Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan

Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Purpose
The development of a strategic plan for Autism Coaching Teams will strengthen instruction and services for students with ASD. PRC
118 funds are allocated to LEAs that have an active Autism Coaching Team, develop and implement a 3-5 year strategic plan with
fidelity, spend funds appropriately, and submit data regarding progress made on the strategic plan annually.
Multiple sources of data are used to develop a strategic plan. Suggested sources include:
● Formal data examples:
○ Indicators
1 (Graduation)
2 (Dropout)
3 (AYP)
4 (Suspension and Expulsion)
11 (Evaluation timeline)
12 (Part C to Part B)
13 (Transition)
14 (Postsecondary)
15 (monitoring, complaints, hearings)
17 (General Supervision--State Systemic Improvement Plan)
● Informal Data examples:
School discipline reports
Phone logs
Requested consultation needs
Requested training needs, etc.
Core Elements of Strategic Plan - AU Coaching Teams will be required to have goals in these areas:
● IEP Development and Implementation/IEP Outcomes
● Problem-Solving for Improvement
● Research-Based/Evidence based Instruction and Practices
● Communication and Collaboration
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
LEA Name: ____________________________
EC Director: ___________________________
Autism Coaching Team members (suggested 3-5 members)
Autism Coaching Team Mission statement:
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
IEP Development and Implementation/IEP Outcomes:
Consider outcomes for student with Autism in your LEA and and develop goals
to support high fidelity implementation of IEPS.
Self Assessment
Guiding Questions
LEA Self- Assessment
(Suggested data sources: EVAAS, internal file reviews, accountability data)
What are the outcomes for students with Autism?
Are students with autism progressing in the general education
Are they making the progress necessary to graduate?
Are IEPs for students with Autism of high quality? are the present levels
of performance accurate and current, are core deficit areas as they
relate to the student addressed such as Social behavior,
communication, Adaptive behavior, academic needs, functional skills,
and behavior.
Once high quality goals are written, how does your LES ensure they are
implemented as intended?
Additional Comments:
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
(Based on self-assessment)
IEP Development and Implementation/IEP Outcomes
Action Steps
What will be done?
e Party
Who will do it?
Resources Required
Available and Needed
Evaluation Measures
By when?
Should be quantitative
Potential Barriers
What individuals/
organizations might resist?
Communication Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
2. Problem-Solving for Improvement: Consider how your LEA collects and uses data to identify potential problems for serving students identified
with Autism. Is there a process to work toward solutions and continually improve outcomes for students?
Guiding Questions
LEA Self- Assessment
Suggested Data sources: meeting minutes from AU team meetings, documentation of
problem solving process used by AU Team, collected data through SPP/APR data,
class size , teacher retention and licensure data
How does your LEA evaluate your current practices to identify current
What data is collected? How often? Who looks at this data?
How is this data used to evaluate current practices for students with
How does your LEA use student and teacher data to inform eligibility
determination, instructional decision-making, programming, and
delivery of service for students with Autism?
Does your LEA have a common problem-solving model?
How are solutions that are implemented monitored over time to
determine effectiveness?
How do teachers receive feedback regarding performance? How is
feedback shared with administration?
Additional Comments:
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
(Based on self-assessment)
Problem-Solving for Improvement
Action Steps
What will be done?
Responsible Resources Required
Available and Needed
Who will do it?
Evaluation Measures
By when?
Should be quantitative
Potential Barriers
What individuals/
organizations might resist?
Communication Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
3. Research-Based/Evidence based Instruction and Practices – Consider how your LEA identifies, implements, and monitors evidence-based
instruction and practices for students with Autism.
Guiding Questions
LEA Self- Assessment
Once a problem is identified, what information is used to select an
appropriate solution/intervention?
How do you determine whether the potential problem is a good fit for
the identified need and capability of the LEA to support it?
How does the potential method of instruction/practice fit with programs
and practices already in place (an initiative inventory can be a good place to start
identifying all of the currently implemented programs and practices).
What opportunities exist for teachers to receive professional
development related to autism and evidence based strategies?
Once a new intervention is selected, how does the LEA plan for its
How are staff/students selected to participate in the intervention?
How is your LEA building capacity for the intervention?
How does your LEA document processes, procedures, and practices
that support successful implementation?
Additional Comments:
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
(Based on self-assessment)
Research-Based/Evidence based Instruction and Practices
Action Steps
What will be done?
Responsible Resources Required
Available and Needed
Who will do it?
Evaluation Measures
By when?
Should be quantitative
Potential Barriers
What individuals/
organizations might resist?
Communication Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
4. Communication and Collaboration – Consider the way your Autism Coaching Team ensures effective communication (internally and externally
as well as across all levels) about services/programs for students with Autism. How are all stakeholders involved in meaningful ways?
Guiding Questions
LEA Self- Assessment
The District Team meets together at least quarterly to review efforts and
reports to District Administration on outcomes, timelines, and directions.
How do you disseminate information to school-based communities?
Does the AU team collaborate with other agencies? LEA’s?
Does your LEA collaborate with IHE’s or community stakeholders?
How does your team encourage teachers to collaborate and learn from
each other?
Does your LEA attend EC Division AU team PD and meetings?
Additional Comments:
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
(Based on self-assessment)
Research-Based/Evidence based Instruction and Practices
Action Steps
What will be done?
Resources Required
Available and Needed
Who will do it?
Evaluation Measures
By when?
Should be quantitative
Potential Barriers
Communication Plan
What individuals/
organizations might resist?
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
5. LEA Identified area (what data supports the need for this area):
Guiding Questions
LEA Self- Assessment
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
Additional Comments:
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
(Based on self-assessment)
LEA Identified area :
Action Steps
What will be done?
Responsible Resources Required
Available and Needed
Who will do it?
Evaluation Measures
By when?
Should be quantitative
Potential Barriers
What individuals/
organizations might resist?
Communication Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
6. LEA Identified area (what data supports the need for this area):
Guiding Questions
LEA Self- Assessment
Additional Comments:
Autism Coaching Team Strategic Plan
(Based on self-assessment)
LEA Identified area:
Action Steps
What will be done?
Responsible Resources Required
Available and Needed
Who will do it?
Evaluation Measures
By when?
Should be quantitative
Potential Barriers
What individuals/
organizations might resist?
Communication Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?