What are(is) homebound services/instruction? - Iredell

Homebound Introductory Letter
It is the mission of Iredell-Statesville Schools to rigorously challenge all students
to achieve their academic potential and to lead productive and rewarding lives. We will
achieve this mission with the support of parents, staff, and the community. IredellStatesville School District believes that every student can learn and deserves rich
classroom instruction. Iredell-Statesville School District realizes that some
circumstances arise where homebound instruction is necessary in place of attending
regular school. With that being said, many studies have been performed on school
attendance and student achievement, and the results are not surprising “…student test
performance is better when class attendance is better and that students with better
attendance demonstrate more knowledge of the course material.” - (Ledman and
Kamuche, 2002) It needs to be recognized that the student will get the best education
while being at school and not at home. The homebound program is one way Iredell
Statesville Schools is attempting to meet the educational needs of all its students. If a
student is expected to miss school no more than (2) two weeks (high school) or (4) four
weeks (elementary or middle school), the school site should manage assignments, this
would not be considered homebound. The expectation is for students, that would be
eligible, to receive homebound on an "as needed basis". If a student is expected to
miss more than the allotted time, she/he would be eligible for homebound services by
completing the appropriate referral form. If the student is a student with an
Individualized Education Program (IEP) please contact the Coordinator of Disability
Services at ADR. If homebound services will last more than 12 weeks, a new
homebound referral form will need to be completed upon re-evaluation by the
supervising physician. The school team will review the continued need for homebound
every 30 days. If the student has an IEP, the IEP Team will review the need for
continued homebound services through the IEP process. Information that is needed to
enroll your student in the homebound program is found in the following packet. Please
make sure that all forms are complete or delays in processing may occur.
Note: To clear up the misconception that homebound services are not provided
until the student has missed at least (4) four weeks (elementary or middle) or (2)
two weeks (high school): Homebound services ARE to be initiated at the time it is
determined that a student is going to miss at least four weeks (elementary or
middle) or 2 weeks (high school) – NOT after the student has already missed at
least four weeks (elementary or middle) or 2 weeks (high school).
What are/is Homebound Services/Instruction?
Who can receive Homebound Services/Instruction?
Students Hospitalized Out of County
Psychiatric Hospital
As Needed
Exit from Homebound
Record Keeping for Homebound Students
Paperwork Submitted
Paperwork Needed for Homebound Process
Homebound Services/Instruction Information Form
HB Form (1)
Parent Authorization for Homebound Services/Instruction
HB Form (2)
Physician’s Referral for Homebound Services/Instruction
HB Form (3)
Physician’s Referral for OB/GYN Diagnosis
HB Form (4)
Psychiatrist’s Referral for Homebound Services/Instruction
HB Form (5)
Homebound Teacher Contract
HB Form (6)
Survival Guide for Teacher
Class Assignments from Class Instructor
HB Form (7)
Class Assignments from Homebound Teacher
HB Form (8)
Summary of Progress
HB Form (9)
Teachers of Homebound Students
HB Form (10)
Home Visit Record/Attendance Log
HB Form (11)
Homebound Review Form
HB Form (12)
Coordinating EOCs and EOGs
Course Instructor – Regular Education Teacher
EC Case Manager
Homebound Teacher
Homebound Contracts
Homebound Teacher Responsibilities
Home Visit Record/Attendance Log
What are(is) homebound services/instruction?
The purpose of homebound service/instruction is to maintain continuity in the
educational process for those students who, because of an extended illness or
condition, cannot attend school. Iredell-Statesville Schools shall provide instruction,
as appropriate, for student confined to home upon the request of parents and with
the approval of a licensed medical physician.
Homebound instruction is intended to provide short-term tutoring/instruction and
should not replace or duplicate school-based instruction. Therefore, the school
team should prioritize and limit the subject areas to be taught by the homebound
teacher. Homebound instruction, although correlated with what the student is
missing in the classroom, shall be geared to the student’s needs and what the
student is capable of doing during the period away from school. Our goal is to
return students to the school setting as soon as possible. Every 30 days homebound
services will be reviewed.
If homebound instruction needs to continue from one year to the next, the team
should meet prior to the start of the new school year to review the student needs
and complete a new application. If the student is an EC student, please contact the
Coordinator of Disability Services for direction on the process.
Students who are homebound are not to come to on campus without permission
from the site administrator. There are certain exceptions to this rule. For example,
when a student is terminally ill or has a long-term health problem and may require
some peer socialization prior to re-entering the school environment. Another
example when a homebound student is allowed on campus is for EOC/EOG testing
which is arranged through the site testing coordinator and site administrator. While
a student is being served through homebound services/instruction, participation in
school athletics or extra curricular activities is not allowed.
Who can receive homebound services/instruction?
Only students who are enrolled in Iredell-Statesville Schools are eligible for
homebound services/instruction.
Regular or exceptional education students may receive instructional services
in a homebound setting.
A student who is seen by a licensed medical physician and is expected to be
away from the classroom (due to physical or medical reasons) for medical
reasons for at least (4) four weeks (elementary or middle) or (2) two weeks
(high school) is a candidate for homebound services.
Pregnancy cases, which are problematic. Keep in mind that pregnancy in
and of itself does not warrant homebound services. Homebound services are
not provided because if issues related to the child (i.e. lack of childcare,
sickness of a child or because the child is nursing)
A student who is emotionally unstable and is under the care of a psychiatrist
or licensed mental health provider.
When determining if homebound services are appropriate, the following must be
Length of medical absence
Other school options, including: shortened schedule, change of courses, peer
helper, intermittent rest periods (if any of these can be arranged, then
homebound services are not needed.)
Other activities in which students may be involved (if student holds a job,
attends other school functions, or regularly takes part in personal outings in
the community, then homebound is not needed. Other options should be
Students must take all required tests, including EOG, EOC and competency
Students Hospitalized Out of County
A hospitalized student is one who is confined to a hospital for treatment. The
student must be away from the classroom for a minimum of two weeks (high
school) to four weeks (elementary and middle). As long as the student is enrolled in
our school system, he/she may receive services. If a student is confined to a hospital
recognized by the state as having as educational unit, then the student must be
withdrawn from our system and enrolled in the receiving system. For EC students,
please contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at ADR.
Psychiatric Hospital
Hospital/Homebound instruction is not provided to students confined at hospital for
psychiatric reasons.
As Needed
An “as needed” home-based student is one who suffers from medical problems that
may cause regular absences. Such medical conditions may be severe asthma,
chemotherapy/radiation, etc. Schools requesting home-based service during these
absences must follow the same directions as any referred student. However, once
home-based services are approved, the referral need not be resubmitted during the
school year for regular education. For EC students, a decision from the IEP team is
required for as needed services.
Exit from Homebound
The doctor releases the student to return to school.
The homebound teacher completes a summary of progress
If the child is EC, an IEP team (to include the homebound teacher) will determine
placement change.
If the child is 504, the 504 team (to include the homebound teacher) will determine
placement change.
Students are exited from homebound at the end of each year. If homebound
services are continued the following year, new paperwork must be completed.
For EC students, at the student’s annual or re-evaluation IEP meeting during the
school year, a new application is required. Homebound reviews occur every 30
days. Please contact the Coordinator of Disability Services.
Record Keeping for Homebound Students
A student who is served via homebound and who has not attended school at all is
enrolled in the school he/she would normally attend, and receives school credit for
academic work completed.
Paperwork Submitted
For Regular Ed or 504 contact
Kelly Marcy, Executive Director of Student Services
Location: ADR
Phone: 704-832-2502
Fax: 704-871-9973
Email: ganthony@iss.k12.nc.us
For EC contact
Michelle Kendrick, Coordinator of Disability Services
Location: ADR
Phone: 704-873-9432
Fax: 704-871-9553
Email: michelle_kendrick@iss.k12.nc.us
Paperwork Needed for Homebound Process
Homebound Services/Instruction Information Form - HB Form (1)
Parent Authorization - HB Form (2)
Physician’s Referral - HB Form (3)
Physician’s Referral for OB/GYN - HB Form (4)
Psychiatrist’s Referral - HB Form (5)
Homebound Teacher Contract - HB Form (6)
Class Assignments from Class Instructor - HB Form (7)
Class Assignments from Homebound Teacher - HB Form (8)
Summary of Progress - HB Form (9)
Teachers of Homebound Students – HB Form (10)
Home Visit Record/Attendance Log - HB Form (11)
Homebound Review Form - HB Form (12)
Home School_______________________________________________________
School Phone___________________________________________
Grade_______________________________ DOB_____________________________
Directions to your home______________________________________________________________
Home Phone________________________________Cell ________________________________
Work Phone_______________________________
Emergency Point of Contact_________________________________________________________
School Contact Person Coordinating Homebound Services/Instruction
HB Form (1)
Parent Authorization for Homebound Services/Instruction
Student’s Legal Name
Name of Parent(s) or Guardian
Explanation of Services and Parental/Guardian Responsibilities
• Homebound instruction is meant for acute or catastrophic health problems that confine a child or adolescent to home or hospital
for a prolonged but defined period of time
(4 consecutive weeks for elementary and middle school and 2 weeks for high school) and is not intended to relieve the school or parent
of the responsibility for providing education for the child in the least restrictive environment.
• Homebound instruction does not duplicate the regular classroom experience and is determined by a team. Normal Progression in
school cannot be guaranteed. The student is responsible for completing all course requirements within the NC Standard Course of Study
and/or Extensions of the Standard Course of Study.
• Students who are physically able to be employed or involved in extracurricular school activities are physically able to attend school
and would not be eligible for homebound services.
• In an effort to provide homebound instructions, it may be necessary for your child’s school to contact your child’s physician to obtain
information pertaining to the planning and delivery of appropriate instruction.
• An individualized instructional program may be conducted in your home. It is your responsibility to provide a safe and sanitary
environment conducive to learning. This includes the removal of pets from the learning area, the reduction of distractions
such as visitors, and television, and the provision of a smoke-free environment.
• It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide any necessary school supplies for your child.
• It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide supervision while the teacher is in the home. The parent/guardian mutually
agrees upon an adult being in the home during each instructional session. The parent/guardian is responsible for the child’s attendance
during the scheduled lessons and for supervising the completion of assigned classwork/homework between homebound sessions. If
the student is 18 years old then another adult MUST to be in the home during homebound instruction sessions.
• Two consecutive absences, without prior notice, failure to do assignments, or a combination of the two will result in a suspension of
homebound services. The homebound teacher will wait 15 minutes past the start time of the session and if at that time there is no answer
at the door or the student does not arrive at the assigned location, the session will be cancelled and counted as an absence. Absences
reported for these sessions will count as unexcused and could result in the student’s loss of credit. Services may also be suspended if
the student is uncooperative or demonstrates aggressive or violent behavior during instructional sessions. For Regular Education, 504
and EC students homebound services will be suspended until a meeting is scheduled.
• Prior notification is necessary for any cancellation or rescheduling of services. If your child or another family member has a fever or
contagious disease, please notify homebound teacher as soon as possible to cancel and/or reschedule. Students not available for
instruction at the scheduled time will be considered to have earned an unexcused absence unless advance arrangements are made
with the teacher. The team might need to contact the physician if absences are medically related.
• For long-term cases of 12 weeks, a new homebound referral form must be completed
I authorize my child to participate in the homebound instruction provided through the Iredell-Statesville School System
and agree to fulfill the aforementioned parental responsibilities.
I authorize the release of any medical or psychological information necessary to provide appropriate homebound
instruction, including treatment plans and length of disability.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature
HB Form (2)
Physician’s Referral for Homebound Services/Instruction
Student’s Name
NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: This student is being considered for homebound instruction. Your medical advice is necessary in
determining whether this service is required. Please answer the questions below. Your prompt reply will be appreciated, as we
are unable to make a decision without your input.
Specify medical diagnosis which prevents student from attending school:
Is student free from contagion, which would be harmful to school personnel?
Clarify how this interferes with school attendance (be specific):
5. If homebound services are expected to last more than 12 weeks, what is the date of the re-evaluation? Explain why the services will exceed
the 12 week period.
How often do you see the patient?
*Medical updates will be required every 30 days for prolonged cases of eight weeks or more to determine continuation of
Homebound Services. If homebound will last more than 12 weeks, a new homebound referral form will need to be completed
upon re-evaluation by the supervising physician.
How long do you anticipate the student will be unable to attend school? Please
do not indicate indefinitely or undetermined.
Physician’s Name (please print/stamp)
Physician’s Signature
Office Phone
Office Fax
Date of office visit
HB Form (3)
Iredell-Statesville Schools
Student’s Name
Pregnant girls should attend school up until delivery, unless documented medical information prohibits school
attendance. Also, they are expected to attend school two weeks following delivery unless there is a
documented medical need. In most pregnancy cases, the student should not require homebound services.
Note to physicians: Students who are pregnant may receive homebound instruction under certain conditions. While nausea, fatigue, back
pain, etc. are not in and of themselves sufficient reasons for a pregnant student to receive homebound services, it is recognized that they may be
symptoms of more severe complications. Please be specific as to the nature of the complications that are detrimental to the health of the student.
You may identify a diagnosis beyond the pregnancy. Education is the factor that most often and most quickly brings about security for teen moms
and their babies. We encourage these students to be in school every day possible, both during pregnancy and following delivery, as
education is the primary factor. Your prompt reply will be appreciated, as we are unable to provide assistance without a specific diagnosis.
Please state the diagnosis and/or nature of the complication that will require homebound services:
How long do you anticipate the student will be unable to
attend school? Please do not indicate indefinitely or
The anticipated due date is
Physician’s Name
(Please print/stamp)
Physician’s Signature
Office Phone
Office Fax
Date of next office visit
HB Form (4)
(Please Print)
Student’s Name
NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: A student with a psychological/psychiatric disorder may qualify for homebound instruction under certain
conditions. This service is of short duration and cannot be used in lieu of the normal school program. The student must be referred
to the homebound office by his/her attending psychiatrist. A plan, which includes goals, educational recommendations, anticipated
medication, and a transition component for returning the student to school or placing him/her in a more appropriate setting, must
accompany the referral. (Your prompt reply with the required paperwork is appreciated, as the case cannot be processed without this
Psychiatric Diagnosis
How often do you see patient?
How often does student receive counseling?
Does the condition prohibit regular school attendance by this student?
If yes, list specific reasons
Are there any instructional options which you can suggest that would make school attendance possible
Attend school half day
Attend school 3 days a week
Release student to visit school counselor when necessary
Date Transition (school reentry) should begin
How long do you anticipate the student will be unable to attend school? Please
do not indicate indefinitely or undetermined.
Physician’s Name (please print/stamp)
Physician’s Signature
Office Phone
Office Fax
Date of Office Visit
HB Form (5)
Iredell-Statesville Schools
PO Box 911
Statesville, NC 28687
This contract is entered into between the Iredell-Statesville Schools and
to provide homebound services/instruction.
The contractor (Iredell-Statesville Schools) agrees to pay the homebound teacher a fee
equivalent to his/her hourly salary. No travel will be paid.
This contract will be in force until the contractor or teacher sees a need to
terminate the services.
hours of service per week must be provided until
the student is ready to return to school.
Student’s Name:
Student’s School:
Teacher’s Signature:
Teacher’s Social Security Number:
Executive Director of Student Services
Coordinator of Disability Services
Budget Funding Code
HB Form (6)
Additional assignments will be requested by the Homebound Teacher as needed. If
assignments are not received, a student’s grade may be jeopardized. Please inform the
Homebound Teacher when no additional assignments need to be completed by the student.
Student’s disability must be taken into consideration when making assignments.
Availability of materials in the home (dictionary, encyclopedias, computer access) must be taken
into account when making assignments.
Assignments need to be labeled clearly with the student’s name, teacher’s name and subject.
Important directions also need to be included. Independent work is helpful because of the short
periods of time the Homebound Teacher spends with the student.
When it is inappropriate to give the student the regular assignment (e.g., PE, art, theater)
develop an alternate one (e.g., written reports on subject area).
To alleviate anxiety, please check and return student’s assignment so that they may be aware
of their progress. Encouraging notes are also appreciated.
Finalizing grades based on work turned in may be more appropriate, rather than a final exam
(exams can be exempted).
Grades will be assigned by the classroom teachers based upon the work returned. Classroom
teachers may consult with the Homebound Teacher if needed.
For EC students - The homebound teacher does not serve as case manager. The homebound
teacher and case manager will collaborate to ensure the case manager has the necessary data
to create progress reports.
Students need to know the teacher’s planning period so that they can maintain contact when
Open-book tests may be needed when the student is missing too many classroom discussions
and instruction.
Due to limited Homebound Teacher visitations, core subjects will be emphasized in the
elementary grades (math, reading, language arts). For middle and high school the focus will be
on math, language arts, science and social studies - the core content areas. For EC students,
the IEP Team can determine the course work and time frame.
You may help a homebound student feel that he/she is still a part of the class by:
TO: ___________________________________________
Homebound Teacher
FROM: ________________________________________
Class Instructor
STUDENT: _____________________________________
ASSIGNMENTS PROVIDED: ____________________________________________________
ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS NEEDED: __________________________________________
COMMENTS: ________________________________________________________________
HB Form (7)
TO: ___________________________________________
Class Instructor
FROM: ________________________________________
Homebound Teacher
STUDENT: _____________________________________
ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS NEEDED: __________________________________________
COMMENTS: ________________________________________________________________
HB Form (8)
Summary of Progress
NOT FOR Exceptional Children with an IEP
Student’s Name_______________________________ Student ID#______________________
Home School_________________________________ Grade__________________________
Date Services Started____________________ Date Services Ended_____________________
Homebound Teacher’s Report (Summary):
Prepare in Duplicate:
(1) Copy to County Office (ADR)
(2) Copy to School
HB Form (9)
TO: Teachers of Homebound Students
RE: Completing Your Timesheets
1. Timesheets can be found on the ISS website – click on departments, then
finance, then forms & templates. Under Payroll Forms you’ll see Timesheet
2. Write in your name and your school.
3. Under “Type Occupation”, please write HOMEBOUND and the NAME OF THE
STUDENT you are serving.
4. If you are serving more than one student, you must complete separate
timesheets for each student.
5. Timesheet cannot be processed unless it is signed by YOU and YOUR
5. Complete the timesheet showing date, time of day, number of hours each day,
weekly total, and monthly total. Teachers may not teach a homebound student
on school holidays, (i.e. Christmas break, spring break, etc.) No travel is paid for
hospitalized/ homebound visits. Only one-on-one time with the student/teacher
should be listed on the timesheet.
6. DO NOT SEND TO TIMESHEET TO PAYROLL. Timesheets should be sent to
appropriate person for budget coding.
7. Homebound teachers are paid once a month. Be sure to turn your timesheet in
at the regular payroll deadline.
8. You must also attach the Home Visit Record/Attendance Log (HB Form 11) to
your timesheet each month.
REMINDER: Homebound teachers do not get mileage.
HB Form (10)
Home Visit Record/Attendance Log
(Please attach to your timesheet each month.)
HB Form (11)
Homebound Review Form
Completed every 30 days
Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s)____________________________________________________________
Home Phone__________________________Cell ______________________Work ______________________
Date of last review________________________________________
Date of next review_______________________________________
Does the school team have enough data/information to review the continuation of
homebound services?______________________________________________
The school team could include teacher, counselors, nurses, administrators and IEP team.
After reviewing the data/information does the school team need additional information
from the physician?________________________________________________
If yes, date the physician will be contacted__________________________________________
If contacting the physician during the review meeting, what is the information gathered
from the physician________________________________________________________________
School team decision to continue or decline homebound services after reviewing all the
data/information and the
For EC students – if the team decision is to terminate, decrease or increase the
homebound services the DEC 4 must be amended
Date of the Meeting to change the services__________________________________________
HB Form (12)
Coordinating EOCs and EOGs
The Executive Director of Student Services, the EC Coordinator of Disability Services,
Regular Education Teachers, 504 Coordinators and the Site Testing Coordinators
should work together to ensure that proper scheduling of all state mandated testing
takes place. This is not the responsibility of the Homebound Teacher
Course Instructor - Regular Education Teacher
This is the student’s classroom teacher for the course that is being covered under
homebound services.
The course instructor is responsible for providing all materials, assignments and test/
assessments to the HB Teacher assigned to the student.
The course instructor is responsible for grading all assignments and tests. This
should be done in a reasonable timeframe as to provide adequate feedback to
ensure the student is achieving academic progress in the subject area.
The course instructor is responsible for posting student grades as appropriate at the
end of the reporting period.
For EOC/EOG testing, the course instructor should work with the site Testing
Coordinator, the Executive Director of Student Services, and EC Coordinator of
Disability Services if student is EC, to make arrangements for the student to be
tested accordingly.
Completes the HB Form (7) to record course/subject assignments, tests and grades
to document that grades were given and educational services were delivered to the
EC Case Manager
The EC case manager is responsible for providing all the materials, assignments and
test/assessments to the HB Teacher assigned to the student for any special
education classes/resource room classes the student is attending.
The EC case manager is responsible for grading all assignments and tests. This
should be done in a reasonable timeframe as to provide adequate feedback to
ensure the student is achieving academic progress in the subject area.
The EC case manager is responsible for posting student grades as appropriate at
the end of the reporting period.
For EOC/EOG testing, the EC case manager should work with the site Testing
Coordinator, and EC Coordinator of Disability Services to make arrangements for the
student to be tested accordingly.
Completes the HB Form (7) to record course/subject assignments, tests and grades
to document that grades were given and educational services were delivered to the
Homebound Teacher – Teacher Selection
A HB Teacher should be secured within 7 days of the determination for regular
education homebound services, 504 Meeting or IEP Homebound Change of
Placement Meeting. It is the school site’s responsibility to diligently seek and secure
a homebound teacher.
The HB Teacher can be one of the student’s assigned teachers.
HB Teachers that are current or retired teachers of Iredell-Statesville Schools must
have a current NC Teacher Certificate to provide educational services.
The maximum number of teachers per homebound student is 2 (two). Service hours
are to be divided accordingly. This does not constitute adding hours beyond 5 per
week. If there are exception, please contact Kelly Marcy or Michelle Kendrick.
Special circumstances which involve the student should be shared with the
prospective HB Teacher (i.e., behaviors, safety issues, medical conditions which
may require shortened work sessions).
“Best fit” assignments between the student/teacher are encouraged to ensure that
adequate academic progress will be achieved.
Homebound Contracts HB Form (6)
Homebound teachers are required to sign a contract prior to providing educational
services to a student who is placed on homebound.
All HB Contracts are coordinated and processed through Kelly Marcy or Michelle
Kendrick located at ADR Education Center.
Contracts need to be signed within 1 (one) to 2 (two) days of agreeing to serve as a
HB Teacher.
The HB Teacher will be compensated for his/her services at the teacher’s current
hourly rate of pay. Individuals can contact payroll if they need to know their rate of
Iredell-Statesville Schools does not reimburse mileage for homebound services.
Homebound Teacher Responsibilities
Coordinate with the Course Instructor or EC case manager to acquire all course
materials and requirements for the student who is on homebound.
Complete his/her portion of the HB Form (8) and return to Course Instructor or EC
case manager with completed assignments.
Provide direct instruction to the student who has been placed on homebound.
Ensure that completed assignments and tests are turned in to the Course Instructor
in a timely manner.
Promptly contact parent and schedule weekly meetings based upon the number of
service hours provided to the student.
Document and report each visit on the Home Visit Records/Attendance Log - HB
Form (11)
Document and report any problematic homebound visits to Kelly Marcy or Michelle
Kendrick in a timely manner, especially when there is a pattern of non-compliance.
Submit Timesheets along with HB Form (11) records on a monthly basis (per the
given schedule). Submitted when timekeeper is due.
HB Teachers are required to submit a timesheet monthly
All timesheets must be submitted with the Home Visit Record/Attendance Log (HB
Form 11)
Timesheets must be verified and signed by the HB Teacher’s site
Administrator (AP or Principal) prior to being submitted to Kelly Marcy or
Michelle Kendrick.
Once timesheets are verified, they are to be sent to Kelly Marcy or Michelle
Kendrick for final approval. Timesheets are not submitted directly to Payroll.
Timesheets should only report service for one student at a time. If a HB Teacher
is providing services to more than one student during the payroll period, then a
separate timesheet must be completed for each student served.
Timesheets submitted after the payroll deadline will not be honored.
Home Visit Record/Attendance Log (HB Form 11)
HB Teachers are required to utilize the HB Form 11 to record for each visit. The
following information should be reported:
• The name of the homebound teacher, student’s name and school that he/she
attends should appear on the top of each form.
• At each session, the HB Teacher should provide the date of service, along with the
session start and end times.
• The HB Teacher should provide a short synopsis of what the session consisted of
(daily comments). If there are problems that day, this is a good place to document.
If the student is a “no-show” the comments section should indicate such.
o Students are not responsible for dating the forms or providing start/end
• HB form 11 requires a parent/guardian signature, unless a “no-show” occurred.
o The parent/guardian signature should be obtained at the end of the
session period.
• HB form 11 must be completed on a day-by-day basis. These forms should not be
pre-made; while this will save a few minutes of time, it is fraudulent.
• HB form 11 must be submitted with each monthly timesheet.