Elsy E. Quintero EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES & EVENTS September 2014 – June 2015 LYNN YMCA, Lynn, MA World AIDS day program Participate in meetings as community Annual program that involve YMCA youth programs, Mayor City of Lynn, Lynn organizations to create awareness about AIDS facts and personal stories. May 2015 NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Lynn, MA NSCC DiverCity Series Group Group of collaboration with other NSCC departments, faculty, staff and students. Logo design. A series of activities that will provide the opportunity to share and reflect on one’s identities: culture, race, social class, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, abilities. October 2014 NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Lynn, MA Panel. Perspective on Latino Identity. Group collaboration and event leader. Educational program to create awareness about the governmental assignation of the term Latino level to represent all Latino American population in the United States. December 2009 – December 2013 NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Lynn, MA World AIDS Day Event coordinator since 2011. Annual educational program developed to create awareness about sexual transmitted diseases and statistics regarding AIDS eradication. April 2006 – April 2015 NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Lynn, MA Fit & Fun, Health Fair Program Assistant, volunteer’s activities coordinator, designer of media materials and work in collaboration with Marketing. Elsy E. Quintero WRITING SAMPLE AND GROUP PROPOSAL PSY 530: Directed Study in Psychology Instructor: Joanna Barr Student: Elsy Quintero Salem State University, MA, Summer 2014 Cognitive Behavioral Art Therapy and Trauma-Informed Art Therapy The task of transformation is not only our sacred duty before the gods, but our biological duty before the imperatives of life itself. Stein is keen to point out that transformation must never be categorized as a uniquely ‘Jungian’ concept, that it is a biological and spiritual given, and that if we view it as somehow specific to Jungian psychology we have missed the point… the phenomenon of transformation is not limited to any school of thought or therapy but is intrinsic to our experience of the world. Jung, C. G. (1964/1970). Civilization in Transition. CW 10. Introduction. With the intention to find specific characteristics that differentiate cognitive behavioral art therapy and trauma-informed art therapy, the literature referred me to what probably is the root of both, art therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. It is part of the process of development, and hopefully improvement of the psychology structure, that theories, models, discoveries and discussions emerge trying to explain scientifically the meaning of psychology. It is interesting to realize that different psychologists who received their initial training in Psychology appreciate some principles of psychoanalysis but also about its limitations; this inspired them to explore other methods to provide different explanations of human behavior and to provide structure to the field; as a result, Cognitive Behavioral theory and therapy is the foundation of talk therapy today. Fascinating disciplines related to cognition as cognitive science, which study cognition through different fields as psychology, philosophy, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics and anthropology; and cognitive neuroscience which studies the relation between cognitive process and brain activities (Reed, 2007, p.4-7). With the same sense of exploration, art therapy represents another interventions to treat the effects of mental and emotional disorders such as PTSD, offering different modalities as visual and media Elsy E. Quintero same sense of exploration, art therapy represents another interventions to treat the effects of mental and emotional disorders such as PTSD, offering different modalities as visual and media