Слободана Бајића 5, 22410 Пећинци
022/400-700, 022/400-792
Procedure for lease or sale the municipal land (state
owned land)
1. Letter of intention from potential investor has to be sent to the Supevisory
Board of the Directorate for Development of Pecinci Municipality. In the letter
of intention investor lists information about the name and domicile of
company, activities of the company and details about investment project such
as: amount of investment, industry sector, how many people will be employed,
size of the surface that is necessary, etc. Although investor typically seeks
information from the municipality of infrastructure equipment for construction
sites such as: (roads, electricity, gas, sewer, IT network).
2. Supervisory Board of the Directorate for Development of Pecinci
Municipality decides and announce Public invitation for giving the municipal
land for sale or rent maximum of 40 years (announced in daily newspapers
that cover whole territory of Serbia). In announcement there are all details
about land plot, with size of surface, opening price, scheduled date for
bidding. It is also defined payment of deposit of 10% of the price (price per m2
x size of land plot). Opening price determinates Supervisory Board of the
Directorate for Development of Pecinci Municipality, depending on the market
value of the location, the zone in which it is located, position, infrastructure
equipment etc.
3. After closing the public biding, on the next session of the Supervisory
Board of the Directorate for Development of Pecinci Municipality and local
Assembly session it will be confirmed decision of giving land (lease or sale) to
the buyer who bides the highest price.
4. The next step is signing the Contract with the municipality (Contract
prepares Municipal Property Rights Office).
Слободана Бајића 5, 22410 Пећинци
022/400-700, 022/400-792
5. Final payment for the land has to be paid in 15 days after signing the
Contract (reduced for the amount of deposit).
6. Fee for infrastructure development of the construction land should be
paid prior to obtaining a building permit, in accordance with the Decision of
the local assembly of fees for infrastructure development of the construction
land (depending on the purpose, the zone in which the parcel is located, utility
infrastructure). The amount of compensation, the period in which the investor
is required to pay, a percentage of the discount etc. is determined by the
contract concluded between the Directorate for Development of Pecinci
Municipality and the investor.