latin - Shaker Heights City School District

Shaker Heights Middle School
Study Strategies/Homework Help
I never studied Latin! I never understood Latin when I studied it! I’ve forgotten all the Latin I
ever learned! How can I help my child succeed?
1. Talk to your child about Latin class activities. Did you learn a new grammar point
today? What’s the vocabulary about? What new historical or cultural aspects did you
learn about today? What was your word of the day?
2. Insist that homework be completed every night. Ask to look it over. Check for
assignments in the planner or access the Progress Book Parent/Student Access page.
3. Drill English derivatives (word of the day), Latin vocabulary, noun declensions and verb
4. Encourage your child to STUDY Latin in addition to completing homework. Every night
should include at least 10 minutes of drill and review. Written assignments are short
enough to allow this.
5. Encourage your child to attend the after school conference session if extra help is needed.
I am generally available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I am rarely available
on Fridays.
6. Support development of foreign language skills by providing opportunities for your child
to share his increased English vocabulary. Look together for references to Latin
vocabulary or culture. Show an interest in his/her newly acquired skills!
7. Keep in touch with the teacher! I can be reached at the Middle School (295-4790) and
will return messages promptly. I also have an e-mail account for parent communication
( I will try to check it daily, but will certainly check it several times
each week. Leave a message for me there and I will respond by e-mail as soon as
Shaker Heights Middle School
Study Strategies/Homework Help
REFRIGERATOR LATIN (tips for posting on your refrigerator)
Homework Sources:
1. Planner (from blackboard)
2. Monthly assignment calendar in Latin binder
3. Progress Book Parent/Student Access page
SMS (216) 295-4790
Drill & Practice:
I maintain a web site for practice activities for students. It is a good place for “game”
style activities to improve vocabulary and master grammar. The address is: or
2. Textbook flashcards and exercises are located at as well as
an online version of the textbook itself. Each student has a user name and password.
Write yours here:_______________________________________
3. Our textbook series has created a web site of practice activities, grammar summaries and
vocabulary listings. The address is Once there, you enter a twopart code. First enter jfd, then a four digit version of the chapter, i.e. 0003 or 0012.
Latin test days are Thursdays!