Romanesque and Gothic Multiple Choice Questions Questions 1-7 correspond to the images shown next on the website 1 The church is located in A Durham, England B Milan, Italy C Florence, Italy D Toulouse, France 2 The church is constructed in the architectural style known as A Byzantine B Gothic C Romanesque D Renaissance 3 The view of the nave shows A a triforum B pointed arches C pendentives D engaged columns 4 The type of vaulting used in the nave is A corbeled vaulting B barrel vaulting C sexpartite vaulting D fan vaulting 5 According to the plan, the church's ambulatory allowed access to its A atrium B sacristy C chapels D narthex 6 The plan demonstrated that the church is a A baptistry B private chapel C central-plan church D pilgrimage church 7 ALL of the following architectural features were used in the church EXCEPT a A transept B crossing C nave arcade D dome 8 Nicola Pisano created a sculpted___________________for the Pisa Baptistry A portal B tympanum C altarpiece D pulpit 9 The interior upper story of a Gothic cathedral is called the __________________________ A arcade B clerestory C portals D nave 10 Hall churches are often found in_______________________________________. A Italy B England C Germany D France 11 In his remodeling of the Abbey Church of Saint Denis, Abbot Suger did which of the following? A exemplified the Romanesque style B reinforced pre-existing wall structures C attempted to separate the church from the dominance of the monarchy D initiated the Gothic style 12 An altarpiece constructed in three parts is known as a ____________________________. A campanile B trumeau C triptych D cloister 13 The green and white marble paneling found on the Florence Baptistery is a deliberate revival of ________________________________________. 13 The green and white marble paneling found on the Florence Baptistery is a deliberate revival of________________________________________________. A ancient Greek technique B ancient Roman technique C ancient Minoan technique D ancient Etruscan technique 14 The fresco cycle of the life of Christ in the Arena Chapel of Padua in Italy was painted by______________________. A Cimabue B Masaccio C Fra Angelico D Giotto 15 A free-standing bell tower is called____________________________________. A an atrium B a baptistery C a campanile D a turret 16 The semi-circular space above the lintel on the portal of a Romanesque church is the _______________________________________________. A jamb B tympanum C archivolts D trumeau 17 During the Romanesque period, small Muslim states continued to exist in teh European country of ____________________________________. A Germany B France C Spain D Sweden 18 The Bayeaux Tapestry illustrated William the Conquerer's invasion of _______________. A Byzantium B the Holy Land C England D Normandy 19 The city of Venice is located at the north end of A Spain B the Adriatic Sea C the Tyrrhenian Sea D the North Sea 20 The church of St. Denis was built north of A Apulia B Paris C Florence D London 21 The countryside in the Good Government fresco is near A Salisbury B Florence C Siena D Rome 22 The Gothic pointed arch was probably derived from_______________________. A Anglo-Saxon sources B Ottonian sources C Carolingian sources D Islamic sources 23 Because the pointed arch exerts less outward pressure, it allows for the construction of___________________________________. A a clerestory B a tunnel vault C a triforum D an apse 24 What engineering advance made the soaring churches of the later Gothic period possible? A stained glass windows B the pointed arch C the ambulatory D stone foundations 25 Pisa Cathedral is located in the area of Italy known as______________. A Sicily B Lombardy C Vatican City D Tuscany Questions 26-29 refer to the image in the following Image Bank 26 The architectural grouping shown is located in A `Rome B Pisa C Ravenna D Venice 27 The architectural grouping shown is A a monastic complex B a cathedral complex D an observatory 28 The principal style of the architectural works shown is A early Christian B Carolingian C Romanesque D Renaissance 29 Which of the following identifies the building in the foreground as belonging to a later period? A tracery B engaged columns C Tuscan tiles D a lantern on the dome Question 30 refers to the image for Question 30 in the image bank Question 30 30 The sculpture shown below is an example of which of the following periods A Roman B Gothic C Romanesque D Byzantine Questions 31-35 refer to the image for Questions 31-36 in the Image Bank 31 The work is a A manuscript illumination B wall painting from a private chapel C predella panel of an altarpiece D ceramic panel in a chateau 32 This example is taken from which of the following cycles? A allegories of the virtues and vices B Biblical story is represented in contemporary dress C a representation of the labors of the months D a book on animal husbandry 33 This work is an example of which of the following period styles? A Roman B Byzantine C Carolingian D International Gothic 34 The work shown was made in approximately A 12000 B 13000 C 1400 D 1500 35 The work was painted by A Irish monks B Jan and Hubert van Eyck C the Limbourg brother 36 The Limbourg brothers were hired by the __________________to paint manuscripts. A Duke of Berry (Duc de Berry) B Melchior Broederlam C Bardi family D Abbot Suger