Pupil Premium Budget 2014-2015

Parklands Junior School Pupil Premium budget costings 2014 - 2015
Data Manager
Home School Support Worker
3 x Qualified part-time teachers
Maths 1:2 tuition Years 5 and 6
English 1:2 tuition Years 5 and 6
Maths small group booster (3-6)
English small group booster (3-6)
Phonics group Year 3
Music Tuition
The Data Manager role is partially
funded by PP funding. The Data
Manager uses data to drive
interventions and enrichment
activities to ensure that pupils have
access to additional support where
needed. This is to identify gaps in
learning and ensure that targeted
support is on place.
Our HSSW role is part funded by PP
funding and provides extended
support to pupils and their families.
She holds a daily drop-in and
represents the school at meetings
with other agencies. She also
undertakes direct work with pupils
needing additional provision and
Pupils entitled to PP funding are
provided with 1:2 tuition in English
and Mathematics from qualified
teachers. This is focussed in specific
areas of weakness highlighted
through diagnostic assessment. This
is timetabled to ensure that pupils
do not miss focussed class support
and quality first teaching within the
Pupils benefit from 1:1 tuition from
specialist local authority music
teachers. Pupils en titled to PP
Outcome / Impact
Targeted assessment and
gap analysis will ensure that
all interventions are
focussed for pupils entitled
to PP funding.
Data here
Improved attendance and
improved parental
engagement with school to
support learning
Emotional support for pupils
to assist in the removal of
barriers to learning
Narrowing the gap between
English and Maths progress
of PP pupils across the whole
APS progress data shows at
least 3.5 APS per year in
Data shows better than
expected progress in
Increased self-esteem and
engagement is linked to
improved academic
Parklands Junior School Pupil Premium budget costings 2014 - 2015
Shropshire Trip
Art Club
Breakfast Club
After school sports clubs x 16 places
Learning Mentor
funding do not pay for these lessons
as they are funded by the school.
This is an outdoor adventure centre
providing a week long residential
trip. This provides pupils with the
opportunity to participate in a range
of esteem boosting activities, team
building tasks and problem solving
challenges. This trip also provides
pupils with the opportunity to learn
more about the environment and
takes places within a rural setting.
This club provides pupils with the
opportunity to explore a range of
creative mediums including collage,
sculpture, model making and
textiles. This enables pupils to gain
self-confidence and develop new
We offer funded places for PP pupils
to ensure that children are
sufficiently nourished and prepared
for learning.
We provide an extensive range of
funded sport’s clubs for pupils
entitled to PP. This includes Tennis,
Basketball and Football. This enables
pupils to gain self-confidence and
develop new skills.
We employ a Learning mentor,
partially funded by our PP allocation,
Improved pupil engagement
and increased self-esteem at
Development of team
building skills and
partnership working with
Improved pupil engagement
and increased self-esteem at
Development of team
building skills and
partnership working with
Increase in energy and
enthusiasm for learning
Ability to maintain high
levels of focus and
concentration during lessons
Improved pupil engagement
and increased self-esteem at
Development of team
building skills and
partnership working with
Improved behaviour for
learning leading to higher
Parklands Junior School Pupil Premium budget costings 2014 - 2015
to offer 1:1 and small group
provision for pupils with BESD who
are entitled to PP. The focus of this
work is to enable pupils to focus and
accelerate learning in a focussed
SLT Learning Academy
2014 – 2015
This is SLT led provision for more
able pupils. The academy work
focusses on providing challenge and
a range of stimulating activities for
PP pupils. Visits to Oxford University
and workshops with Oxbridge
students are incorporated into this
levels of achievement and
Minimum disruption to
learning of peers within
classroom environment
Targeted support for specific
barriers to learning
Focus on significantly
improving progress and
attainment outcomes for
more able PP pupils
Significant increases in pupils
attaining Level 5 and Level 6