2014 Co-Curricular Assessment REPORT Rubric Matrix Reviewers (Team #): Date: Unit: Unit Rubric Score: Please circle the box that best describes the unit response for each selected question, as well as a holistic score. Question (with #) Exemplary-4 Proficient-3 Progressing-2 Inadequate-1 1. Learning outcome stated. The learning outcome is clearly written, measurable, and focused on a single skill or knowledge set. Learning outcome is measurable. 3. Learning outcome data collected. Clear description and effective choice of two measures to evaluate achievement of learning outcome. At least one is a direct measure. Should include number assessed and summary results. 4. & 5. Key strength and challenge identified. Clearly related to the learning outcomes measures and supported by data collected; may bring in other sources of data to support conclusion. Action (or lack thereof) firmly based on analysis of strengths and challenges, as well as professional judgment. Includes discussion of how actions may be influenced by context, such as fiscal or human resources. Both internal and external stakeholders are clearly identified. Both the type and frequency of communication is explained. Specific reference to both active communication and inclusion of students as a stakeholder group. Effective choice of at least one measure. Uses only indirect measures. Should include summary results and number assessed. Uses data to identify at least one strength and one challenge. 6. Action step provided. 8. Communication with major stakeholders. Holistic score: The unit has successfully and clearly completed the report, with particular attention to questions 2, 7, 9, and 10 (do not consider question 12) Unit strives to completely and accurately answer all other questions in report. Clear intent to provide full and accurate information, as well as context relevant to reviewer’s understanding. Action step based on data collected. Internal and external stakeholders identified and the modes of communication explained. A good faith effort was used to complete all questions. Some lack of context acceptable. Page 1 of 2 No Response-0 Attempt at a learning outcome included, but may not be measurable or focused on student learning. Includes at least one measure, but may not be aligned with learning outcome or measure student learning. Incomplete information about those being assessed or summary results. Little or no reference to learning outcome. Item left blank. No measures identified. No data included. Item left blank. Identifies strength and challenge, but may not be related to learning outcome or may not be based on data. Action step mentioned, but not grounded in strengths/challenge analysis. No strength and challenge identified, not related to students (e.g., program challenge discussed). Action step not provided, or not related to student learning. Item left blank. Stakeholders identified, but may exclude significant stakeholders or major groups (e.g., excludes external stakeholders). May incompletely explain ways or frequency of communicating with stakeholders. The unit did not put forth effort to completely answer questions; some incomplete or confusing answers make clear understanding difficult. No relevant stakeholders identified and no description of how or when the unit communicates with stakeholders. Item left blank. Many/most other questions were incomplete or incomprehensible. May have some answers left blank. Most or all items left blank. Item left blank. Revised 5/9/14 2014 Co-Curricular Assessment REPORT Rubric Matrix Did the unit ask for feedback or assistance that requires additional action from the Office of Assessment (OOA) Yes No Overall Score; Comments/Recommendations made by the assessment team: Strengths of the Report: Score /24 Feedback/Recommendations: If revisions are needed please list the items: Scoring: With the total possible points on the rubric equal to 24, the following scale will summarize the quality of reports. Please indicate the holistic rubric score at the top right corner of the first page. Quality Rating Exemplary Proficient Progressing Inadequate Rubric Score 22-24 16-21 11-15 10 or less Page 2 of 2 Revised 5/9/14