February 2014 - Waukee Athletics

February 2014 Meeting Minutes
Meeting held February 17th at 6:30 p.m. at Waukee High School in the Athletic Departments Conference
Prepared by: Julie Gehring.
Attendees: Gayle Farrell, Karen Kollmorgen, Nancy Shepard, Nathan Beck, Michele Winger, Jeff Menz,
Gregg-Anne Lowe, Julie Kuhlers, Tony Gabriel, Brent Heitland, Marty Sullivan, Cathy Gray, Carlos Aceby,
Don Brush, Janna Glenn, Jeff Haynes, Kim Waltman and Julie Gehring.
Standing Agenda:
A.) Welcome and Introductions – Gayle Farrell.
B.) Guest Speakers –
1.) Girls Golf – Marty Sullivan. Marty has been at Waukee 22 years. Girls Golf has had a great
last 4 seasons, looking to do well again this season. Lots of golfers returning. Try to do one
“special” meet each season, last year was at Des Moines Golf and Country Club, this year at
Panorama. Marty voiced his appreciation for all the support that WABC provides.
2.) Boys Soccer – Carlos Aceby. Carlos had 89 boys out for soccer last year, graduated 9
players. Last year’s team had GPA of 3.26! There are 106 boys signed up for this year’s
team so far. There will be 9th grade, JV and Varsity teams. Soccer team tries to “recycle”
uniforms in order to have enough for such large numbers of participants. Carlos may
distribute 25 Varsity Uniforms, but can only have 20 Varsity players in each game. “Thank
you” to WABC for all they do for Boys Soccer!
3.) Girls Soccer – Tony Gabrielle. Tony has 75 plus girls signed up for soccer this year.
Commented that had a super bunch of girls and families to work with last year; very
respectful and excellent sportsmanship. Had 5 Senior Varsity players last year, 4 are playing
in college this year. Tony has 25 Varsity players for training purposes, 15 each game. Will
have 9th, JV and Varsity teams. JV will have rotating “pods” of players. With pod system, JV
players will see more playing time.
4.) Boys Track – Brent Heitland. Brent has been at Waukee 14 years, 11 of those he has been
with track. Great season last year! 145 participants last year, 180 signed up for this season.
Brent commented how much team is enjoying the “run rockets” WABC assisted in
purchasing. Looking forward to the upcoming season.
C.) Treasurer’s Report – Nathan Beck. Nathan distributed copies of financial report. Highlighted
recent purchases made. Discussion of how to make more people aware of using the “square”
for debit/credit card purchases in concession stands. Gayle moved to approve report. Nancy
D.) Concessions Report – Nancy Shepard. Nancy stated there are 2 district basketball games left at
the Field House, then will prepare Stadium Concessions for Spring Sports. Nancy checked into
Popcorn Machine possibilities for the YMCA. Recommended an 8 oz machine for $560 to set on
a table when in use. WABC will consider this possibility. Looking for an additional microwave, if
any WABC member has one they would like to donate. May contact Kum and Go or Caseys to
see if they could donate a commercial microwave. Nancy mentioned currently looking for
Supervisors for Track Concessions.
E.) Individual Membership – Karen Kollmorgen. Planning Spring Sport Mailer. Considering joining
Chamber of Commerce. Will be contacting Marketing Class for assistance. Wondering about
analyzing which sports have most WABC member families and which sports don’t have as many.
Will be using “Sign-up Genie” for Soccer Season Concessions.
F.) Business Membership – Gregg-Anne Lowe. May invite Sports Clips to next meeting for
presentation on a Marketing idea. Most WABC business memberships are paid in full.
New Items:
A.) One-time Online Store- Gayle. Will send apparel options to Board Members. Store will be thru
Decker Sports. Hopes to get order to WABC Membership sometime after Spring Break.
B.) Proposed donation levels and perks – Gayle. Distributed samples of local Booster Clubs
membership levels and perks. Will consider WABC Senior Citizen level plus 3 to 4 other levels
for 2014-2015 School Year. May consider Business Membership levels as well. Possible perks
for different levels include: bleacher seats, umbrellas, shirt, jackets and blankets.
C.) Program Discussion – Karen. Possible 5x7 program size for next year discussed. Gayle has
contacted Waukee Schools Publications Instructor for ideas on how to “freshen-up” program for
next year. Also discussed possibility of including athlete interviews and Waukee history in
programs, as done in past.
D.) Letterwinner Event 2014-2015 – Gayle. Would like a sub-committee to organize for next year.
If interested let Gayle know.
E.) Golf Outing in Spring 2015 – Gayle. This could be a WABC fundraiser. Would need committee
to work on.
F.) Other Business –
a.) Two WABC Board positions opening in July 2014 – Secretary and Business Memberships.
WABC is actively looking for someone to fill these positions. Please advise WABC if
b.) Plaques for Business Members – Jeff Haynes brought samples of desk and wall plaques.
WABC will consider if would like to give to WABC Business Members.
Next Meeting: Monday, March 10th 2014 at 6:30 p.m. (rescheduled due to Spring Break).