Annexure A - 2013 Allocation Letter

Private Bag X804, Pretoria, 0001 Tel: (012) 334 0600, Fax: (012) 334 0603
cnr Hamilton and Proes Street, Arcadia, Pretoria
Your municipality is required to comply with relevant sections of the 2013 Division of
Revenue Bill as well as the framework for the Municipal Infrastructure Grant attached
as Annexure E. Note that the MIG is now a schedule 5b grant. Amongst others, the
following selected sections should be complied with at all times:
Section 12: Duties of the Receiving Officer for the Municipal Infrastructure
(1) The receiving officer of a Schedule 5, or 7 allocation must ensure compliance
with the requirements of the relevant framework.
(2) The relevant receiving officer must, in respect of a Schedule 5 or 7 allocation
transferred to a municipality (b) as part of the report required in terms of section 71 of the Municipal Finance
Management Act, report on the matters referred to in subsection (4) and submit a
copy of the section 71 report to the relevant provincial treasury and the relevant
transferring national officer
(c) and submit a quarterly performance report within 30 days after the end of
each quarter to the transferring officer and the relevant provincial treasury..
(4) A report for a municipality in terms of subsection (2)(b) must set out for that
month and for the financial year up to the end of that month –
(a) the amount received by the municipality;
(b) the amount of funds stopped or withheld from the municipality;
(c) the extent of compliance with this Act and with the conditions of an allocation
or part of an allocation provided for in a framework;
(d) an explanation of any material problems experienced by the municipality
regarding an allocation which has been received and a summary of the steps
taken to deal with such problems;
(e) any matter or information that may be prescribed in the relevant framework for
the particular allocation; and
(f) such other issues and information as the National Treasury may determine.
(5) A receiving officer must, within two months after the end of the financial year,
evaluate its performance in respect of programmes or functions funded or partially
funded by an allocation and submit such evaluation to the transferring national officer
and the relevant provincial treasury.
Section 17, 18, and 19: Withholding, Stopping and Re-allocations
Please note that the 2013 Division of Revenue Bill provides for withholding, stopping
and re-allocations of funds due to the following:
The receiving officer does not comply with the provisions of Division of
Revenue Act or conditions to which the allocations, as provided in the relevant
framework, is subject ;
Roll-over of conditional allocations approved by National Treasury in
accordance with section 21 have not been spent; and
Expenditure on previous transfers during the financial year reflects significant
under-spending for which no satisfactory reason is given.
For a detailed process on withholding, stopping, and re-allocations, please refer to
the processes and procedures manual which is available on the MIG-MIS website
Section 22: Transfers and Payment Schedules
According to section 22 of the 2012 Division of Revenue Bill, funds should be
transferred according to the payment schedule approved by the National Treasury
unless allocations are withheld or stopped in terms of section 17 or 18. This section
also stipulates that the transfers for Schedule 4 or 5 allocation must be done in line
with the municipal financial year.
Please note that the first transfer will be effected from July 2013, provided that your
municipality has submitted the payment schedule in the prescribe format. All the MIG
funds must be budgeted for and appropriated by a municipality prior to any spending,
and must be audited as part of the annual audit process by the Auditor-General.
Section 26: Preparation for next financial year and 2015/16 financial year
(1) (a) A category C municipality that receives a conditional allocation in terms of this
Act must, using the envisaged conditional allocations to that municipality for the next
financial year and the 2015/16 financial year as set out in Column B of the
Schedules, by 2 October 2013—
(i) agree on the provisional allocations and the projects to be funded from
those allocations in the next financial year and the 2015/16 financial year with
each category B municipality within the category C municipality’s area of
jurisdiction; and
(ii) submit to the transferring national officer—
(aa) the provisional allocations referred to in subparagraph (i); and
(bb) the projects referred to in subparagraph (i) listed per municipality
to be funded from the allocations for the next financial year and the
2015/16 financial year.
Section 28: Duties of Municipalities
All category C municipalities are reminded of section 28 of the Division of Revenue
Bill that stipulates that they must, not later than 14 days after the 2013 Division of
Revenue Act takes effect, submit to the National Treasury and all category B
municipalities within their area of jurisdiction, the budget, as tabled in accordance
with section 16 of the MFMA for the 2013/2014 municipal financial year and the two
following municipal financial years. The budgets must indicate all allocations from its
equitable share and conditional allocations to be transferred to each category B
municipality within their jurisdiction and disclose the criteria for allocating funds
between the category B municipalities. Please note that only the official budget
template provided by the National Treasury must be used.
A category C municipality that is providing a municipal service must, before
implementing any capital project for water, electricity, roads or any other municipal
service, consult the category B municipalities within whose area of jurisdiction the
project will be implemented, and agree in writing which municipality is responsible for
the operational costs and the collection of user fees.
The Act emphasizes that district municipalities must strive to ensure that they do not
duplicate a function currently performed by a category B municipality, and must
transfer funds for the provision of services, including basic services, to the relevant
category B municipality that is providing municipal services, irrespective of the fact
that the category C municipality retains the power and function in terms of the
Municipal Structures Act and a service delivery agreement for the provision of
services by the category B municipality on behalf of the category C municipality has
not been concluded.
A category B municipality which is not authorized to perform a function in terms of
the Municipal Structures Act may not extend the scope or type of services that it
currently provides without entering into a service delivery agreement with the
category C municipality which is authorized to perform the function in terms of the
Municipal Systems Act or without obtaining the legal authorization to perform the
function in terms of the Municipal Systems Act.
It is important to note that DCoG views project management as a function within a
municipality or a shared function between municipalities, and if possible existing
personnel within the municipality should be utilized for this purpose. The duties that
need to be performed relates to the planning, organising, coordinating, controlling
and directing of the activities of projects funded through MIG.
The municipalities will draft a proposal to provinces detailing the manner in which the
project management function will be implemented. The municipal proposal will be
evaluated by an appraisal team consisting of the national DCoG, the province, sector
departments (where available) and the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agency. A
recommendation will be made in writing to the municipality facilitated by the
Province. Although most municipalities already have this function established, it
would still be subject to the appraisal process mentioned above. Provinces will
coordinate the sessions for appraisal. The appraisal for 2013/14 must be concluded
by 31 May 2013.
The municipality may utilise up to 5% of its MIG allocation to ensure a sustained
project management function to support the MIG programme.
Provinces will as part of their responsibilities on the MIG programme ensure that the
performance management function is performed by municipalities as agreed to in the
approved business plans.
MIG is a conditional grant that was established to address national priorities
regarding municipal infrastructure that may not be realised through unconditional
grants such as equitable share.
It is a grant that supplements infrastructure funding of municipalities. In this regard
conditions are applied to ensure that municipalities appropriately address the
objectives of the grant. Two groups of conditions have been established:
 cross-cutting conditions relating to overall performance of the municipality and
all its projects; and
 sector specific conditions.
Cross-cutting conditions
The following conditions are set as the founding conditions for the MIG programme,
which may be varied from time to time:
Conformity with IDPs: No MIG funds may be spent outside the framework of a
municipality’s adopted Integrated Development Plan and its approved budget.
The IDPs should be based on the provision of a basic package of services to the
poor, appropriate services levels, financial sustainability and the existence of
adequate organizational capacity.
Limitation on operational spending: The MIG can only be used for capital
investment and cannot be used to finance operating expenditure other than the
prescribed percentage permitted for the operation of a project management unit
in applicable municipalities.
Restrictions on eligibility: Spending of MIG funds is restricted to those
categories of infrastructure, beneficiaries and levels of service. To ensure that
eligibility requirements are met, a cap on capital spending per household will be
set and specific requirements may be set for the amount of spending on
particular types of infrastructure.
Adequate attention to rehabilitation: The municipality must invest an
appropriate portion of the funds in rehabilitating existing infrastructure. Bank
interests earned from MIG transfers as well VAT claimed on MIG funds can also
be used to maintain existing infrastructure.
Pledging of funds to secure loan finance: According to Section 8(4)(a) of the
Division on Revenue Bill 2013, a municipality may only after obtaining the
approval of the National Treasury, pledge, offer as security or commit to a person
or institution future conditional allocation transfers due to the municipality for the
next financial year and the 2015/16 financial year, for the purpose of securing a
loan or any other form of financial or other support from that person or institution.
Please refer to the MFMA Circular No 51.
Poverty alleviation: It is important for the economic spin-offs of infrastructure
delivery to be maximized. This relates primarily to temporary and permanent job
creation arising from municipal infrastructure investments. This condition will be
associated with national government’s 'Expanded Public Works Programme'
(EPWP). The gender provisions of this programme must be adhered to.
Reporting: The recipient municipality has prepared and submitted all monthly
reports on grant utilization in the prescribed format by a specified time. All
monthly expenditure reports should be accompanied by the proof of payment
printed from a municipal financial system.
MIG funds to be allocated in municipal budget: All MIG funds to be spent in
any year must be allocated to specific projects which must be identified in
municipal budgets
Registration of MIG project business plan: All projects to be funded with MIG
funds, wholly or partially, must have a project business plan which conforms with
requirements to be established for the MIG.
Completion certificates must be submitted to the province as and when
projects are completed.
Sector Specific conditions and roles
Each sector department (DWAF, DOT, DPW and DSRSA) may establish further
conditions specific to their sectors. The following sector specific conditions have
been approved by the Municipal Infrastructure Task Team:
Department of Public Works
A minimum of 10% of all projects related to rural roads, low volume municipal
roads (less than 500 vehicles per day), pipelines, trenches and sidewalks was to
be conducted in a labour-intensive manner in terms of the Expanded Public
Works Programme (EPWP) guidelines issued by the Department of Public
Labour-intensive construction methods involve the use of an appropriate mix of
labour and machines, with a preference for labour where technically and
economically feasible, without compromising the quality of the product
To issue contracts for projects of the above type only to consulting engineers and
contractors who are qualified (either through undergoing training to be qualified or
through gaining recognition of prior learning) in managing labour-intensive
Department of Water Affairs
The funding is only to be used for the Basic Water Services component of the
projects. Basic water services in this case means Basic Water Supply Facilities
and/or Basic Sanitation Facilities as defined in the Strategic Framework for Water
Services, approved by Cabinet in September 2003.
Projects to be funded must be within the Water Services Development Plan
(WSDP) as the Sector Component of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP).
Projects to be funded must be proven to be viable, feasible, acceptable and
sustainable based on a proper feasibility study.
To ensure sustainable operation and maintenance of the proposed infrastructure
the operating, finance and management arrangements must be in place and
committed. (If acceptable to the other sectors this could be a cross-cutting
Projects must be implemented in line with the policies as set by the Strategic
Framework for Water Services and the legal requirements of the Water Services
Act [No. 108 of 1997] as well as the National Water Act [No. 36 of 1998].
Department of Transport
The development of road infrastructure to poor households that would create
access to trade, local economic development and essential services and to
promote road safety.
Department of Sport and Recreation
The sector specific conditions for sport and recreation projects if any will be
communicated to the municipality at a later date.
Department of Environmental Affairs
All projects that will have an impact to the environment are required to acquire
approval from DEA through the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process.
Specific conditions relating to solid waste disposal sites are still awaited from the
DEA’s directorate responsible for solid waste management. The conditions will be
communicated to municipalities as soon as it is available.
Your municipality is required to observe and comply with the dates listed in the
following table.
Financial Year
Financial Year
Technical reports
to sector
The due date
was 31 May
31 May 2013
31 May 2014
Project registration
Due date was 1
August 2012.
Projects to be
funded by category
C municipality in a
category B
The due date
was 2 October
2 October
2 October
and DCoG
The due date
was 31
October 2012
31 October
31 October
and DCoG
Submission of
payment schedule
(with projects to be
implemented and
their cash flows)
PMU business plan
as approved under
the municipal
Updated MIG
based on capital
evaluation report
8 April 2013
1 April 2014
1 April 2015
and DCoG
31 May 2013
31 May 2014
30 May 2015
and DCoG
31 May 2013
31 May 2014
30 May 2015
and DCoG
29 August
28 August
30 August
and DCoG
30 Jan 2015
29 Jan 2016
and DCoG
30 Jan 2015
29 Jan 2016
and DCoG
PMU business plan 31 Jan 2014
as approved under
the revised
municipal budget
Revised MIG
31 Jan 2014
based on adjusted
capital budget
To the
and DCoG