, product ion number , or money Fruit Sale Students will present the PowerPoi nt in class. Ag25 • customer needs assessment. • quality standards for services. • evaluation of customer satisfaction. “” “” “” Whetzel Writing a letter of complaint to a company or answerin ga complaint letter “” “” AG 27, AG 28, AG 29, AG 30 keep records of customer interactions or transactions, recording“” • details of inquiries, complaints, or comments, as well as actions taken. “” “” “” ing do please, for you? thankyou Dec Use of PowerP oint • check to ensure that appropriate changes were made to resolve customers' problems. • determine charges for services requested, collect deposits or payments, or arrange for billing. • refer unresolved customer grievances to designated departments for further investigation. “” Grant County Schools Standards Based Map Jan AG 7, AG 8, AG 9 0136.23, 0136.24 What is develop and present a statement of their personal work ethic you beliefs. • prepare an application, cover letter, resume and thank you letter. work ethic? • create a personal portfolio for use when applying for employment. • research and control animal selection and breeding practices to increase production efficiency and improve animal quality. determine genetic composition of animal populations and heritability of traits, utilizing principles of genetics. 0136.30, 0136.31, 0136.32, 0136.33, 0136.34, 0136.35, 0136.36 What is the best breedin g practice for my SAE? What is explain the advantages of using genetically superior animals in the the best production of animals and animal products. breedin • select a breeding system based on the principles of genetics. g • explain the processes of natural and artificial breeding methods. practice for my select animal breeding methods based on reproductive and • SAE? economic efficiency. compare and contrast quantitative breeding value differences • between genetically superior animals and animals of average W genetic value. explain the processes of major reproductive management practices, • including estrous synchronization, superovulation, flushing and embryo transfer. explain the materials, methods and processes of artificial • insemination. • Ethics, resume, cover letter, portfolio Lecture discussi on, worksh eets, group activitie s Basic Videos, terms of worksh female eets, reproduct lecture ion discussi system, on, lab embryo activitie transfer s terms, superovu lation, Punnett square Basic Videos, terms of worksh female eets, reproduct lecture ion discussi system, on, lab embryo activitie transfer s terms, superovu lation, Punnett square iCEV, Portfolio Whetzel , WVU Senior Semina r iCEV, Whetzel , WVU Animal Science Dept., Quiz, group discussio n, questions iCEV, Whetzel , WVU Animal Science Dept., Essay on best practices for you SAE, quiz on Punnett Square Grant County Schools Standards Based Map Feb 0136.5, 0136.6, 0136.7, 0136.8 What is identify approaches in creating mission statements for agriyour businesses. • create and disseminate a mission statement for business activities.busines s prepare short-term, intermediate and long-term goals and mission • objectives that are consistent with the mission statement for an ? agri-business. evaluate business goals and objectives and make revisions based • on observations. Mission, goal, objective Lecture discussi on, worksh eets, Whetzel Discussio , iCEV n, students will write their business mission 0136.48 • • • • Can I mix my own pesticid es for my SAE? IPM, pesticide s, fungicide s, herbicide s, iCEV, Penn State IPM, AG.2 • relate skills and abilities to possible career pathways. Can my ham, bacon and egg SAE prepare me for any other jobs? Value added products Worksh eets, video, poster and label game, lab practica l Trimmi ng, smokin g, showin g, selling, slicing hams and bacons Summa rizing of their AET record books AG.33 • • pesticide usage. pesticide mixing. pesticide labels. safe use of pesticides. What demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical do I assignments and projects. need to finalize my AET record book? Profit, loss Test to be placed on file Whetzel Lab participati on grade AET AE5 Report for the state Grant County Schools Standards Based Map March 0136.52 • pesticide use and safety. 0136.49, 0136.50, 0136.51 Can I • fill sprayer tanks with water and chemicals, according to formulas. mix my mix pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides for application to trees, own • shrubs, lawns, or botanical crops. pesticid es for cover areas to specified depths with pesticides, applying my • knowledge of weather conditions, froplet sizes, elevation-toSAE? distance ratios, and obstructions. AG.2 • relate skills and abilities to possible career pathways. 0136.12 0136.52 Can I mix my own pesticid es for my SAE? What can my SAE prepare me for in a future career? use sales forecasting or strategic planning to ensure the sale and Can I • profitability of products, lines, or services, analyzing business make a profit developments and monitoring market trends. with my SAE? • propagating horticultural plants. • cultivating horticultural plants. • harvesting horticultural plants. Can I use gardeni ng as IPM, pesticide s, fungicide s, herbicide s, Prepare the greenho use for the plantin g season IPM, Worksh pesticide eets, s, video, fungicide poster s, and herbicide label s, game, lab practica l Agricultu Lecture ral discussi Careers on, video, worksh eet iCEV, Penn State IPM, Participat ion iCEV, Penn State IPM, Test to be placed on file iCEV Survey on what is the perfect job for them. Analyzin g, trends, forecasti ng, strategic Lecture discussi on, reviewi ng scenari os Group discussio n of the given scenarios Greenho use terminol ogy Greenh ouse labs iCEV, Whetzel , podcast on agricult ure profitab ility WVU Greenh ouse Manage Participat ion in greenhou se Grant County Schools Standards Based Map April 136.53, 136.54, 136.55, 136.56, 136.57, my • growing plants hydroponically. • tools and equipment used in greenhouse and nursery production. SAE? • proper horticultural plant handling and storage. plant, spray, weed, fertilize, and water plants, shrubs, and trees, Can I • use using hand tools and gardening tools. gardeni • harvest plants, and transplant or pot and label them. ng as feel plants' leaves and note their coloring to detect the presence ofmy • SAE? insects or disease. Greenho use terminol ogy Greenh ouse labs WVU Greenh ouse Manage ment Unit Can I give a good intervie w? Traits, character istics Worksh eet on persona l charact eristics, video What real-world problems associated with their career/technical contentdoes • math area. have to • improve their thinking and reasoning skills. do with real world stuff? utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, How do • journals, directions, reports, etc.) to complete career/technical I write a quality assignments and projects. resume? Diameter and radius Worksh eets, coopera tive learnin g activity iCEV , Job Whetzel Interview by an outside source using the WVDE rubric Whetzel Quiz on designe skills and d equations Resume, letter of recomme ndation, reference Writing assign ments: resume, letter of recom mendati on Design a landsca pe plan AG 10 • practice simulated job interviews AG 31 • literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex. AG 32, AG 33 • May 0136.37 ment Unit demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects. • landscape design and maintenance. Can I use landsca ping as Participat ion in greenhou se Internet and WVDE Rubric, Portfolio Internet CAD applicat ion Grade on design Grant County Schools Standards Based Map May 0136.38, 0136.39, 0136.40 0136.41, 0136.42 0136.43 0136.44 0136.45 0136.46 0136.47 my SAE? Can I care for established lawns by mulching, aerating, weeding, use • grubbing, removing thatch, and trimming or edging around flower landsca beds, walks, or walls. ping as use hand tools, such as shovels, rakes, pruning saws, saws, hedgemy • SAE? or brush trimmers, or axes. • • • • • • • • June AG 1 • prune or trim trees, shrubs, or hedges, using shears, pruners, or chain saws. mix and spray or spread fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides onto grass, shrubs, or trees, using hand or automatic sprayers or spreaders. water lawns, trees, or plants, using portable sprinkler systems, hoses, or watering cans. trim or pick flowers and clean flower beds. follow planned landscaping designs to determine where to lay sod, sow grass, or plant flowers or foliage. plant seeds, bulbs, foliage, flowering plants, grass, ground covers, trees, or shrubs and apply mulch for protection, using gardening tools. decorate gardens with stones or plants. attach wires from planted trees to support stakes. What attitudes and work habits that support career retention and can I do advancement. to keep my job? Pruning the schools shrubs and trees Video Participat ion grade Writing assign ment on qualitie s of good work ethics, brainsto rming activity Whetzel , Internet ideas, Use as document ation for Portfolio Grant County Schools Standards Based Map AG24 • participate in career development events. What can I do to support my FFA Chapter ? Practice one of the many CDE contests iCEV for livestoc k judging, Walker for Agrono my State Contest, State recognitio n in state activities.