(NCTs). Working portfolios are a measure of teacher practice that

2013-2014 School Year
Working Portfolio Guidance Document
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Indicators ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Performance Levels and Scoring ...................................................................................................... 3
Quality Evidence...................................................................................................................................... 3
Process and Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 4
Progress Check Conference (Optional) .......................................................................................... 5
Working Portfolio Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 6
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Beginning Conference Questions in PDE3 ..................................................................................... 7
Fields for Administrator Completion .......................................................................................................... 7
Fields for NCT Completion .............................................................................................................................. 7
Teacher Evidence Submission Form ............................................................................................... 8
Ending Conference Summary in PDE3 ............................................................................................ 8
Fields for Administrator Completion .......................................................................................................... 8
Fields for Teacher Completion....................................................................................................................... 8
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
The most updated version of this document can be found at doeohr.weebly.com.
This document provides information about completing the working portfolio process for
administrators and non-classroom teachers (NCTs). Working portfolios are a measure of teacher
practice that replace classroom observations for Bargaining Unit 5 employees classified as school
or non-school level NCTs under the new Educator Effectiveness System (EES). The information and
resources contained in this document supersede the working portfolio section on pages 14-16 of
the 2013-14 school year Hawaii Educator Effectiveness System Manual for Evaluators and
As described in the teacher classification section on pages 2-3 of the EES manual, administrators
decide whether classroom observations or working portfolios will be used in a teacher’s evaluation.
Working portfolios should only be used when classroom observations are not possible because a
teacher’s primary job responsibilities do not involve the delivery of instruction. In cases where the
applicability of classroom observations is unclear, administrators should review whether the preobservation questions for the classroom observation process make sense for the teacher in
question. Pre-observation questions can be found on the classroom observation tab in PDE 3 or on
page 173 of the 2007 edition of Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching.
As with classroom observations, working portfolios focus on five components from the Hawaii
Adapted Framework for Teaching. Rubrics adapted from Charlotte Danielson’s frameworks for
school counselors, library/media specialists, and instructional specialists guide evidence collection
and evaluation of these components. The following table shows which specific components and
rubrics apply to working portfolios for different NCT job functions. Rubrics for each role can be
downloaded for printing on legal size paper on the EES website.
Non-Classroom Teacher Role
Curriculum Coordinator
Department Head/Grade Level
Literacy/Math Coach
Resource Teacher
Student Activities Coordinator
Student Services Coordinator
Technology Coordinator
2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3d
2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c
2a, 2b, 3a, 3c, 3e
Danielson 2007 Framework
School Counselors
Instructional Specialists
Instructional Specialists
2b, 2c, 3b, 3c, 3d
2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c
2a, 2b, 2c, 3e, 4b
2a, 2c, 2d, 3c, 3e
2a, 2b, 2d, 2e, 3e
2b, 2c, 3a, 3d, 3e
2a, 2b, 3a, 3c, 3e
Library/Media Specialists
Instructional Specialists
School Counselors
Instructional Specialists
Instructional Specialists
School Counselors
Instructional Specialists
* NCTs whose role is not listed on the table above shall be assigned the most appropriate rubric and
components that best meet their job expectations by their administrator.
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
The most updated version of this document can be found at doeohr.weebly.com.
Performance Levels and Scoring
The levels of performance described by the Framework for Teaching rubrics are:
Within the EES, all measures based on the Hawaii Adapted Framework for Teaching evaluate
teachers at the component level. After levels of performance are determined using the
appropriate component rubrics, the results for each teacher will be quantified using the following
point values:
Distinguished: 4 Points
Proficient: 3 Points
Basic: 2 Points
Unsatisfactory: 0 Points
During the ending conference, the administrator assigns a final performance level rating for each
of the applicable Framework for Teaching components incorporated into the working portfolio.
Next, the individual component ratings will be quantified using the performance level scoring scale
described above. The final working portfolio rating will be a number from 0 to 4 that is produced
by averaging the scores from all five component ratings.
Quality Evidence
Working portfolios are vehicles for purposefully collecting and presenting evidence of meeting
performance expectations articulated by the Framework for Teaching components assigned to
each NCT. Working portfolios are not collections of miscellaneous pieces of information. All
evidence included in a working portfolio should clearly align to relevant Framework for Teaching
component rubrics. Evidence included in a working portfolio may be artifacts or observations and
compiled in physical or electronic formats as agreed to by each NCT’s administrator. NCTs and
administrators collaborate to submit documentation of evidence in PDE3 for evaluative purposes.
During the beginning conference, administrators should set clear expectations for the types and
sources of evidence that will be considered high quality. Potential pieces of evidence may take
many different forms. The quality of the evidence is determined by if it relates to the job of the
NCT and provides clear proof that the NCT’s performance aligns with the specific component
within the rubric. Working portfolios should emphasize quality over quantity and provide evidence
of performance over the course of the year and not just in an isolated instance. NCTs may receive
a lower rating on a working portfolio component even if the evidence they provide ostensibly
aligns with a higher rating, if their administrator deems the evidence of low quality. Careful
planning and clear communication will help avoid surprises at the end of the working portfolio
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
The most updated version of this document can be found at doeohr.weebly.com.
Evidence toward some component rubrics is best gathered through structured observations of
performance. As with observations of classroom teachers, types of evidence administrators collect
can include verbatim scripting of teacher or student comments, statements of observed teacher or
student behavior, numeric information, and/or descriptions of the environment. If administrators
opt to use observations as a form of evidence collection, they are required to provide 24 hours of
notice prior to the observation. While the pre-observation conference routine used for classroom
teachers may not apply, teachers should still be given an opportunity to provide context for the
observation. Similarly, administrators should provide feedback on observations within two weeks.
Feedback on the observation should be logged in PDE3. The standard post-observation conference
used for classroom observations is not required. Levels of performance will not be assigned for a
single observation or piece of evidence. Administrators determine levels of performance for the
working portfolio as a whole by looking at the preponderance of all evidence at the end of the
Administrators must provide documentation of all evidence they collect in PDE3 within two weeks
of collection. All working portfolio evidence, including evidence collected through observations,
should be recorded in the Working Portfolio tab for each NTC. The Classroom Observations tab
should not be used for NTC observations.
Process and Requirements
Throughout the working portfolio process, NCTs and administrators share responsibility for
compiling and documenting evidence. The following diagram outlines recommendations for each
part of the portfolio process. Implementation timelines may vary depending on when beginning
conferences actually occur; however, administrators and teachers are required to complete the
beginning conferences by the end of January.
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
The most updated version of this document can be found at doeohr.weebly.com.
Progress Check Conference (Optional)
Progress check conferences are required when NCT work priorities and responsibilities change
significantly after beginning conferences have been completed. NCTs are responsible for
scheduling this conference with their administrators when needed. This conference will mimic the
process for the beginning conference. Administrators and NCTs should talk through which five
components will be incorporated into the final working portfolio evaluation and what evidence
will be considered appropriate. Administrators should specifically address what previously
collected evidence makes sense to retain. New responses to beginning conference questions in
PDE3 should be entered below previously entered responses.
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
The most updated version of this document can be found at doeohr.weebly.com.
Working Portfolio Responsibilities
•Administrator: Work with the teacher to select a date for the beginning
conference. Record the date in PDE3. Notify teacher of any additional
questions they should address with the beginning conference questions in
•Teacher: Review rubrics applicable to NCT role. Think of possible sources
of evidence (artifact or observation)for each component. Address the
beginning conference questions in PDE3 and attach materials to provide
the administrator with additional context as necessary.
•Administrator: Review the beginning conference materials submitted by
the teacher. Use applicable rubrics to guide the teacher to collect high
quality evidence. Share what other sources of evidence will be collected to
supplement the evidence collected by the teacher, including whether an
observation will be conducted.
•Teacher: Share plan for evidence collection and justify how selected
evidence sources provide high quality information about performance
towards the Framework components applicable to NCT role.
•Administrator: Document and align objective evidence (artifacts) of
teacher performance in PDE3 within two weeks of collection. Complete any
planned observations in PDE3. Schedule ending conference with the
teacher. Record date in PDE3.
•Teacher: Collect and compile evidence as planned. Complete a Component
Evidence Submission form for each artifact. Compile all Component
Evidence Submission forms and email to administrator just before the
ending conference.
•Administrator: Facilitate an evidence-based discussion rooted in the
Hawaii Adapted Framework for Teaching. Discuss areas of strength and
weakeness and the performance level demonstrated for each component.
Record the main points of the collaborative analysis in PDE3. Assign a final
performance level rating for each component.
•Teacher: Participate in analyzing all evidence against the component level
•Administrator: Review the Ending Conference Summary form after the
teacher completes it in PDE3 and provide comments as needed. Finalize
working portfolio ratings in PDE3.
•Teacher: Complete the Ending Conference Summary form in PDE3 within a
few days of the ending conerence.
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
The most updated version of this document can be found at doeohr.weebly.com.
Beginning Conference Questions in PDE3
Fields for Administrator Completion
Beginning Conference Date
Beginning Conference Time
Progress Check Date (Optional)
Progress Check Time (Optional)
NTC Role, Components, Danielson 2007 Framework Type (drop-down)
o Counselor
2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3d
o Curriculum Coordinator
2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c
o Department Head/Grade Level Chair
2a, 2b, 3a, 3c, 3e
o Librarian
2b, 2c, 3b, 3c, 3d
o Literacy/Math Coach
2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c
o Registrar
2a, 2b, 2c, 3e, 4b
o Resource Teacher
2a, 2c, 2d, 3c, 3e
o Student Activities Coordinator
2a, 2b, 2d, 2e, 3e
o Student Services Coordinator
2b, 2c, 3a, 3d, 3e
o Technology Coordinator
2a, 2b, 3a, 3c, 3e
Comments for each NCT field below
Fields for NCT Completion
1. What are your most critical roles and responsibilities?
2. What is the population that your work impacts directly?
3. How do you plan to collect multiple types and sources of evidence aligned to your
first working portfolio component?
4. How do you plan to collect multiple types and sources of evidence aligned to your
second working portfolio component?
5. How do you plan to collect multiple types and sources of evidence aligned to your
third working portfolio component?
6. How do you plan to collect multiple types and sources of evidence aligned to your
fourth working portfolio component?
7. How do you plan to collect multiple types and sources of evidence aligned to your
fifth working portfolio component?
8. What, if anything, would you like your administrator to specifically observe or
collect evidence on throughout the year?
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
The most updated version of this document can be found at doeohr.weebly.com.
Teacher Evidence Submission Form
This form is used for each artifact collected throughout the year as evidence for the working
portfolio. The form is not used when observations are conducted. This form should be emailed to
the principal prior to the ending conference. The actual artifacts do not have to be emailed to the
principal or uploaded in PDE3.
Ending Conference Summary in PDE3
Fields for Administrator Completion
Ending Conference Date
Ending Conference Time
Fields for Teacher Completion
1. What strengths have the working portfolio process helped you identify?
2. What areas for growth have the working portfolio process helped you identify?
3. Reflecting on what you’ve learned, what are some changes in practice that would
improve the work you perform?
2013-14 Working Portfolio Guidance Document
The most updated version of this document can be found at doeohr.weebly.com.