COMMONWEALTH ASSOCATION FOR EDUCATION, ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT ISSN NO 2322-0147 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 5 MAY 2014 A STUDY ON GENDER-BASED DIFFERENCES IN RELATION TO TEST ANXIETY, ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND PERSONALITY TYPE AMONG HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN NORTH EAST INDIA- WITH REFERENCE TO PAPUMPARE DISTRICT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH. INDEXED WITH PARIS, DAIS.NET, DRJI, WORLDCAT, EBSCO-USA, J-GATE (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) DR MUJIBUL HASAN SIDDIQUI ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH-202002, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA website: Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (Multi- subject journal) Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 2 ISSUE 5 ISSN 2322-0147 A STUDY ON GENDER-BASED DIFFERENCES IN RELATION TO TEST ANXIETY, ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND PERSONALITY TYPE AMONG HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN NORTH EAST INDIA- WITH REFERENCE TO PAPUMPARE DISTRICT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH. By Dr. B. Reena Tok Assistant Professor Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University (Arunachal Pradesh) *Subhangini Boruwa Junior Research Fellow, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, ABSTRACT Researches on gender-based differences relating to varied variables like academic achievement, test anxiety, personality types among students offer educators much implications and guidance on specific directions to take in the field of education. So study on these aspects with different groups of students at different times and in different places can be of much use for educators. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are significant gender-based differences in academic achievement, test anxiety and personality type (introversion, extroversion) among high school students in Papumpare district of Arunachal Pradesh. A sample of 100 high school students was selected for the study. Descriptive research method was used for the study. A. Bhopal’s Test Anxiety Scale for Children and Kundu’s Introversion-Extroversion Inventory were the standardized tools used. Academic achievement was measured with the help of the total percentage of each student secured in the last academic exam. Results of the study were computed with the help of t-test. Results revealed that the female high school students scored higher in test anxiety as well as in academic achievement than the male students; whereas no significant difference was found between the male and female high school students regarding personality type (introversion, extroversion). Key Words – Gender, Test anxiety, Academic achievement, Personality type, Introversion, Extroversion, High school students Introduction Gender differences have come on the hotlist of critical issues around the world. Hausman, Tyson and Zahidi (2009) reported that there is no country in the world that has yet reached equality between men and women in different critical areas such as economic participation or education. Education serves as a key for understanding gender issues in part because it largely mirrors social relationships in society. For example, by examining gender-based differences in different education levels, we may learn that one’s gender is related to one’s educational attainment which in turn is highly related to income. The present study is dedicated to finding out gender–based differences in relation to anxiety, academic Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 778 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 2 ISSUE 5 ISSN 2322-0147 achievement and personality type (introversion, extroversion) among high-school students.Since this study is related to gender, test anxiety, academic achievement and personality type (introversion, extroversion), it becomes necessary to briefly explain these terms. Gender refers to the sex of the student i.e. male or female. Test anxiety is a multidimensional construct that has been defined as ‘the set of phenomenological, physiological and behavioural responses that accompany concern about possible negative consequences or failure in an exam or similar evaluative situation.’ (Zeidner, 1998, p. 17). Academic achievement is the outcome of education – the extent to which a student has achieved his/her educational goals which is commonly measured by examinations or continuous assessment. The personality types that this study is concerned with are introvert and extrovert and a middle category between these two i.e. ambivert. An Introvert is an individual whose interest turns inward and is directed towards inner life. Some characteristics of introverts are: lack of activity and reserved, fond of books and magazines, submissive attitude, self-centred, scrupulous, not popular with the mass of mankind, inclined to worry, better at writing than at speaking etc. An extrovert is just the opposite of an introvert. An extrovert is an individual whose interest turns outward and is directed towards the external world. Some characteristics of extroverts are a strong desire for activity, interested in athletics, a dominant or ruling attitude, not easily embarrassed, popular with people, aggressive, egoistic, unscrupulous, fluent in speech and friendly in manner, etc. But introversion and extroversion are two extreme behavior dimensions. An introvert person lacks in social interest. A highly introvert person fails to meet the crisis resulting from his encounter with problems demanding social interest and thus suffers from neurosis. Again an extravert doesn’t act according to the will of the community. His personality is therefore warped. A highly extrovert person develops anti-social characteristics like cruelty, sadism or may become drunkards. All people in this world doesn’t belong to these two extreme categories. Most of the people are a mixture of both and are known as ambiverts. An ambivert may display introvert tendencies in one situation and extrovert tendencies in another situation. For example, a person may be fluent both in oral and in written expression or may be friendly but likes to work alone. Ambiverts can make a fair judgement to the challenges put forth by life and adjust accordingly.Related literature review was done by the researchers on gender based differences. Most research studies show that females exhibit higher test anxiety than their male counterparts such as in studies by Ginter et al. (1982), Hembree (1988), Hojat et al. (1999), Cassady and Johnson (2002), Bandalos et al (1995), Chapell et al(2005) etc. Research studies have found that among students with similar cognitive abilities, females outperform males academically (Dayioglu and Turut –Asik, 2004). Ishmail and Othman (2006) found that gender played an important role in influencing success among university students and found female students to have better results than their male counterparts. Climons (2008) found no meaningful gender differences on academic achievement. Hembree (1988) reported no sex differences in grade point averages among students. Rubinstein (2005) found no significant difference between males and females with regard to extraversion. Cutman (1966) found that male delinquents showed higher mean extraversion scores than female ones. Researches on gender based differences on academic achievement, anxiety, personality types etc. offer educators information on implications and guidance on specific directions to take in the field of education. Such studies done with different groups of students at different times and in different places can be of much help for educators in better understanding of gender based differences. Such studies help us to keep updated on gender issues on various aspects. Hence the researcher has taken up this study at hand to provide latest data regarding gender differences in relation to variables like academic achievement, anxiety and personality type (introversion, extroversion) among secondary school students in Papumpare district of Arunachal Pradesh. Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 779 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 2 ISSUE 5 ISSN 2322-0147 OBJECTIVES 1. To find out whether there are gender-based differences regarding test anxiety of the students. 2. To find out whether there are gender-based differences regarding academic achievement of the students. 3. To find out whether there are gender-based differences regarding personality type (introversion/ extroversion) of the students. HYPOTHESES 1. There is no significant gender-based difference regarding test anxiety of the students. 2. There is no significant gender-based difference regarding academic achievement of the students. 3. There is no significant gender-based difference regarding personality type (introversion, extroversion) of the students. SAMPLE 100 high school students(of class IX and X), out of which 50 were male and 50 female, were selected from three private schools of Papumpare district of Arunachal Pradesh using stratified random sampling technique. TOOLS USED Standardized tools were used for the present study viz. Dr. A. Bhopal’s Test Anxiety Scale for children (TASC) to test the test anxiety and Kundu’s Introversion-Extraversion Inventory (K.I.E.I) to test the personality type of the students. To measure the academic achievement of the students, the total percentage of each individual student in the last academic exam was used. METHODOLOGY The descriptive research method was used to complete this piece of research work. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS For analysis of data, mean, standard deviation and t-test were utilized. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS In order to find out the significant differences, the data has been analysed and interpreted using the inferential statistics namely, ‘t-test’. The tables below show the analysis of the data and results of the study TABLE -1 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 780 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 2 ISSUE 5 ISSN 2322-0147 COMPARISION OF MEAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS IN TEST ANXIETY: MALE FEMALE TOTAL(N) MEAN S.D 50 15 6.56 50 15.6 Df t-value 98 3.24 4.32 Remarks Significant at the 0.05 level It is seen that the computed t-value is higher than the critical t-value at the 0.05 level. So the first null hypothesis that there is no significant gender-based difference regarding test anxiety of the students is rejected. Significant gender difference was found regarding test anxiety. And the female students demonstrated higher test anxiety than the male students. TABLE-2 COMPARISION OF MEAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS IN ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: MALE FEMALE TOTAL(N) MEAN S.D 50 69.1 17.81 50 77.8 Df t-value 98 2.60 15.49 Remarks Significant at the 0.05 level The computed t-value is higher than the critical t-value at 0.05 level. So the second null hypothesis that there is no significant gender-based difference regarding academic achievement of the students is also rejected. Significant gender difference was found regarding academic achievement. And the female students scored higher in academic achievement than the male students. TABLE -3 COMPARISION OF MEAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS IN PERSONALITY TYPE (INTROVERSION, EXTRAVERSION) MALE FEMALE TOTAL(N) MEAN S.D 50 16.3 13 50 163.1 Df t-value 98 0.07 12.4 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research (Multi-subject journal) Remarks Not Significant at the 0.05 level Page 781 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 2 ISSUE 5 ISSN 2322-0147 The computed t-value is much lower than the critical t-value at 0.05 level. So the third null hypothesis that there is no significant gender-based difference regarding personality type (introversion, extroversion) of the students is accepted. No significant gender difference was found regarding personality type (introversion, extroversion). Thus the main findings of the study are: 1. Significant gender-based difference was found regarding test anxiety. And the female students demonstrated higher test anxiety than the male students. 2. Significant gender-based difference was found regarding academic achievement. And the female students scored higher in academic achievement than the male students. 3. No significant gender-based difference was found regarding personality type (introversion, extroversion). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It is seen that the findings of this study are consistent with the findings of some previous research studies cited in the introduction part. The girl students were seen to overtake boys in academic achievement, so the eachers should try to find out the reasons for these and help the boys come up to the level of the girls. Most research studies have found higher test anxiety among females than males and same was the finding of the present study. This difference is mostly thought of to be because of our cultural set up – one in which major social and parenting biases lead girls to become needlessly nervous adults. Most of the students have exhibited average test anxiety but comparatively female students exhibited higher test anxiety than their male counterparts. So it is necessary that girl students need to be counselled so that their test anxiety do not play adverse role in their academic lives. The male and female students didn’t show any meaningful difference in regard to personality types (introversion and extroversion). Majority of the students were found to belong to the ambivert category i.e. they have some qualities of extrovert and some of introvert and so they can make a fair judgement to the challenges put forth by life. Only a few students showed introvert tendencies and only one male student exhibited slightly extrovert tendency. It is necessary for the teachers to help the introverts so that they don’t confine themselves to shells and provide them opportunities to be more social. However, before considering the implications of this study, it is important to consider the size of the sample and some other variables that might be playing some role for such findings. Therefore care should be taken when generalizing the results. Further studies need to be carried out to confirm the nature of these relationships for other measures of academic achievement, anxiety and personality type and across other places to establish the generalizability of these findings, REFERENCES: 1. Chapell, Mark S. et al,(2005). Test Anxiety and Academic Performance in Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Journal of Educational Psychology, 2005, Vol. 97 No. 2, pp 268- 2. 274. 3. 2.Daramola, (1992) Extroversion-Introversion Traits as Determinants of Juvenile 4. Delinquency. N_INTROVERSION_TRAITS_AS_DETERMINANTS_OF_JUVINILE_DELIQENCY.pdf Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 782 Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research VOLUME 2 5. ISSUE 5 ISSN 2322-0147 Rothaupt, J.W, & Young , S. (2007). An enquiry of young adults perceived efficacy and success of intimate relationships: Gender and Personality differences. The Researcher,21(1),pp.41-49. WEB LINKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Excellence International Journal Of Education And Research (Multi-subject journal) Page 783