THIS WEEK, IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH: -- Wednesday, 7 PM: Choir rehearsal -- Thursday, 7 PM: PNC meets THIS WEEK, IN OUR PRAYERS: * the church at work in the presbyteries of: Boston; Cayuga-Syracuse (NY); Eastern Korean; Elizabeth (NJ); Genesee Valley (NY); Geneva (NY) * the Presbyterian Church: Mexico (Mexico, PA); Rev. Crystal Lyde * in the community: Faith Chapel (Holly Pike) * in our congregation: Sylva Lamberson-Issaka; Gay McGeary; Art Sylvester NEXT SUNDAY…….27th Sunday in Ordinary Time…….Oct. 5th ~ 9:15 AM: Prayer, in the sanctuary ~ 9:30 AM: Education hour; classes for all ~ 10:45 AM: Worship, with Sacrament of Communion (World Communion Sunday); Sermon, “A Day of Rest” (Fourth Commandment). The Peacemaking Offering will be received. ~ After worship: Conversation & light refreshments AVAILABLE TODAY ARE THESE “OCTOBER” ITEMS: ~ list of those serving in worship (bulletin board) ~ list of those with October birthdays (bulletin board) ~ October issue of “Meeting House News” (literature table) OUR OCTOBER BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION will be held Oct. 12! Fellowship hosts are needed for the remainder of the year. HYMN NOTES: ♪ The tune of our opening hymn is ST. DENIO, also known as JOANNA. It is a Welch folk melody from the early 19th century. Walter Chalmers Smith (1824-1908) wrote the text. He was ordained in 1850 and served churches in London, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. ♪ The tune of “Baptized in Water” is BUNESSAN, a Gaelic melody first published in Songs and Hymns of the Gael, 1888. It was arranged by Dale Grotenhuis. ♪ “How Great Thou Art” was chosen in 1974 as the most popular hymn in America by readers of Christian Herald magazine. The tune O STORE GUD is an old Swedish melody. First Presbyterian Church Rev. Anne K. Myers, Temporary Minister Debby Madden, Director of Educational Ministry Arthur Thompson, Organist Susan Shuey, Choir Director Avis Allen, Administrative Secretary Jack Sprecher, Sexton Church Administrative Office Hours: M, W, F, 9-2 Phone: 243-4612; E-mail: Rev. Myers’ email: Rev. Myers’ phone numbers: (C) 350-4793; (H) 975-8992 Debby Madden: Website: LARGE PRINT & YOUTH BULLETINS AND CHILDREN’S WORSHIP FOLDERS ARE AVAILABLE. AN USHER CAN ASSISST YOU. On the Square Carlisle, Pennsylvania Order for Worship 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014 10:45 AM GATHERING PRELUDES O Store Gud Prelude Immortal, Invisible Swedish Folk Melody arr. Swann Harris Jordan GREETING and ANNOUNCEMENTS The Lord be with you. And also with you. (Please sign and pass the pew registration pads.) **MINUTE FOR MISSION – PEACEMAKING OFFERING** Shall I Gather at the River * CALL TO WORSHIP Burkhardt (Philippians 2: 1-2, 5) Let the mind of Christ be in you — one mind, one heart, one joy. Let the Spirit of Christ be with you — one Spirit, one body, one love. * HYMN #263 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” * CONFESSION OF SIN CHOIR ANTHEM “Bless Thou the Lord” Handel (After this, children thru grade 4 may go to Children’s Church.) God our redeemer, we confess that we remain captivated by sin. We promise to serve you, then we fail to do your will. We pretend to follow you, then we go our own way. Forgive us; liberate us! Let us be no longer bound by sin, but released, restored, set free to worship and serve you in freedom; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. (silent confession of sin . . . .) Lord, hear our prayers. Amen. * ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS . . . in Jesus Christ we are forgiven! Thanks be to God! NEW TESTAMENT READING I Corinthians 11: 27-32 (p. 173) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SERMON “Gosh, Darn It!” Rev. Myers The Third Commandment: You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain * HYMN #492 “Baptized in Water” CHILDREN’S TIME “Clean Your Room!” Jen Patterson & Bob Read (After this, nursery-aged children may go to the nursery.) * RESPONSE - #299 “Amen, Amen” Marche Young BOLD indicates ALL read * indicates please stand if able Elder Charlie Thompson Being baptized today is Mason Raon Rist, born on August 19, 2012, son of Ed and Angela Rist. * THE APOSTLES’ CREED (Traditional) (p. 14) PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER OLD TESTAMENT READING Exodus 20: 2, 7 (p. 66) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. * CHARGE AND BLESSING SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Breath of God, breathe among us with surprising words in our mother tongue. May our hearts burn with your truth, our minds blaze with your wisdom, and our lives be set afire with your love. Amen. “How Great Thou Art” ~~~~~~~~ PROCLAIMING “Glory Be to the Father” * HYMN #467 * POSTLUDE SILENT MEDITATION * SHARING THE LOVE OF CHRIST Greet one another, saying: “Jesus Loves You! And there is nothing you can do about it!” * RESPONSE - #579 SENDING THE FLOWERS are presented to the glory of God and in loving memory of Bill Jacoby and Margarette & Donovan Jacoby by the Family. (p. 16) GIVING THANKS OFFERING OURSELVES Offertory * RESPONSE - #592 Rondo Shaw “Praise God” * PRAYER OF DEDICATION Astounding Spirit, you have showered your gifts upon us. Now we offer you our lives, to be transformed, made new, and given in love for the world; in Jesus’ name. Amen. AFTER WORSHIP, please come to Fellowship Hall to enjoy conversation and light refreshments. While in Fellowship Hall, please sign the “We Were Here” page to present to the Rist family. SERVING TODAY: Minute for Mission: Fred Seltzer Reader: Dick Hammann Ushers: Mary Jane Blosser; Bruce & Kathy Mulvey Nursery: Lynne & Grace Hofferica Children’s Church: Jen & Grace Patterson Fellowship Hosts: Peg & Jack Owen Flowers: Jean Thompson (chair); Bertie Stoops; Lois Lloyd Recorder: Ray Thomas Counters: Megan Crum & Deborah Sweaney Sunday School Teachers: Barb Crum; Lynne Hofferica; Bob Davis; Barb Allen; RuthAnn Shoenfelt; Rev. Myers (adults); Matt & Megan Crum (youth)