Behavior Assessment System for Children-Second Edition The Behavior Assessment System for Children-Second Edition (BASC-2) is a norm-referenced rating scale designed to help identify a variety of emotional and behavioral disorders of children. The BASC-2 gathers information from parents, teachers, and the child. The instrument includes several composite and scale scores. The Behavioral Symptoms Index (BSI), or overall score, measures the overall level of behavioral problems. On the Clinical Scales, scores from 41 to 59 are considered average, and about two out of three children have scores within this range. Scores from 60 to 69 are considered at-risk and areas to be aware of and monitor (and are underlined). Scores of 70 and above are considered clinically significant and likely deserve attention/further follow up (and are printed in bold). However, on the Adaptive Scales, higher scores denote more positive behaviors. Scores from 41-59 are considered average, while scores of 31-40 are considered at-risk, and scores of 30 and below are considered clinically significant. Clinical Scales Externalizing Problems Hyperactivity Aggression Conduct Problems Internalizing Problems Anxiety Depression Somatization School Problems Index Attention Problems Learning Problems Atypicality Withdrawal Behavioral Symptoms Index Adaptive Skills Adaptability Social Skills Leadership Study Skills Functional Communication Parent Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Activities of Daily Living The BASC-2 was completed by STUDENT ’s mother and three classroom teachers. It should be noted that differences between raters are not unusual and may be explained by differences in subject matter, time of day, level of demands placed on the STUDENT , presence/absence of comparison peers, environmental structure, rater experience with the STUDENT , etc. The Externalizing Problems Composite (acting out behavior) examines the areas of hyperactivity, aggression, and conduct problems. The hyperactivity scale measures the tendency to be overly active or act without thinking, the aggression scale measures the tendency to act in a hostile manner that may appear threatening to others, and the conduct problems scale measures the tendency to engage in anti-social rule-breaking behavior. STUDENT STUDENT ’S PARENT and three classroom teachers indicated some concern for STUDENT conduct problems, such as lying, breaking the rules, etc. STUDENT PARENT also reported significant concern for STUDENT hyperactivity, such as not being able to wait to take his/her turn, acting without thinking, and fiddling with things at meals, etc. STUDENT’s PARENT reported at-risk concerns for STUDENT aggression, such as arguing when denied his own way, hitting, seeking revenge on others, and annoying others on purpose, etc. The Internalizing Problems Composite (acting in behavior) examines the areas of anxiety, depression, and somatization. The anxiety scale measures the tendency to be nervous or worried about real/imagined problems, the depression scale measures the tendency to have feelings of unhappiness and sadness that may result in the inability to carry out everyday activities, and the somatization scale examines the tendency to be overly sensitive to relatively minor physical problems/discomforts. STUDENT PARENT and classroom teachers reported concern for depression, such as being negative about things, changing moods quickly, being easily upset, saying 'I hate myself', and seeming sad/lonely. All three teachers reported significant levels of somatic complaints, including stomach problems, pain, feeling sick, and visiting the school nurse. The School Problems Composite examines the areas of attention problems and learning problems. The attention problems scale measures the tendency to be easily distracted and the inability to concentrate. The learning problems scale measures the presence of academic difficulties. STUDENT PARENT and all three classroom teachers reported concern for STUDENT difficulties with attention, such as being easily distracted from class work, having a short attention span, and not paying attention to lectures. All three teachers also reported at-risk concern for STUDENT ’s learning problems, including keeping up in class and earning failing grades, etc. There are two scales which do not contribute to a composite, a typicality and withdrawal. The a typicality scale examines the tendency to think or behave in an odd or unusual manner. The withdrawal scale examines the tendency to avoid social contact. Within the a typicality scale, STUDENT 's mother and one teacher reported at-risk concerns. They reported that STUDENT sometimes has strange ideas, babbles to him/herself, and picks at things like hair or clothing. STUDENT and two teachers reported concern for STUDENT 's withdrawal, such as refusing to talk, difficulty making new friends, and preferring to be alone. The Adaptive Skills Composite examines pro-social, desirable behaviors, including adaptability, social skills, leadership skills, study skills, functional communication skills, and activities of daily living. However, STUDENT 's mother and three teachers reported some concerns. For example, they reported that STUDENT has difficulty working well under pressure and getting people to work together. STUDENT 's mother and two teachers reported that STUDENT has difficulty adapting to changes in plans and taking setbacks in stride. STUDENT ’s mother and one teacher reported that STUDENT lacks social skills. For example, he/she has difficulty encouraging others to do their best and offering to help others. STUDENT also reported concern for STUDENT 's daily living skills, such as volunteering to help clean the house, organizing chores/tasks well, etc. All three teachers reported concern for STUDENT 's study skills, such as reading assigned chapters, being organized, completing homework, and having good study habits. Two of STUDENT 's teachers reported concern for STUDENT 's functional communication skills, including tracking down information when needed, communicating clearly, and being able to describe feelings accurately.