Survival Rules for Miss Holloran`s Class

Survival Rules for Ms. Whiting's Class
Please read the following rules. Sign, date, and have a parent sign and date at the bottom. Return to
Ms. Whiting by NEXT CLASS.
Survival Rules:
1. Follow the 5 B’s:
 Be honest…always!
 Be respectful of yourself, each other and the teacher.
 Be responsible.
 Be on time (and awake)…meaning be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
Tardies will be formally submitted on FOCUS, plus are reflected in your daily effort grade.
 Be prepared:
a. Assignments are due at the beginning of each class (into the bin):
-Homework: if 1 day late ½ credit only; not accepted after this
*Make corrections and additions when we review these during class!
-Lab reports, research papers, all projects: -10 points/day late up to two weeks
only; not accepted after this.
*Extra credit for retyping research papers with corrections as indicated by Ms.
b. Have your book(s), notebook/notes, and a blue/black pen EVERYDAY. Daily
behavior/attitude/effort grade will be reduced for each missing preparation and is
reflected on quarter grade.
c. Pencils are unacceptable, except for drawings and your personal notes! All
assignments should be written in dark blue or black ink or typed. Zero (“0”) credit
will result for not following these instructions.
2. NO eating or drinking (including gum, candy & water) in the classroom and lab! Detentions result.
3. If absent one day, work must be made up upon return to school. THIS INCLUDES TESTS!
Make up tests are usually essay tests!
 If absent for several days, the student is expected to make arrangements with the
instructor. Online grades are updated for assignments and should be checked
4. Two bathroom passes will be given per semester. Students may turn them in (if not used) for
extra credit at the end of each semester (or one per quarter) for 2 points each.
5. No cellphones! It WILL be taken away if it is seen, used, or heard and submitted to Student
Support Services
6. Follow the rules in your MSA handbook
I, ________________________________________(print name) have read and acknowledged these
survival rules. I will follow them earnestly and without contempt.