RNCM Ethics Committee Checklist

RNCM Staff/Student Ethical Approval Form Checklist – Conducting Research with Human
Name of Applicant:
Type of project (Staff, PG, UG):
Title of Project:
Mark X
Type of project (staff, postgraduate, undergraduate)?
Title of project?
Name(s) of researcher(s)?
Name(s) of supervisor(s) for student research ?
Date ?
Answers to Q1-10 should all be Yes or N/A. (Q1-9 on the Questionnaire Research
Form.) If any No and Box A marked – explanation?
Answers to Q11-12 (Q10-11 on Questionnaire form) should both be No or N/A.
If answer to Q12 is Yes (Q11 on questionnaire form) – are details and contact
If answer to either is Yes and Box A is marked – is explanation provided?
Answers to Q13-14 should all be No or N/A (Q12 on questionnaire form). If any Yes,
is Box B marked?
If Box A is marked, brief description should include number and type of participants
(e.g. students) and methods (e.g. interviews, questionnaires, observations,
If Box B is marked, attachment should include:
1 Title of project
2 Purpose of project and its academic rationale
3 Brief description of methods and measurements
4 Participants: recruitment methods, number, age, sex, exclusion/inclusion criteria
5 How researcher(s) will obtain informed consent and provide debriefing
6 A clear and concise statement of the ethical considerations raised by the project
and how researcher(s) intend to deal with them
7 Estimated start date and duration of project
Signature(s) to indicate familiarity with BPS guidelines for ethical practices
Participant information sheet
Is the Information Sheet two sides of A4 or less?
Is the Research Project Title sufficiently clear?
Is there a suitable invitation paragraph?
Are the context and aims of the project provided?
Is it clear why the participant has been chosen?
Is it clear that the participant can withdraw at any time from the research without
Is it clear how long the participant will be involved in the research, how long the
research will last, how often they will need to participate and for how long each time?
Is the participant told what they will have to do?
Is the participant informed of possible disadvantages and risks?
Is the participant informed of possible benefits?
Is the participant assured that data they provide will be kept confidential?
Is the participant told when and how they will be debriefed?
Is the participant told how the research will be disseminated and how they can obtain
a copy of the results?
Is the participant told who has reviewed the project?
Are contact details for the researcher and supervisor (if appropriate) provided?
Is the participant thanked for taking part in the project?
Consent form - Should include as a minimum:
Opportunity to ask questions?
Is it clear that the participants can withdraw from the study at any given time?
Is anonymity assured and personal data kept confidential?
Is the application complete, signed, with attachments included?
Staff/Student can proceed with project and data collection