Expanded Troubled Families Programme - Early Starters Richmond Borough has been confirmed as one of 51 local areas eligible to start delivering the expanded Troubled Families programme (known as the Strengthening Families Programme Richmond) early. The Department for Communities and Local Government will be working closely with the early starters to develop Phase 2 of the programme, ensuring that there is a clear operating model in place for reaching and supporting nationally 400,000 new families over five years. The remit of the new programme is much broader than the current one and has been expanded to include parents and/or children that are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. involved in crime or antisocial behaviour; not attending school regularly; in need of help at a young age or considered ‘as a child in need’; out of work; affected by domestic violence or affected by a range of health problems. Early starters will be expected to work closely with government, local partners and the voluntary sector and demonstrate how they are supporting families to turn their lives around; a payment by results approach will be employed for families that demonstrate tangible improvements. This new programme provides an opportunity for Achieving for Children to demonstrate its early help approach nationally and share how it can make a difference to families most in need. The approach for Phase 2 is currently in development and Achieving for Children would like to seek the involvement of the voluntary and community sector in both the identification of the families most in need of support and the design of the delivery model. A Steering Group to oversee how support to families is given and to ensure that partners are working together to ensure progress is made is currently being set up; voluntary representation on this group would be welcome. Representatives from the Strengthening Families Project Group will also attend voluntary sector network meetings to gain a greater understanding of the issues and are also available to speak with individual organisations about their possible involvement in the project, just drop a line to Suzanne Payne (details below) or Keval Shah, Strengthening Families Coordinator at keval.shah@achievingforchildren.org.uk an email. Finally, we would be grateful if organisations interested in shaping the programme would complete a short survey (attached) and return it to Suzanne Payne, Head of Strategy and Programmes at suzanne.payne@achievingforchildren.org.uk by 12 January 2015. www.achievingforchildren.org.uk Voluntary Sector Survey on the Strengthening Families Programme Phase 2 Name of organisation Contact name Contact details Short summary of organisation and interest in the Strengthening Families Programme What are the three main issues of concern of families you work with? e.g. domestic abuse, emotional wellbeing, financial hardship, young people’s behaviour What gaps are there in service provision? e.g. lack of mental health support, little support back into employment What key issue would you use to prioritise families onto the programme? Parents who have reported misusing alcohol and drugs Parents who have been recorded with mental health/emotional wellbeing concerns Parents who have been recorded as victims of domestic violence Please tick one box Adults in the household who are claiming out-of-work benefits Children who have been diagnosed with Autism or ADHD Other, please state below Would you like to be No involved in the development and Yes, information only implementation of the programme? Yes, and I would like to attend the next partnership event at the end of February 2015 Please tick all boxes that apply Yes, I would like to be part of the Steering Group Other, please state below Please return this survey to Suzanne Payne, Head of Strategy and Programmes at suzanne.payne@achievingforchildren.org.uk by 12 January 2015