September 2015 Council Meeting Minutes

The regular meeting of the Kirklin Town was held on Monday, September 14, 2015 at 7:00pm at Kirklin Town Hall.
Council Members present were: Walter Minnick, Jerry Faucett, Doug O’Connor, & Melinda Jobe. Randy Weaver
was absent.
Also present were: Dylan Lambermont-Wessler Engineering, Brad Barnes-Utility Supt., Valerie Pearson, Debra
Koppelmann, Ellen Jobe-Town Residents, Patricia Quick-Park Board, John Faucett-Town Marshal, Mark Clements,
Scott Tragesser-Kirklin Fire Department, Eric Downing-Clinton County Disposal, Ray Adler-Town Attorney, Mary
King-Clerk Treasurer
The Budget Hearing was opened for comment and copies of the 2016 Budget were available for public view. Walter
Minnick reminded everyone that the Budget Adoption date will be on October 19, 2015 at 7:00pm. No comments
were received and the Budget Hearing was closed.
Patti gave a report that she hasn’t had luck with getting the Park Board Members together for meetings so she does
not have anything to report.
Doug gave a report that Eco Infrastructure may be able to come and look at the line on Main/Harrison. Faucett
feels like the water line needs a shut-off valve installed.
The Council discussed the drainage issues on the s/w side of town that effects Debra Koppelmann and two other
properties. Water stands on their properties after it rains and has been a problem for the last 3-4 years. Dan
Sheets and Doug O’Connor have both looked at the situation and have developed a solution. The county will install
culverts on either side of Elizaville Road. The town will need to cut a swell between the cornfield (Wilhoite
property) and both Rhonda (Jan) Kyle & Debra Koppelmann properties to the north. Dan Sheets provided a sample
Public-Private Drain Agreement that could be signed by the town and property owners. Melinda Jobe made a
motion for Walter Minnick to sign the agreement with the property owners. Doug wants it to be clear that the
town will cut the swell in, but the property owners are responsible for keeping it free of debris and will need to
maintain it. Jerry Faucett supported the motion and it was carried with a unanimous vote.
Mary King will contact Mark Mills to verify when the meeting date will be. She had written down Sept. 22nd, but
believes it is incorrect because some Council Members will be attending another meeting on that night.
Mary King reported that four property owners have signed up to participate in the 50/50 program and that Brent
Metzinger has said that he plans to begin work on replacing sidewalks the end of October.
Melinda Jobe made a motion to correct scriveners’ error on Ordinance 2015-8-2. The motion was supported by
Jerry Faucett and carried with a unanimous vote.
Ray will follow up on the issue of needing an easement as well as egress and ingress for infrastructure near the Ross
Street property.
A motion was made by Melinda Jobe to approve Minutes from August 10th & 17th, & 24th meetings. The motion
was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with a unanimous vote.
Melinda Jobe reported that the town has tentatively hired Billy Walker as a new Utility Superintendent providing he
passes a drug screen/physical. Billy is planning to start work on October 5th.
Miss Moore, Children’s Director at the Kirklin Library, has asked if the town and merchants would be willing to
participate and be open for games, etc. for kids to come to before trick-or-treating. She has recommended a nonscary theme such as pirates. The town is willing to participate and Melinda Jobe will email the other merchants to
see if they will be willing to participate. The hours of 4-6pm would be best for merchants. The Council set trick-ortreating hours for 6-8pm on October 31st.
Brad Barnes gave an update that well #2 is up and running. The new doors have been installed at the water plant.
He has collected samples for annual testing he is required to do. Brad reported that the bearings have gone out on
the chipper and that he is waiting on an estimate for repairs from Jack Doheny. Brad would like to go ahead and
have both bearings as well as the drive belt replaced. Brad plans to work on the leak in the alley near the Fire
Station this week.
Dylan Lambermont with Wessler Engineering discussed the water quality issues and funding options. Dylan
submitted a proposal from Wessler Engineering to research options to improve water quality, the cost would be
$5,000.00. Since there are other issues with the towns infrastructure, Dylan explained that we may want to look
into a planning grant that would evaluate what all of the needs are within the water system. In the past, the town
has qualified to apply for IOCRA grant funds based on census figures. However, the 2010 Census now shows Kirklin
below 51% in the low/mod income level. Therefore, an Income Survey would need to be completed to see if Kirklin
qualifies to apply for an IOCR grant. Grant applications are due in April. Mark Clements gave a report on the fire
hydrants that were tested by the Fire Department. They found four hydrants that were inoperable. The problems
were in the following locations: Main/Harrison, Main/Clay, Ohio/Ross, & Ohio/Stowers. Some hydrants had good
pressure until they were opened, then the pressure dropped to very low levels. He feels that some of the hydrants
may be easily fixed and some may need replaced. They could only get caps off of
eight of the 10
hydrants checked. Mark explained that there are three caps on each hydrant and that all need to be removed and
greased. It was noted that the town is under an obligation to fix the fire hydrants now that it has been brought to
their attention. After discussion concerning the needs for the water department, a motion was made by Doug
O’Connor to hire Amy Miller to complete an Income Survey. The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and
carried with a unanimous vote.
Eric Downing with Clinton County Disposal was present to speak with the Council about the contract that expires at
the end of the year. Eric told the Council that Clinton County Disposal actually reduced rates for the last contract
from what they had previously been. He told the Council that they were going to need to raise rates for the
upcoming contract to $9.50 Senior & $10.00 regular. The town is required to advertise for bids and will advertise to
accept bids at the October Town Council Meeting.
John reported that Mike Weingartner has sold the old police car and has purchased a new 2015 Dodge Charger. He
has made a donation to the Police Department of $3,593.23 to cover the cost of equipment for the vehicle. A new
lease agreement for the vehicle will need to be signed. King asked if the town would then own the equipment
when Mike leaves. John said no that the equipment stays with the car and that the town has a vested interest in it
and this way Mike does not have to pay sales tax on it.
John reported that both generators were having problems running. Billy Scott has one generator operable and the
repair will cost $180.00. John will list the generator for sale on Govdeals and get a cost estimate to get the 2nd one
running. John thinks the generator will sell for $3,000.00-$6,000.00. Ray reported that we are waiting on the
proposal back for the inter-local agreement. John said that we cannot enforce any local ordinances until we have
an inter-local agreement, and that his department will not be issuing tickets for any violations. John reported that
he will meet with Judge Hunter, Superior Court, on October 1st to request that they begin sending violations that
are not paid to a collection agency.
John thought he remembered Jim Mann saying that he would be willing to pay for paving part of the alley that runs
behind town hall. John would like for the town to pave the alley because the police cars get dusty and he thinks it
would help other businesses as well.
Mary King reported that the state Board of Accounts is now requiring a resolution for travel reimbursement
expenses. A motion was made by Melinda Jobe to adopt Resolution #9-15-1 providing for the reimbursement of
travel expenses for officers and employees of the Town of Kirklin. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor
and carried with a unanimous vote.
After discussion on the different customers requesting adjustments and circumstances surrounding each request, a
motion was made by Doug O’Connor to split the extra water charges with James Janz, Jamie Farris, & Jum Nam Bak.
The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and carried with a unanimous vote.
Jerry asked Dylan if the air in the lines could cause the water meter to show a higher reading. Dylan has never
heard of a meter running fast because of air, but recommends that we ask the person who sells us the water
meters. Brad said that would be Utility Supply.
While Bruce Evans was turning in an invoice for replacing the doors at the water plant, King had him look at the
back doors. He submitted an estimate for replacing both doors and the frame for $3,650.00. The Council took the
estimate under advisement. The Council would like an estimate from Brian Sparks as well.
Register of Claims and Billing Adjustment Register were presented and signed
Leary Construction submitted a proposal to provide a 10 year preventative maintenance program on the water
tower. The cost would be $8,440.00 annually. The Council took the proposal under advisement. The Council
would like to get additional pricing, both for preventative maintenance, and also for inspecting the tower and
compiling a list maintenance items that need to be done. Dylan reported that the town of Liberty recently had a
tank painted in and outside at a cost of approximately $84,000.00. He also recommends that our tank be inspected
every 3-5 years for any maintenance issues that may come up and that we question what type of paint, how many
coats, etc. a contract would include.
A motion was made by Melinda Jobe to apply for the Promotional Grant in the amount of $1,800.00 and to have
Walt Minnick sign the application. Doug O’Connor supported the motion and it was carried with a unanimous vote.
Melinda would like the Council to consider adopting rates that would help businesses that use large quantities of
Doug reported that Ray said Doug could participate in meetings via phone while he is in Arizona for the winter.
Jerry reported that he has been told that they make jackets or that you can put a black trash bag over the hydrant
and tape it up. This shows the fire department that this hydrant is deemed out of service and would relieve the
town of some liability. He thinks it should be done with the hydrants mentioned. The Council agreed that it should
be done as soon as possible with the four hydrants found to be not working.
Jerry expressed his opinion that he would not be in favor of paving the alley until the bollards have been moved.
He doesn’t feel the alley is at its correct width with the bollards where they are. John and Doug both recalled that
Ray sent a letter to have the bollards removed. Doug feels that the Council never followed up on it. John
suggested that another letter be sent.
Jerry brought up that he has heard complaints that John is overpaid. John presented a list of what State Troopers
make and does not think he is overpaid. John feels that his job is comparable to a State Trooper Supervisor position.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted- Mary King
A special called meeting of the Kirklin Town Council was held on Monday, September 21, 2015 at 7:00pm at Kirklin
Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the zoning map changes for newly annexed properties.
Council Members present were: Walter Minnick, Jerry Faucett, Doug O’Connor, & Melinda Jobe. Randy Weaver
was absent.
Also present were: Jim Stewart, Ben Harmon, & Sue Anderson-Town Residents, Mary King-Clerk-Treasurer
Mark Mills recommends that the annexed properties be rezoned to R-3. Mark commented that Jim Stewart had
requested that his property be rezoned before it was annexed. He said that commitments were not met and that
the zoning changes were never recorded. Jim Stewart is in favor of the zoning change to R-3, but would like to have
animals on the property. Mark said that whatever animals Jim had could be grandfathered in, to the extent he has
been using it for the past 20-25 years. Mark commented that, technically, livestock was not allowed prior to
annexation either. The Area Plan Commission meets on October 5th, and Mark hopes that a Public Hearing can be
scheduled for November.
In addition to changes to the zoning map for newly annexed properties, Melinda Jobe made a motion to make
changes to the zoning map for the Christian Church area, Potato Supply area, & Richard Baber area and to change
the zoning in those areas to R-3 as well. Doug O’Connor supported the motion and it was carried with the following
vote: O’Connor-Y, Jobe-Y, Minnick-Y, Faucett-N
Mark said that we would need to send letters to those affected by the proposed zoning changes notifying them of
the public hearing in November.
Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully submitted-Mary King
The Council went into an Administrative Meeting following the meeting for zoning map changes.
Council present were: Walter Minnick, Doug O’Connor, Jerry Faucett & Melinda Jobe. Randy Weaver was absent.
Also present was: Mary King-Clerk-Treasurer
The Council discussed job options for Brad Barnes once Billy Walker starts to work for the town, but no decision
was made. It was discussed that Brad would need to submit a letter of resignation as Utility Superintendent before
Billy starts. It was noted that the fire hydrants found to be inoperable and reported at the last Council meeting had
still not been bagged to show that they are not in working order.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted-Mary King