Solicitation no TM

Documented Quote No.
TM-WIC140214 D
Water Quality Control Division
Identification and Enumeration of Benthic Macro-Invertebrates
Due Date: April 02, 2014 2:00 pm mdt
Table of Content
BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW ................................................................................................. 3
BACKGROUND ..............................................................................................................................................3
DEFINITION OF TERMS ..................................................................................................................................3
ELIGIBILITY ..................................................................................................................................................3
II. PROJECT BUDGET, TIMELINE AND LIFE OF PROJECT ...................................................... 4
PROJECT BUDGET .........................................................................................................................................4
AWARD PERIOD (LIFE OF PROJECT) ..............................................................................................................4
III. GOALS AND PURPOSE .................................................................................................................... 4
IV. HOW TO RESPOND .......................................................................................................................... 4
REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENTATION ...............................................................................................................4
PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................4
BUDGET ........................................................................................................................................................6
V. SELECTION AND EVALUATION: ................................................................................................. 7
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The purpose of this Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Documented
Quote (DQ) is to solicit responses for a laboratory, skilled and proficient in the identification and
enumeration of benthic macro-invertebrates, to perform such services for all benthic macroinvertebrate samples collected by CDPHE.
CDPHE collects benthic macro-invertebrates from multiple targeted and trend sites within the State of
Colorado for the purposes of:
Populating CDPHE’s Ecological Database Application System (EDAS)
Future refinements of biological indicator tools, such as the State of Colorado multi-metric
indices, and:
Future updating of biological thresholds established in Water Quality Control Commission
Policy 10-1
Award shall be dated June 16, 2014 through June 30, 2015, with the option to renew up to four, (4),
additional years, at the sole discretion of the CDPHE.
Identification and enumeration services, including all secondary work tasks affiliated with the receipt
of samples and packaging and shipment of results to CDPHE, shall be conducted during the period
between the award date and June 30, 2015, with all final data results submitted no later than 10
calendar days of completion of each State fiscal year, which is June 30th.
Definition of Terms
Water Quality Control Division
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Request for Proposal
Society for Freshwater Science
North American Benthological Society
Ecological Database Application System
The Offeror must have a minimum five (5) years experience in the analysis of benthic macroinvertebrates.
The Offeror shall be able to perform genus and species-level identification work on all major
freshwater benthic macro-invertebrate taxonomic groups, including midges from the taxonomic
family Chironomidae.
Offeror’s laboratory shall employ or sub-contract with a taxonomist with extensive knowledge
of benthic macro-invertebrate taxonomy, who is, at a minimum, Society for Freshwater Science
(SFS) or North American Benthological Society (NABS)-certified in western United States
Offeror shall provide proof of past performance on projects similar in scope to that requested by
CDPHE (see Company Experience and Demonstrated Capability Fact Sheet)
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Project Budget
1. Laboratories responding to this DQ shall identify the total cumulative price per year and unit
cost per sample, in itemized and grand total format.
2. Project cost not to exceed $25,000 per year
3. Laboratories responding to this DQ shall include a unit cost for each type of sample, including
field and laboratory QA/QC duplicate samples, based on 248 to 344 total samples analyzed per
24-month period.
Award Period (Life of Project)
1. The term of the initial contract will be from completion for the fully executed contract through
June 30, 2015.
2. The contract may be renewed for up to four (4) additional years, at the sole discretion of the
State, contingent upon contractual requirements being satisfied and funds being appropriated,
budgeted and otherwise made available.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Water Quality Control Division
(WQCD) collects benthic macro-invertebrates samples from multiple sites within the State of Colorado for
the purpose of advancing and maintaining biological indices and thresholds. The accurate and precise
identification and classification of organisms provides the foundation for the WQCD’s ecological
investigations of rivers and streams, including CDPHE’s biological monitoring and assessments program
aimed at evaluating the quality of water and habitat across Colorado.
Responses must be submitted as described in this solicitation. NOTE: Quotes that fail to follow ALL of
the requirements may not be considered. Respondents failing to meet the minimum experience and
qualifications will not be considered.
Requirements Documentation
All submittals must include the following:
A cover page with an authorized signature.
A completed and signed vendor information form with the original submittal. (attachment)
Summary of Experience, Qualifications and Certifications
Describe past work performance directly related to this project. The response shall
include relevant experience gained from comparable projects and a description of the
types of government agencies or private organizations the offer or has performed
worked for in the past five years.
Taxonomists shall provide a detailed resume depicting qualifications and certifications
to be vetted by the program.
The contract shall submit a list of other laboratory personnel engaged in processing
and reporting.
Other Requirements
Location of Office:
Describe where your business is located, providing the physical address for the applicable
office location(s).
Project Description
Work Plan
The following describes the scope of work that shall be met be bidders.
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Goal #1: Protect all designated water uses by attaining water quality standards through improved implementation of
the federal Clean Water Act and Colorado Water Quality Control Act and their associated regulations.
Objective #1: Collect data used to populate CDPHE WQCD’s EDA for purposes of refining biological indicator tools, such as
the States multi-metric indices, as well as updating biological thresholds established in Water Quality Control Commission
Policy 10-1.
By June 30 of each contract year, the Contractor shall provide sample analysis consisting of
identification and enumeration for a total of at least 124 and up to 172 total samples, including
Primary Activity #1
filed and laboratory duplicate samples, submitted by the CDPHE.
Sub-Activities #1
Expected Results of the
Standards and
The Contractor shall receive samples from the CDPHE WQCD.
The Contractor shall sort organisms from sediment and debris and place into labeled vials
prior to identification and enumeration.
Samples shall be delivered to the vendor’s laboratory described in part 2 of deliverables
Within 60-90 calendar days (see Standards and Requirements) of sample receipt the
Contractor shall provide the following for each sample to the CDPHE WQCD:
a. A cover letter explaining the contents of the results reporting package
b. Return original WQCD chain-of-custody form(s)
c. Return plastic sample bottles and shipping containers
d. A CD-ROM containing data results on WQCD-approved and formatted Excel
e. Original hardcopy data sheets
CDPHE shall receive accurate and precise data from the analyses of benthic macroinvertebrate samples.
Sample sorting shall be performed in the following manner:
a. Empty samples into a 500-micron U.S. Standard sieve and rinse with tap water to
remove all preservative and fine debris.
b. Empty into a processing tray marked with a grid pattern including a total of 15
cells; Each cell shall be 6.5 cm x 6.5 cm and numbered.
c. Remove material from randomly selected grid and transfer to a large white
picking tray (17 inch by 20 inch) for processing
d. Remove all organisms from the debris with forceps and place in labeled vials
filled with 90% ethanol.
e. Picking is complete if at least 300 organisms are found after picking the entire
grid sub-sample. If less than 300 organisms are found, processing continues with
another randomly chosen grid sub-sample until the 300-organism count is
The Contractor shall provide reports from samples submitted between July 1 – September
30 no later than January 15 of same State fiscal year.
The Contractor shall provide reports from samples submitted October 1- June 30 with no
later than a sixty day (60) turn around.
The Contractor shall store and analyze all samples under conditions that prevent
tampering. WQCD-originated chain of custody forms shall accompany all samples at all
Shipped via best method (to be determined by CDPHE) in sample groups, along with
chain-of-custody documentation; Contractor shall be responsible for the costs associated
with shipping.
The Contractor shall be responsible for returning plastic sample bottles and shipping
containers to the CDPHE WQCD.
The Contractor shall hold all left-over samples under industry standard specified
conditions until notified to dispose of the samples or after a period to be negotiated
between CDPHE and the Contractor.
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Measurement of Expected
The Contractor shall hold and maintain all records, to include both hard copy and
electronic formats, for a minimum two (2) years beyond the contract expiration date. The
CDPHE WQCD shall hold the right to inspect or audit Contractor’s applicable facilities
and procedures.
9. The Contractor shall report final identification and final counts on CDPHE approved Excel
spread sheets provided by program.
10. A year-end results report package shall consist of the following:
a. Reference voucher collection list
b. Taxonomic literature citation list
c. All sample bottle interior labels
d. Sample bottles
1. Ongoing sample report packages
2. Year-end results report package
Completion Date
The Contractor shall provide the following for each sample to the
a. A Cover letter explaining the contents of the results
reporting package
b. Return updated original WQCD chain-of-custody forms
c. Return plastic sample bottles and shipping containers
d. A CD-ROM or thumb drive containing data results on a
WQCD-approved and formatted Excel spreadsheet
e. Original data sheets
Between July
September 30
no later than
January 15 of
same State
fiscal year.
shall provide
reports from
October 1June 30 with
no later than
a sixty day
(60) turn
Response to this solicitation and potential award of contract to the successful bidder will involve 12
months worth of activity.
The Contractor may invoice for the number of samples analyzed after each turnaround period.
Fixed Price
The proposal must state the total fixed-price fee for performance of and completion of services
that will become part of a contract between the State and awarded vendor. This solicitation
will result in a “fixed-price” or “Not to Exceed” contract.
a. Costs are tied to services that meet or exceed the requirements and expected outcomes.
This may include the expertise, and relevant experience of the Offeror that will enhance
the success of the project and provide minimal risk or need for State resources
b. The proposal must state the total fixed-price fee for performance of and completion of
services that will become part of a contract between the State and awarded vendor.
c. Cost reimbursement or a fixed fee is when services are being provided on a per client
basis or as needed. There is no guarantee of the number of clients served.
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The award will be made to the bidder who meets the specified experience and qualifications, whose
proposal conforms to the solicitation, and is determined to be the most responsive, responsible and
advantageous to the State of Colorado. Price along with the factors listed below will serve as the primary
factors under consideration. Additional evaluation factors to be considered:
1) Prior experience
2) Resumes
3) Client references that assure that the bidder is able to perform.
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