ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford CONTENTS Page No 1. Policy Statement 3-4 2. Training and Skills 4 3. Communications 4-5 4. Goal, Objectives and Targets 5-6 5. Monitoring and Review 6 6. Conclusion 7 7. Appendix 1 – Examples of Good Practice 8 - 12 8. Appendix 2 – Present Working Partners 13 9. Appendix 3 – Lead Managers 14 10. Appendix 4 – Audit Summary August 2010 15 - 19 11. Appendix 5 – Action Plan 2010 / 2013 Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford 1. POLICY STATEMENT 1.1 New Charter Housing Trust Group (NCHT) recognises the importance of environmental issues and makes a firm commitment to maintain and, where possible, improve the environmental impact which arises as a consequence of the organisation’s business activities. It is our intention to meet or exceed all environmental and other applicable regulations, laws and codes of practice relating to environmental issues in the widest sense. We are committed to the prevention of pollution, reduction of waste and minimising the impact of our operations on the environment 1.2 By identifying and prioritising the main areas of environmental impact we will be able to allocate the necessary resources to provide training and raise awareness, as well as management planning and control mechanisms, which will further reduce the possibility of accident or other inadvertent impairment of the environment, in particular NCHT will: Identify and assess all significant environmental aspects that may arise as a direct consequence of our activities, products and services Identify opportunities to reduce the energy consumption and increase the energy efficiency of existing and newly developed homes and corporate premises Reduce energy consumption and emissions of corporate fleet vehicles and “grey” fleet vehicles Acknowledge the economics of keeping warm and the risk of “fuel poverty” for our tenant’s Provide information about climate change and mitigation measures to tenants, through information in tenant packs and through workshops and tenant groups. Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford Identify opportunities to reduce the organisation’s environmental impact and carbon footprint Develop green, sustainable processes and products, energy and water conservation and recycling measures Improve standards of environmental performance to meet current legislation with respect to the disposal of waste. Minimise and, where possible, recycle used materials and packaging at all stages of production. Incorporate environmental awareness into normal training programmes, so that all staff understands their part in improving the environmental performance of the organisation. Consider other environmental aspects of our activities such as noise and fume emission and minimise the effects of these on the local community. 1.3 This environmental policy is the organisation’s statement of environmental goals which outline our commitment to continual environmental improvement. We will ensure that our activities are safe for our customers, employees, associates, clients and others who come into contact with our work. 2. TRAINING AND SKILLS 2.1 We will ensure that at each level of the organisation the necessary personnel, skills, expertise and knowledge are available to enable the requirements of this policy to be carried out. We will provide suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford to all employees to enable them to perform their job functions in an environmentally aware manner and to achieve the stated environmental objectives and targets. 3. COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 To be successful, the environmental sustainability policy statement needs to be communicated across the entire organisation and therefore commitment is required from the whole workforce. Our environmental performance will be communicated to all staff on progress made through Team Brief. Line managers have an important role to play in helping employees to understand and implement the relevant aspects of this policy in their day-to-day work through the regular communication of objectives, action plans and achievements. This will be achieved through the Team Brief newsletter, email bulletins, team meetings, and training sessions. 3.2 The Policy will be communicated to customers, contractors, clients, associates, suppliers and other interested parties and made available on both the internal and external website. 3.3 Malcolm Burbridge is presently our designated Trust Board Champion with special responsibility for environmental sustainability. This role will be the primary conduit for sharing information, ideas, good practice and the like between the Board and other stakeholders. It is imperative that this is a two way conversation with the opportunity for everyone to contribute to developing and improving our policy in this area. Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford 4. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS 4.1 Energy Use & Carbon Emissions We will use sustainable energy sources to meet our needs wherever practically possible. We will seek to reduce our per capita emissions year on year. 4.2 Resources We will improve our environmental performance by conserving energy, water, wood, paper and other resources, particularly those which are scarce or non-renewable, through efficient use and careful planning, while still providing a safe and comfortable working environment. 4.3 Products and services We will plan, organise and control all activities, products and services that may have an environmental impact by adherence to documented procedures, work instructions and other management systems, e.g. ISO 9001, and strive to reduce the environmental impacts of our products at all stages of their life cycle - from design, to manufacturing, customer use, and finally, disposal. 4.4 Recycling We will promote recycling and the use of recycled and refurbished products and materials where such alternatives are economical and suitable, while reducing consumption of materials wherever possible. 4.5 Waste Disposal We will minimise waste, especially hazardous waste, in all our operations and will dispose of all waste through safe and responsible methods and in accordance with regulations. We will encourage tenants to actively participate in recycling schemes provided by the Local Authority and others. Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford 4.6 Natural Habitats We will ensure that any products used or derived from natural habitats are from sustainable sources, and comply with EU and international trading rules. 4.7 Suppliers and Associates We will work with our suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their products and transportation through a quality assured purchasing policy. We will also ensure that associates understand and are accountable to these policy goals through communication and training. 4.8 Transportation Through coordinating route planning and delivery schedules, and employees’ travel to work, we will seek to realise the dual benefits of reduced fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions. We will promote schemes encouraging car share, public transport and the use of bicycles to reduce unnecessary single user car journeys. 4.9 Pollution We will phase out, where practical, ozone depleting substances and minimise the release of greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds, vehicle emissions and other substances which are damaging to health and the environment. 4.10 Buildings We will ensure, where practicable, that buildings occupied by us are designed, constructed and operated to optimise their environmental performance. We will deliver new homes that meet and where possible exceed the current Code for Sustainable Homes standards. 4.11 Local Community We will endeavour in all our activities and operations not to cause nuisance to neighbours or the local community. Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford 5. MONITORING AND REVIEW 5.1 This environmental policy will be reviewed on a six monthly basis and, if necessary, revised to reflect the latest developments and changes in the nature of NCHT’s operations. We will also conduct an annual self-evaluation of our performance in implementing these principles and in complying with all applicable laws and regulations. 6. CONCLUSION 6.1 NCHT has already made real improvements in the environmental impact which arises as a consequence of the company’s business activities. 6.2 We will continue to identify and prioritise the main areas of environmental impact and to allocate the necessary resources to provide training and awareness. 6.3 We will continue to monitor and evaluate progress against our policy. Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford APPENDIX 1 1. EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE Our key contractor, New Charter Building Company (NCBC) has achieved accreditation through the environmental management system ISO 14001, with an Environmental Action Plan of 15 Targets for its operations based at Globe Lane depot. NCBC has reduced the number of vehicles from august 2008 to 2010 by 12.5% through smarter working practices. NCBC has reduced the amount of fuel used, by identifying vehicles with high fuel consumption and making specification changes to our fleet these measures will save approximately 1,000 gallons per annum. Aligning with Suppliers and Manufactures who have attained ISO 14001 such as PVCu Window frame Manufacture, GRP Door Manufacture, Supplier of Builders Merchants, or are in the process of attaining the ISO14001 Environmental Certification Plumbing Merchants supplier. 76% of materials are sourced from Local Suppliers within a 25 mile radius. NCBC recycle all our UPVC window frames and receive income. FD Kitchens procures all processed timber requirements from companies who are certificated by the Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA). NCBC procure timber products from companies who adopt the TRADA standard. Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford NCBC in conjunction with one of our External Partners received a national award for best recycled product in 2009; installation of PVCu window frames made with 98% post consumer end of life recycled window profile. NCBC is currently achieving 98% recycling on all Site Waste in partnership with our site waste carrier. Waste not going into landfill such as Metals, Glass, Paper, UPVc, Cardboard and Rubble. NCBC have installed Solar Panels at Globe Lane Site; supplement current energy to provide heating and hot water throughout the main building at the depot. Reducing energy usage. Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford Our Caretaking Service removes over 100 tonnes of waste from our estates per month and uses a range of recycling opportunities for metal and furniture and ensures equipment such as gas canisters and refrigerators are properly decommissioned and disposed of. As a business producing and removing waste we acknowledge our responsibilities. These include complying with the requirements of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Regulations to ensure that all separately collected electrical and electronic equipment is treated and recycled. We strive to reduce the risk of “fuel poverty” for our tenant’s by: Improving the energy efficiency of our homes Providing energy & welfare advice Distributing 80,000 low energy light bulbs Working with the TMBC Energy Efficiency Advice Centre Supporting the British Gas “Here To Help” scheme providing cavity wall and loft insulation to every one of our properties that need it and enabling savings to tenants' fuel bills and CO2 emission reduction Providing tenants with benefits health checks with improved income Enabling 1500 referrals to charity partners for assistance We will consider green purchasing options within our activities. We have developed this in a wide range of areas. We have improved and reduced the environmental impact of our investment programme and improved the energy efficiency and the average energy (SAP) rating of our tenants homes to an excellent average position of 66. The National average for Social Housing from a recent report was 57.8. Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford As part of our investment programme we have used: External cladding & insulation Window replacements with double glazed ‘K’ Glass Window frames and doors from suppliers who hold who hold accreditation through ISO 14001 Low water volume w.c. cisterns Thermostatically controlled shower mixer taps Water-Based Acrylic Paint Licensed Asbestos Contractors (Safe Disposal) Used recyclable cardboard packaging instead of plastic As part of our central heating installation programme we have used: Condensing combi boilers, Sedbuk Band A rated high efficiency boiler with seasonal efficiency rating of around 90%+ Band D boilers with seasonal efficiency rating of around 80% where condensing boiler cannot be used Radiators recommended for reduced emissions Programmable controls Thermostatic radiator valves Fernox Flushing agents Interlock energy saving room thermostats Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford As part of our environmental repairs & improvements we have used: Sustainable timber fencing (FSC) Recycled rolled steel fencing Recycled upvc fencing on the Brushes estate Plastic waste we produce recycled into plastic fence posts Recycling areas & waste management sites As part of our new build & major refurbishment we will: Use “brownfield” sites for development Achieve Sustainable Homes Code Level 3 as a minimum for all our new build Produce Sustainability Statements Produce Environmental Impact Analyses Our new Level 3 homes will: Be 25% more energy efficient than one built to the 2006 Building Regulations standards through improved the thermal efficiency of walls, windows, and roof; reduced air permeability; high efficiency condensing boilers; reduced thermal bridging; low and zero carbon technologies such as solar thermal panels to help heat the hot water Use no more than about 105 litres of water per person per day by using 6/4 Dual Flush WC; Flow Reducing/Aerating taps; smaller, shaped bath; surface water management Be built of materials with at least a ‘D’ grade in the Building Research Establishment’s Green Guide Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford Have a site waste management plan in place during the home’s construction and adequate space for waste storage during its use Provide drying space so that tumble dryers need not be used Providing energy efficient lighting (both internally and externally) Providing cycle storage Providing a room that can be easily set up as a home office Providing recycling capacity either inside or outside the home Within our Corporate Head Office at Cavendish 249 we have incorporated: Energy efficient design Carbon Trust review of carbon footprint and implemented measures to reduce energy consumption to best practice levels Combined heat & power Energy efficient building design & orientation Natural lighting & ventilation Building energy management system Automatic lighting Grey water recycling Timers fitted to dishwashers to optimise usage Fitted low energy lighting to vending machines Within our Corporate Head Office at Cavendish 249 and our Customer Advice Shops we have: Reduced energy and water consumption Introduced waste recycling Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford As part of our administrative operations we have: Developed the expertise within our Facilities Management team to lead and manage our responses to the challenges of environmentally sustainable operations in our corporate premises Maximised our use of electronic communication and document management systems Introduced IT infrastructure that reduces power consumption for computing power and cooling reduces CO2 emissions Installed low energy monitors & desktop PC's Photocopier Cut-Off Systems (energy saving) Computer Cut-Off Systems (energy saving) We have undertaken waste surveys with Envirowise and developed our waste management and recycling through local partners including: Waste recycling for cardboard, cans, plastic, postage stamps, batteries & glass Paper and card (confidential) – Houghton’s Waste Paper Arranged estate based tenant event utilising Houghton’s shredding facilities focussed on identity theft Paper and card, metallic waste & plastic- Fast Forward Recycling Discarded equipment - Evergreen Household waste- Tameside Council Reduced the number of trade waste bins at C249 from 8 to 5 Introduced waste management & recycling to our sheltered schemes Recycled furniture from void properties to worthy causes Recycled batch of incorrectly printed note pads to tenants groups Recycled materials used in RHS garden display at Tatton Park in sheltered schemes Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford We have preferred local purchasing & employment to reduce travel logistics. We have undertaken a range of special initiatives including: SmartHeat fully grant funded energy saving project providing insulating jackets fitted to valves and flanges to communal boiler rooms in sheltered schemes with potential energy savings of around 750,000kw/h per year at zero capital cost. Energy Saving Trust field trials of Light Emitting Diode (LED) fittings for communal lighting funded by a grant contribution towards the cost of the fittings achieving much lower running costs and longer life expectancy Provided Smart cars for use of staff travelling as part of their work delivering a cost effective transport with low CO2 emissions and excellent fuel economy Company Bicycles being used for business mileage External refurbishment to estate of British Iron and Steel Federation houses delivering significant reductions in CO2 emissions due to vast improvement in thermal efficiency of building fabric together with aesthetic improvements Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford APPENDIX 2 2. PRESENT WORKING PARTNERS A.G.M.A. - Low Carbon Economic Area Housing Retrofit programme British Gas - Grant North West Co-Operative Bank - Advice on Recycling Centre & Waste Works best practice D&M - Advice on Waste Recycling Direct Works Forum - Retrofit review best practice ISO 14001 - Already Accredited – continual advice and observations for improvement Marley - Roofing work – advancement in Ecological Roof Tiles Premier Energy Solutions - Innovations in future technology Savills - Advice on PV Solar TMBC - Carbon Reduction Panel Tameside Strategic Partnerships - Sustainable Use of Resources Group Vokera - Advice on Heating / Solar and future developments Wrekin Windows Warmfront Ltd Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 - Recycled PVCU Loft & Cavity Insulation Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford APPENDIX 3 3. LEAD MANAGERS Steve Lowe Emma MacQueen Emma Marsh Procurement for the Group Training Director of Communities Steve Norris Head of Responsive Repair Ian Pritchard David Scott Cavendish 249 & associated out-stations AKSA Andrew Stafford Sean Stafford John Arden Danny Vose Principal Co-ordinator New Development Director Investment & Responsive Repair Head of Investment Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford APPENDIX 4 Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford Author: AS Issue: 3 Date: 4/01/2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford APPENDIX 5 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY ACTION PLAN 2010/2013 ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT Weather Compensators Energy Efficient lighting microchip PV Solar 3000 projected figure SITE Future New Build Trial 3 04/01/2012 ANNUAL PROGRESS SAVINGS IN CO2 19kg/CO2 per property per year Reduction in fuel bills for residents. Code for Sustainable Homes. Agreed:- Dec2010 Reduction in electricity usage, more efficient lighting. Prices now forwarded. Globe Lane is £60k. Review to be undertaken when fitted with PV installation. Fuel Poverty, reduction in carbon production and use of fossil fuel Reduction in fuel bills for residents. Worth £405,000 per year saving to the customer. Income to Group £12.325m over 25yrs Trial property, 69 Talbot Rd, Newton to be fitted by Jan2011. Approximate saving CO2= 1.1 tonne per property per annum 2011/12 Reduction in Carbon D.Vose production/ emission, A.Stafford provision of renewable energy source, reduction in fuel poverty, increased quality of heating within flats Reduction in fuel bills for residents, 124 tonnes reduction in fuel bill for New Charter. per annum st Grant provision approved 1 Nov2010. The ERDF 50% contribution, approx value £994,000. Moving forward to tender stage. Author: AS Issue: Date: IMPACT RATING Globe Lane, 2011/12 Central Estate, D.Vose S.Lowe John Grundy A.Stafford House Aksa NCHT & March 2012 possibly D.Vose Gedling A.Stafford D.Scott Cavendish Mill Bio-mass Solar Thermal Photovoltaic TARGET DATE & LEAD IMPACT MANAGER 2011/12 Fuel Poverty, potential lifetime S.Stafford boiler extension Page 25 of 35 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford 3,654 tonnes per annum ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT SITE St. Petersfield Code Level 4 Bio- Fuel Boilers Loft Insulation Loft Insulation TARGET DATE & LEAD IMPACT MANAGER 2011/12 SAP, Homes for Life S.Stafford 3 04/01/2012 ANNUAL PROGRESS Increase in SAP levels, decrease in carbon Levels. Review HCA standards, memo dated 29/11/10 by Grant Shapps – under review. SAVINGS IN CO2 New Charter Academy Sept 2011 Reduction in Carbon S.Stafford production/ emission, provision of renewable energy source. Two sites moved to one site allowing for economies of location. On target for completion date. 2,000 remainder of stock, all others complete March 2011 Fuel Poverty, warmer homes, D.Vose increased comfort S.Norris Reduction in fuel bills for residents, increased comfort for residents, higher SAP level. Written to outstanding tenants, 200 properties identified at Dec 2010, work to commence on these. Completion by 31st March 2011, £20k provision sourced. This will conclude all properties now complete. 70 tonnes per annum All stock completed todate Complete Reduction in fuel bills for residents, increased comfort for residents, higher SAP level Approximate CO2 saving 350kg per property per annum 1,575 tonnes per annum Author: AS Issue: Date: IMPACT RATING Page 26 of 35 Fuel Poverty, warmer homes, increased comfort Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT Cavity Wall Insulation carried out Electric Monitors SITE All stock as required 19,000 Marsden Communal Boiler Close Renewal including Richmond solar thermal House Kendal House All sites Use of Thermo Insulate Paint TARGET DATE & LEAD MANAGER Complete 3 04/01/2012 ANNUAL PROGRESS Fuel Poverty, warmer homes, increased comfort April 2011 Residents & staff will have the D.Vose facility to monitor their own A.Stafford electrical usage and so reduce their own bills 2011/12 Reduction in Carbon D.Vose production/ emission, provision of renewable energy source, reduction in fuel poverty, increased quality of heating within flats Reduction in fuel bills for residents, increase in SAP level. Letter sent Nov2010, requesting 50% grant to regional growth fund for approx. £157,000. Still awaiting contact. 2010/11 Reduction in fuel bills for S.Shilley customers and increase in our SAP level rating Reviewed validity of initiative at Painting & Decorating Show, Coventry Nov2010 with all major paint manufacturers. Cost outweighs any benefits. Internal insulation way forward on cold spots. Author: AS Issue: Date: IMPACT IMPACT RATING Page 27 of 35 Reduction in fuel bills for residents, increased comfort for residents, higher SAP level. Approximate CO2 saving 550kg per property per annum Applied to British Gas, await confirmation and up take of units. Same to be reviewed by Eaga at meeting 20/12/10 – possible hire scheme. Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford SAVINGS IN CO2 2,752 tonnes per annum ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT SITE All stock Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) levels of our stock Eaga Visit New Heating Installation Group & New Charter stock Chartist House TARGET DATE & LEAD MANAGER 2010/11 D.Vose All Lead Managers 3 04/01/2012 Measure of the overall efficiency of our properties in terms of energy efficiency based on fuel costs and environmental impact based on CO2 emissions. The environmental impact rating is a measure of a home's impact on the environment in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The higher the rating the less impact it has on the environment. Reviewing all this company’s green initiatives. Meeting arranged 20/12/10 D.Vose A.Stafford Complete Reduction in Carbon April 2010 production/ emission, D.Vose provision of renewable energy source, reduction in fuel poverty, increased quality of heating within flats Author: AS Issue: Date: IMPACT Page 28 of 35 IMPACT RATING ANNUAL PROGRESS Presently recorded at 71% against a Social Housing average 68.5% @ Sept 2009. Working towards 75% as minimum, year on year review. Recording 72.51% @ Sept 2010 based on 855 properties. Government legislation suggestions are SAP 70% by 2020 and SAP 80% by 2030. CO2 impact rating has increased from 68.31 2008 to 69.88 2010 Meeting held 22/12/10 to review SESP eligible postcodes being investigated for funding. Also reviewing energy monitors for hire – awaiting costings. Installation of Solar Thermal. Finalist in 2010 Sustainable Social Housing Refurbishment project of the year. Also continues to provide ongoing savings. CESP grant application included ERDF grant application included Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford SAVINGS IN CO2 68 tonnes per annum ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT Solar thermal installations to sheltered accommodation buildings SITE All sheltered Buildings TARGET DATE & LEAD MANAGER March 2014 D.Vose IMPACT On going programme of communal boiler plant replacement to all New Charter sheltered accommodation buildings IMPACT RATING ANNUAL PROGRESS Installation of Solar Thermal. Buildings complete as at December 2011, Garden Fold House, Albion House, Kendal House, Marsden Close, William Ford House . Also continues to provide ongoing savings. MCS Training Building Company Operatives December Revenue stream for Building 2010 Company J.Corr E.MacQueen Revenue to Building Company potential income of approx £2.2m, use of direct labour. All operatives completed training by Dec 2010. Awaiting accreditation certificate. Power Perfectors Cavendish 249, Globe Lane April 2011 Lower usage of electricity, D.Vose evening out of electricity S.Lowe supply. Expected reduction of 10% Group March 2011 Recycling waste paper & cost S.Lowe saving to Group I.Pritchard Regulation of energy flow, reduction in fuel bills. A.Stafford authorised Nov 2010, Globe Lane cost £17,831, Cavendish £18,612. Both completed 30th/31st January 2011 Reduced costs, partnership working with CIS. Meeting held with FM at Group & CIS representative. Awaiting agreement date with CIS. Confidential Waste Author: AS Issue: Date: 3 04/01/2012 Page 29 of 35 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford SAVINGS IN CO2 Cavendish 26 tonnes per annum. Globe Lane 18 tonnes per annum ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT TARGET DATE & LEAD IMPACT MANAGER 2010/11 Possible reduction in S.Lowe consumption of fossil fuel and Nitro Oxide release IMPACT RATING Meeting held Nov10, initiative does not fit business needs ie: spot hire purposes and would take us out of Diesel hire. Not cost effective. Globe Lane 2010/11 Possible reduction in S.Lowe consumption of fossil fuel and Nitro Oxide release Under review, meeting arranged with CIS to provide update. Trades & Caretaking stock March 2011 Possible reduction in S.Lowe consumption of fossil fuel and G.Greer Nitro Oxide release. S.Wilkinson Reduction in fuel emissions. Potential Cost savings to the Group. Year on year review. 80% already complete Nov 201 Reduction in CO2due to purchase of new vehicles from 156.39 tonnes per annum to 117.37 tonnes per annum Cavendish 249 2010 Reduction in use of and D.Reynolds consumption of fuel and cost P.Giles saving Mileage paid on bicycles vs. Cars. Already Implemented. Proving successful. SITE Globe Lane LPG Vehicles Electric Vehicles Vehicle Analysis Use of Bicycles Author: AS Issue: Date: 3 04/01/2012 Page 30 of 35 ANNUAL PROGRESS Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford SAVINGS IN CO2 39 tonnes per annum ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT SITE Globe Lane Driver Training Marley Ecological Roof Tiles New Charter Stock TARGET DATE & LEAD IMPACT MANAGER Scheduled 17/ Possible reduction in 18th Nov. consumption of fossil fuel and 2010 Nitro Oxide release J.Corr H&S E.MacQueen On going To Date S.Lowe P.Fisher D.Vose Author: AS Issue: Date: 3 04/01/2012 Page 31 of 35 Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) levels from atmosphere. An average roofs life time of 40 -60 years, the roof will absorb the equivalent of 100,000 car miles of NOx gas. Every year a roof is on we extract 2000 miles. IMPACT RATING ANNUAL PROGRESS Reduction in fuel emissions as a result of training – 60 people, potential 15% reduction on fuel usage per person. Future savings to be monitored. Training now complete Nov2010, prize given to overall winner. Calculation based on 350 properties completed to date, there has been absorption of 700,000 car miles. Projection for the lifetime based on these 350 roofs, could be as much as 35 million car miles. By 2013, expected to have completed another 750 roofs. Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford SAVINGS IN CO2 ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT TARGET DATE & LEAD IMPACT MANAGER On going Reduction of waste to landfill, S.Lowe IMPACT RATING All have dedicated skips at Globe Lane depot managed by D&M Demolition:Building Rubble: 100%, Timber: 100%, Pallets: 100%, Gypsum: 100%, Glass: 100% (made into Road Marking), Cardboard: 95%, Plastic Packaging / Wrapping: 95%, Globe Lane On going Reduction of waste to landfill S.Lowe PVCU Window Frames & offcuts taken to local supplier: 98% - This contributes to Building Company income. Scrap Metal Ferrous/Non Ferrous taken to local merchants Solidcast: 100%, Timber Pallets taken to local wood recyclers: Timber 100% & Nails extracted: 100%, Fluorescent Tubes taken to tube recycling at TN Robinson’s, Stockport Globe Lane 2010/11 Possible reduction in S.Lowe consumption of fossil fuel and Nitro Oxide release. Assessment made to the potential use of bio-fuel. Analysis showed £1.34 per ltr, whereas pump prices were £1.14 per ltr. This scheme was considered too costly. SITE Globe Lane Recycling Waste Management Bio-Fuel Vehicles Author: AS Issue: Date: 3 04/01/2012 Page 32 of 35 ANNUAL PROGRESS Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford SAVINGS IN CO2 ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT SITE Globe Lane Retention of ISO14001 Accreditation Set up of Group Recycling Centre PROGRESS Audit Review compliance. Retained for 2 years at Building Company, confidence is high. Progressing well. Funding being sourced to allow TMT to run new scheme Globe Lane Ongoing Reduced landfill for Group S.Lowe Recycled pallets made into Planters for sale to residents and public on Central Estate, Dukinfield. Complete Reduced landfill for Group end October Reduced costs on hire of skip 2010 Environmentally friendly using S.Lowe local supplier. Also includes all plastic packaging. Reduction in Carbon March 2012 production/ emission, D.Vose provision of renewable energy source. Already proved to be an extremely successful scheme. Review ongoing Saving of £2,400pa on skip hire, supply of skip now at no cost. Design complete, order placed Scheme Completed March 2012 Grant Monies Received Globe Lane Leesfield House Author: AS 3 04/01/2012 ANNUAL April 2011 Reduced landfill for Group E.Marsh Repairing and issuing recycled T.Powell furniture Recycled Cardboard Issue: Date: IMPACT RATING Astral House, Stalybridge Recycled Pallets Air to water heat pumps TARGET DATE & LEAD IMPACT MANAGER 2011/12 Remaining Environmentally L.Stanfield responsible J.Corr Page 33 of 35 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford SAVINGS IN CO2 ACTION PLAN 2010/13 SITE TARGET DATE & LEAD MANAGER External & Internal Insulation Hard to Treat Properties Autumn 2012 D.Vose External and internal insulation to hard to treat solid wall properties ‘Go Early Green Deal Scheme’ Grant application Hard to Treat Properties January 2013 External and internal insulation to hard to treat solid wall properties. Trialling Green Deal policies and procedures in liaison with DECC and EST Grant application RHPP Phase 3 ‘Air to Water Heat Pumps’ Ryefield House Completion by March 2013 Reduction in Carbon production/ emission, provision of renewable energy source. CESP grant application All boilers fitted 1st Jan 2011 – 31st March 2012 Grant application June 2012 Replacement of various older boiler with Sedbuk ‘A’ rated boilers PROJECT Author: AS Issue: Date: 3 04/01/2012 Page 34 of 35 IMPACT IMPACT RATING ANNUAL PROGRESS Report being written on No’s, type and location of properties. This work will depend on the introduction of Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation Grant application submitted August 2012 Tenders returned November 2012 Start on site January 2013 completion March 2013 Grant application submitted August 2012 Grant application Submitted June 2012 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford SAVINGS IN CO2 ACTION PLAN 2010/13 PROJECT SITE TARGET DATE & LEAD MANAGER IMPACT Hazel Hurst Fuel Switch Hazel Hurst Ashton Sept 2012 Replacement of Electric storage heaters with gas Sedbuk ‘A’ rated boiler Hunters Court Fuel Switch Hunters Court Sept 2012 Replacement of Electric storage heaters with gas Sedbuk ‘A’ rated boiler SMART Metering All New Charter communal areas Tender return sue June 2012 D.Vose Ability to read meters remotely allowing for accurate billing IMPACT RATING ANNUAL PROGRESS CERT grant funding application CERT grant funding application OJEU tender to be prepared by Advantage Utilities SAVINGS IN CO2 TOTAL CO2 SAVINGS: 8326 tonnes Author: AS Issue: Date: 3 04/01/2012 Page 35 of 35 Property Services J: / Management Team / A Stafford