- Friendship Christian School

Bylaws of Friendship Christian School Parent Teacher Fellowship
Article I – Name, Description, and Purpose
Section 1. Applicability. These Bylaws provide for the governance of the Friendship Christian
School Parent Teacher Fellowship.
Section 2. Name. The name of the organization shall be the Parent Teacher Fellowship of
Friendship Christian School, also known as FCS PTF or the PTF.
Section 3. Not for Profit. The PTF is an association operating within the framework of Friendship
Christian School, Incorporated, a Georgia non-profit corporation operated exclusively for religious,
educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and may carry on any activity contemplated by such Section,
including but not limited to worshipping God by providing Christian primary and secondary
education in religion, and the arts and sciences, and making of distributions to or for the use of
organizations exempt at the time under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or
corresponding provision of any future United States internal revenue law). The PTF shall not carry
on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by corporations exempt from federal income
tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding provision of any
future United States internal revenue law .
Section 4. Purpose. The purpose of the PTF shall be to act as a service organization that furthers
the mission of the school, promotes fellowship among parents and teachers, and provides
Friendship Christian School (FCS) with assistance at social and other functions as needed. The
PTF shall support the vision of FCS and promote unity within the school. To achieve these things
the PTF shall hold meetings and events throughout the year to promote school fellowship and raise
money for school supplies and projects.
Article II - Membership
Section 1. Membership. All parents of current FCS students and FCS teachers shall be members of
the PTF. Members may be asked to pay voluntary dues or a voluntary membership fee; however
such fees shall not be a requirement for membership.
Section 2. Voting. All PTF members shall be entitled to vote in PTF general elections.
Article III - Leadership Board
Section 1. PTF Leadership Board. The PTF Leadership Board (“Board”) shall consist of no fewer
than 4 members and no more than 10 members elected from the PTF membership. The Leadership
Board positions shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and any subcommittee Chairpersons that the Board may designate. A husband and wife shall not both serve as
officers during the same term. The board shall include a teacher representative from each the lower
school (K-5th grade) and upper school (6th -12th grade) nominated and voted on by the teachers of
the applicable school. A teacher or staff member shall not serve as the President or Vice President
position. The School Administrator or his designee, appointed in writing, shall be a non-voting
member of the PTF Leadership Board. (except as noted in Article IV, Section1.)
Section 2. Term of Office. The term of office for all officers is one year beginning June 1st and
ending May 31st of the following year. No member of the Leadership Board shall serve more than
two (2) consecutive years in the same officer’s position. The term of office for the Vice President
will be a two year term, the first year serving as the Vice President and the second year as the
President. .
Section 3. Qualifications of Leadership Board Members. In order to provide continuity of
leadership and to maintain and present FCS Christian character, the Board members shall be
believers and followers of Jesus Christ and whose life has demonstrated such belief.
Section 4: Duties of the Leadership Board Members. Develop the PTF annual budget, establish
and oversee the work of the PTF, establish fundraising programs and approve by majority vote
PTF expenditures.
President. The President shall preside over all PTF meetings. The President shall work with the
Secretary to set the dates and agendas for the PTF meetings. The President shall be the liaison
between the PTF and the School Administration.
Vice-President. The Vice-President shall act in the President’s absence and shall have all the
powers, duties and responsibilities provided for the President when so acting.
Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all PTF meetings and maintain a record of such
meetings and other correspondence. The Secretary shall publish the meeting calendar and the
meeting agendas. The Secretary will also write notes of appreciation and any other correspondence
as needed.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the PTF’s funds and for keeping full and accurate
financial records showing all receipts and disbursements of said funds. The Treasurer shall prepare
financial reports for the monthly PTF meetings and for the FCS bookkeeper as required by the
policies of Friendship Christian School. The Treasurer shall prepare and submit the annual budget
for approval by the PTF Board at the September meeting.
At Large Members (other members/teacher representatives). The At Large Members shall be
responsible for duties and responsibilities as assigned by the President. These include but not
limited to fundraising, social, and philanthropy programs.
Section 5. Leadership Board Meetings. The Leadership Board shall meet monthly during the
school year or more frequently at the discretion of the President. In no case shall the Board meet
less often than quarterly.
Section 6. Removal. An officer can be removed from office for failure to fulfill his or her duties,
after reasonable notice, by a majority vote of the Leadership Board.
Section7. Vacancy. If a vacancy occurs on the Leadership Board, the President shall appoint a
PTF member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the officer’s term if the overall leadership falls
below four (4). If the leadership board number does not fall below four (4) the appointment to fill a
vacancy is at the discretion of the leadership team.
Article IV – Powers and Duties
Section 1. School Principal. The School Principal or his designee, appointed in writing, shall serve
as advisor to the PTF. In the event of a tie vote or deadlock with the PTF Leadership Board, the
Principal shall make the final decision.
Section 2. PTF Leadership Board. The PTF Leadership Board shall be accountable to the PTF
membership and the school administration. The Leadership Board shall plan the PTF calendar,
PTF meetings and activities in coordination with the School Administration.
Section 3. Fundraising and Donations. The PTF may raise funds and solicit donations for the
school, but must do so in accordance with these Bylaws, school board policies and IRS Section
501(c)(3) regulations.
Article V – Meetings
Section 1.General PTF Membership Meetings. Meetings of the entire PTF membership shall be
held monthly or at the discretion of the PTF Leadership Board.
Section 2. Parliamentary Authority. The President shall preside over all meetings of the PTF and
the PTF Leadership Board and the Secretary shall keep a minute book recording therein all
resolutions adopted by the PTF Leadership Board and a record of all transactions and proceedings
occurring at such meetings. A majority of the Leadership Board shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Robert’s Rules of Order. (latest edition) shall govern the conduct of the
meetings when they are not in conflict with these bylaws.
Section 3. Voting. Each member in attendance at a General PTF Membership Meeting is eligible
to vote, one vote per member. Absentee and proxy votes are not allowed.
Section 4. Quorum. Seven (7) members of the PTF general membership present and voting
constitute a quorum for the purpose of voting.
Article VI – Financial Policies
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the PTF begins June 1st and ends May 31st of the
following year.
Section 2. Annual Budget. At the beginning of the school year the PTF Leadership Board shall
approve its annual budget and publish this budget for the membership at large.
Section 3. Banking. All funds shall be kept in a checking account in the name of Friendship
Christian School PTF, requiring two (2) signatures – President and Treasurer – and held at a local
financial institution.
Section 4. Reporting. All financial activity shall be recorded in a computer based or manual
accounting system. The Treasurer shall reconcile the account(s) monthly and report all financial
activity monthly. Quarterly a balance sheet and income statement of the PTF account(s) shall be
submitted to the Friendship Christian School financial officer/bookkeeper for inclusion in the
Friendship Christian School financial statements.
Section 5. Ending Balance. The organization shall leave a minimum of $1000 in the treasury at the
end of each fiscal year.
Section 6. Contracts. Authority to sign contracts is the same as signing checks. That is, both the
President and Treasurer must sign.
Article VII. Amendments. Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by any PTF member.
Amendments presented to a PTF meeting shall be considered for voting at a subsequent meeting.
Two thirds (2/3) approval of all members present and voting is required to adopt an amendment to
the bylaws.
Article VIII. Severability. The invalidity of any part of these bylaws shall not impair or affect in
any manner the validity, enforceability or effect of any other part of these bylaws.
Article IX. Subordination. No part of these bylaws shall conflict with the Bylaws, Articles of
Incorporation or policies of Friendship Christian School, Inc. All PTF assets, including the funds,
are the property of Friendship Christian School, Inc. although they may be maintained in separate
accounts managed by the PTF Leadership Board.
Article X. Dissolution. The FCS Board of Trustees may, with or without cause, dissolve the
Parent Teacher Friendship association. In the case of dissolution, all assets and funds under PTF
control shall be turned over to the school.
These Bylaws were adopted on
These Bylaws were amended on
These Bylaws were amended on