BOD Minutes-jan6,200.. - Lexington Lakes condos

Lexington Lakes Condominium Association
Board of Directors Meeting
January 6, 2009
Call to Order: The President, Jerry Lavish calls the meeting to order at 7 P.M.
Roll Call: Present were-Jerry Lavish, Tim Haas, Marlene Lieberman, JoAnne Razzino, Roy Pallatt,
Stephen Leighton via telephone, Leo Giangrande, and Karen Coniglio, Property Manager.
Minutes of October 28, 2008, November 18, 2008, December 16, 2008: Tim motions to accept
the minutes, Marlene seconds. All in favor.
Stephen Leighton reports on his meeting with Accredited re: various issues (Ie: Dress code,
hours, parking & patrols.) He suggests that all vehicles which are designated for towing be
photographed for documentation. He touches briefly on procedures for Realtors and limiting
their hours, as well as procedures for issuing guest passes. He advises the cost for security will
be $65,000/per year. He states he is in favor of closing the back gate. No questions are asked
and Stephen disconnects.
Presidents Report: Jerry Lavish reads the Boards mission statement. He states Q&A will be
accepted from the members on agenda items before the meeting adjournes.
Managers Report: (See attached report)
Discussion on the front gate key pad. Tim makes a motion for Karen to get three bids. All in
The guest pass form is accepted by all as submitted.
Realtor Procedure Form is accepted by all as submitted.
Collection letter requested by Mr. Fein accepted by all as submitted.
Cost to purchase a new smaller interior Clubhouse Rules Sign is approx. $72.00. All in
favor of purchase.
After discussion, the Empty Unit letter to obtain access was accepted by all as
Financial Report:
Delinquencies: Jerry Lavish states at the end of November there were 46 delinquent
accounts = $134,000 in arrears.
Collections: Jerry advises that he and Attorney Stoloff reviewed each account and decided
what collection action should be taken. Atty. Stoloff will provide a monthly status report so
that progress can be tracked. All new, late accounts, will be handled in a more expeditious
time frame, by Steven Fein, the new attorney recommended by Marlene Lieberman.
Audit: Gerald Jackson will provide audit.
Set up Committees for 2009:
Karen advises that volunteers are needed for the following: Covenants Committee, ARC ,(which
Roy Pallatt heads up), Landscaping/Lakes, Tim Haas & Steve Leighton volunteer,
Communications (Newsletter/website), Rules & Regs., Social & Fines. Leo volunteers to help
with Reserves. Tim asks for and accepts volunteers from the floor for committee participation.
Old Business:
Update on Lease Amendment – 54 yes and 14 no votes. 2/3 approval is needed for
amendment to pass.
Centex Update: Jerry reports on a new latent defect in the community in regard to plumbing.
We do not know where the cleanout pipes are located and Centex should be held responsible.
Brinks Update/Permits: Jerry advises that there are 180 yes votes and a total of 198 is needed
by Jan. 20 to have 75% of the community voting to cancel the contract. He further states the
status of the contract is in dispute and the 75% consensus is the backup plan for the
New Business :
Rules & Regs – Vehicle Restrictions: Discussion on the Associations responsibilities for
community driveways, restricting the size of vehicles, and getting a disclaimer follows. Issue is
tabled until Stephen Leighton can be consulted.
Review of New Vendors –Vila & Sons: Tim Haas has met with the landscapers and will
continue to do so monthly. They will work up proposals for future projects. Tim also met with
Superior Waterways, the company that will take care of the Lakes, Fountains, and Preserves.
Questions are asked and answered re: the fountains startup/shutdown.
Security – Backgate: Jerry discusses the misuse of the back gate that he observed over a period
of weeks. Some discussion follows. Marlene motions to approve a 6 month temporary closing
of the back gate and posting a sign on the gate with advance notice to owners, seconded by
JoAnne. Motion carries 5-1 +1 abstention.
Realtor Procedures – Discussion re: allowing the parking of prospective buyers/tenants vehicles
at clubhouse. Procedure will be outlined in Newsletter.
Rental/Sales Policy - Jerry advises the documents allow the Board some control in this area.
He also states that approx. 76 owners are renting properties and that administrative charges
need be implemented. Discussion follows. Jerry motions to apply a $100.00 administrative
fee associated with rental of units, seconded by Marlene. All in favor.
Reserve Study: Tabled for another meeting.
Member Q&A: Jeannie Kulick, a real-estate agent, attended our owners only meeting claiming
to be an owner. First she told Virginia Lavish that she owned two units, then clarified it
by telling Tim Haas that she owned a unit as part of a conglomerate of 10 owners, and she told
Karen that she owned a unit with her sister. She sat through most of the meeting taking
detailed notes as to what went on. Near the end of the Board meeting, before questions were
taken from owners, she interrupted the Board several times to tell us we could not charge the
owners an administrative fee when renting. The Board found her approach to be obnoxious.
We asked her to show us in writing, proof that she was an owner at Lexington Lakes before she
tried to attend another Board/owners only meeting. Questions are asked and answered re:
various agenda items.
Security Hours: All in agreement to use hours and times submitted via e-mail by Stephen
With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Lieberman