Registration Solutions - Willow Creek Association

Guest Services
As you begin to focus on guest services this section will assist you in planning the guest
services areas for your conference guests. Guest Services plays a key role in realizing
the values and goals of the Global Leadership Summit.
Guest Services include:
Food for Breaks and Lunch
Conference Information Centre
Guest Registration
Registration Solutions
Resource Centre
What does Distraction-Free Environment Mean?
Guest is the number one priority
Guest time is honored
Guest is served with excellence
Guest experience extends beyond their expectations
Volunteers serve with a servants heart
Guest needs anticipated ahead of time
In the registration area, your volunteers will have the opportunity to encourage many
guests with a smile and a serving attitude. Ask God to prepare both you and your team
of volunteers to be used by Him to serve the conference guests. We can confidently say
that as God uses you to bless others – you too will be truly blessed.
Your WCA Representative or Organizing Committee will communicate with you the
process for guest check-in. There are two processes we typically follow:
1. Check-in with a confirmation letter
2. Check-in without a confirmation letter
Check-in with a Confirmation Letter
If your country uses this process, conference guests that registered by a certain date will
be mailed their confirmation letter along with a perforated name badge. Once the guest
arrives on-site, they will be met by a volunteer that will confirm whether or not they have
their confirmation letter and name badge. Once this is confirmed, the guest will be given
their name badge holder and guest packet.
If the conference guest did not register before the confirmation letters and name badges
were mailed or is registering on site they will be directed to Registration Solutions where
a conference volunteer and/or WCA Staff person will assist them.
Check-in without a Confirmation Letter
If your country uses this process, conference guests will be met by a volunteer that will
direct them to the registration area. Guests will find their name badge displayed on
tables sorted alphabetically by first name and will be given their guest packet by a
volunteer stationed behind each table.
If the conference guest did not register in advance, if they cannot find their name badge
or if there is a problem with their registration, they will be directed to Registration
Solutions where a conference volunteer and/or WCA Staff person will assist them.
IMPORTANT – Regardless of which check-in process you follow, the volunteers serving
at check-in give your conference guests an important first impression of your church.
You are looking to recruit people that are friendly and helpful. It is important to provide
the guest not only with information and tools, but a positive experience as well. A
smooth registration process allows the guest to engage in the conference. There should
be no confusion for your guests about where they should go once they arrive at your
Event Manager Guidebook
Registration Solutions
Registration Solutions is the place where guests go when issues arise during check-in.
Having a Registration Solutions desk allows Check-In to continue while issues that arise
during the process can be solved elsewhere. The following types of problems are usually
handled at Registration Solutions:
 Missing name badges
 Misspelled names
 Transfers
 New Registrations (Walk-ons)
 Empty Registrations (a type of transfer)
Anyone who does not have a name badge when they check-in (for any reason) will be
ushered to Registration Solutions. Even if a guest believes they are registered, but their
name badge is missing, they should be sent to Registration Solutions.
Registration Solutions should always be attended by volunteers capable of problem
solving. Registration Solutions should be equipped with:
 Guest roster sorted by church
 Guest roster sorted by surname
 Registrations forms needed to handle new registrations
 Computers or other materials needed to resolve any registration discrepancies
REMEMBER – this is often the first contact your guests may have with you. Greet them
with a smile and handle any discrepancies respectfully.
Event Manager Guidebook
Set-up Tools:
 Following is a list of recommended items at the Registration Solutions station...
 Blank Registration forms
 Payment Receipts (see example)
 Registration Solutions form (see example)
 Blank nametags or a nametag printer
 Pens
 Calculators (2)
 Staplers (2)
 Roll of tape
 Clipboards (few)
 Label Makers and labels
 Laptop Computer (optional)
Sample: Payment Receipt
Bank Name
Registration Receipt
$__________ was received for Registration on dd/mm/yyyy at the
Global Leadership Conference.
PAID by: Check____ Credit Card____ Cash____
______________________________WCA / (insert country)
Event Manager Guidebook
Sample: Registration Solutions Form
The Global Leadership Summit
(insert Country Name)
No Name Tag (but registered)
Name Change
From _____________________
Have you checked the Registration Roster?
Have you checked the Nametag Table?
New Registration
First Name:______________ Surname:___________________
Church Name: _______________City:______________________
Registrant Information
Name: _____________________________________________________
Postal Code:_______________________
Phone: ___________________________
REGISTRATION FEES & METHOD (staple payment form onto this paper)
 Credit card
 Cash
_____Reg.@ $____________
Event Manager Guidebook
Sample: Guest Conformation Letter
PastorJohn Smith
Holy Trinity Church
GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT – (insert city name)
(insert dd/m/yyyy)
Thank you for your booking for the Global Leadership Summit. Please do not lose or destroy
this letter as it includes your name badge. You will need this letter to enter the
We would be grateful if you could carefully check the details below and advise us
immediately if there are any changes to be made.
Registration on (insert day): Begins at 8am. Please bring this letter with you and tear off
the two sections below, placing the left hand section in the registration container so that we
a record of your attendance. The right hand section is your name badge and
entry to the conference – please place this in the badge holder which will be provided on the
day and wear it at all times.
Lunch on (insert day): Lunch packs will be available on both days of the conference at a
cost of £4 each [tasty sandwich, crisps, fruit, chocolate bar & drink]. Vouchers can be
purchased at Registration on arrival.
Parking: Although there is parking marked out in (insert instructions). Parking for delegates
is available in the Church car park at the rear of the building and the streets nearby.
Stewards will be on duty to assist you.
We look forward with much pleasure to seeing you at the Global Leadership Summit.
Yours sincerely
Registration Administrator
(insert city and country)
Holy Trinity Church Hopton
Membership No. 777
Holy Trinity Church Hopton
GLS - London
Event Manager Guidebook
Sample: Guest Check-in Guidelines
This may be our guests first time at the Global Leadership Summit. They may be
tired from travel, so at their first contact it is our privilege to welcome them and be a
source of encouragement.
Because we often have a very limited amount of time to check in our guests, we must
move quickly while at the same time maintain a friendly and helpful manner.
Enjoy your time with our guests, enjoy your serving and enjoy the fact that you are not
just serving people, you are serving Christ!
Greet Guests
Greet each guest with a welcome and a smile! Ask for last name, then while you are
looking up their badges.
“Did you attend last year?” “Welcome back!” “Enjoy”
“First time?” “Special welcome to you!”
Distribute Materials
Distribute conference materials to each guest in a quick and efficient, yet friendly
 Name Badge
 Name Badge holder
 Conference Notebook / Conference Packet
Instruct guests
Instructions and information are in your packet, so please keep it with
you and put your name in it. If you have any questions, look for
someone with a name badge like ours. We are here to serve you.
Please keep your name badge on al all times to enter the auditorium.
First session begins at 9:00. Have a great Summit.
Invite Guests
Invite guests to visit the resource area or wait in the foyer as doors will open at 8:40.
Send to Registration Solutions when…
 Send any registration problems to Registration Solutions
 Missing Name badge
 Misspelled names
 Not Registered
 Substitute attendee
Event Manager Guidebook