English 10 Dehorn MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH 1. Punctuation Practice exercise 2. Introduction to Debate Unit - basics of a team policy debate - written constructives and live debate - important debate terminology - schedule and class time 3. Topics & Teams - create list of controversial California policies - test interest level of class - time to meet with potential partners, teams, consider topics Homework: - Vocab. and Spelling lessons 16 (Test on 15 & 16 this Friday!) - Research topics and current California laws - Read your outside reading book WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH 1. Continue Debate instructional information - what is good evidence? Required & acceptable sources - MLA citation format - create source cards & note cards as you research 2. Look at sample written constructives in packet - review formatting, citing sources in constructives vs. Works Cited Page 3. Begin to set up teams with topics 4. Vocab. Review Game Homework: - vocab. & spelling tests Friday (lessons 15&16) Bring workbook too! - final decisions on debate topics & partners, teams - read your book FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH 1. Spelling & Vocab. Tests 2. Final Introductory Information regarding Debate - creating resolution & position statements 3. Begin research and work with entire team to create resolution & position statements – due to be checked before end of the period!! Homework: - Get a jump start on your research for Debate - Read your outside reading books – interviews begin as soon as we return from break!!