Public comments on the Park and Ride consultation including Trust

Park and Ride Relocation Public Questions 2015
I saw a paragraph in the Epworth Bells stating that you want comments on the proposal to relocate the Scunthorpe Hospital park and ride
service to a town centre location.
It is difficult to give balanced consideration to a proposal without some answers.
First, where is the proposed town centre location/ Who has proposed relocating and why?
As a recently retired, health service professional, I felt that the current Park and ride at Glanford Park worked very well. It certainly freed
up space in hospital car parks when I had to attend meetings at short notice. Colleagues found it suited their needs.
As a member of the public, living to the West of Scunthorpe, it took a way the anxieties of hospital appointments, knowing that there
would be a space to park in the large car park, friendly driver to reduce nerves and to deliver outpatients to the door. This would not be
achieved by a town centre location with the additional stress from travelling into the centre. Traffic is a problem already on main routes.
The current car parks may be short of spaces.
Those travelling from the east of Scunthorpe would have a more difficult journey to the town centre than travelling on the M180/M181
to Glanford Park.
I question the proposal but expect money/politics is the driving facto. I will look forward to a reply.
Current location – Glanford Park:
Those members who live west of Scunthorpe, i.e. Axholme and destinations in that direction have indicated that they find Glanford Park
to be the perfect location as it is just off the A18. On a positive note they find Glanford Park to be light, airy, open and feel secure in using
this venue.
On a negative for the Glanford Park location each and every person feels that the downside is travelling from Glanford Park to the
hospital because of congestion/delays at Berkeley Circle although of course they do appreciate that is not something within DPOW’s
Proposed relocation to The Parishes Carpark:
Those who live South and East of Scunthorpe would find travelling to the Parishes easier because they are not passing the hospital to get
to the park and ride and then doubling back on themselves. However, as you can well imagine that those living west have the reverse
problem of having to pass the hospital, into the centre of town where they would not normally have had to travel and then catch the bus
to get to the hospital.
From a health and safety point of view then our members regardless of where they live have concerns regarding safety and security.
We note that North Lincolnshire Council has for the Parishes Carpark have CCTV in operation, has robust security patrol and the carpark
carries the “park mark” accredited status for safe parking.
Regardless of these assurances on security and safety whether the threat is perceived or real, our members are concerned about entering
multi-storey carparks in the centre of town particularly early or late ends of the shift. This is just not limited to the carpark but the
surrounding area. Our members believe the bus station and the central Scunthorpe area is one that seems to attract people of a less
desirable nature which makes our members feel intimated by this.
The proposal to relocate the hospital park & ride bus from Glandford Park to the town centre is an absolute nonsense for people living in
the Isle of Axholme and the surrounding areas. To have to drive through the outskirts of Scunthorpe into the town and then get on the
hospital bus is not at all practical. It is extremely difficult to park at the hospital and this will cause more delay in trying to get to
appointments on time. Surely there is another site available in the vicinity of Glandford Park for people living on the outskirts
of Scunthorpe. ItI hav is not just patients who use this service but hospital staff too. I have tried to phone you but with no success. I have
also asked the Chairman of Scunthorpe council to look into this matter.
I am concerned to read about the proposal to move the hospital park and ride service into the town centre.
At present it provides out of town parking and shuttle for those wishing to use it. This will mean extra car traffic coming in and out of
Scunthorpe, especially at already busy times in the morning and late afternoon. I assume the multistory car park has enough space for the
additional cars using the park and ride?
Hornsby’s operate a 20 minute hospital shuttle service for those wishing to travel from the town centre. It is not clear from the
Scunthorpe Telegraph article whether the hospital park and ride service will duplicate the Hornsby’s service, or replace it. If the former,
then it is a waste of hospital resources to run this service. If the later, will the service be extended to provide a Saturday service?
The service would need to be extended in the evening for evening visitors. Hornsby’s run a bus at 8.05 from the hospital to the bus
Will this be a permanent move, or are there plans to use parking at the new football ground when it opens?
The only advantage I can see to this proposal is that it would allow free parking in the Parishes multi storey car park. How do you intend
to monitor this to stop visitors shopping in Scunthorpe from taking advantage of this?
It seems a retrograde step in my opinion as it reduces choice for hospital visitors.
I understand there are plans to move the park and ride from its current place to the Parishes Multi storey car park at the bottom of the
town. I consider this to be a very bad idea. It is in the ideal place where it is now, out of town and easily accessible. Moving it into the
town will create even more traffic possibly leading to hold ups. Not something you want when you have an appointment to keep. Not
everyone likes to park in the Multi storey car parks, particularly if you are elderly and unable to climb steps. Yes, there are lifts, but not
everyone likes to use them and there is always a likelihood of them being out of order. Please leave the park and ride where it is.
I do not think moving the hospital park and ride to the Parishes is a good idea for the following reasons – if your hospital appt overruns its
time you could be liable to a parking fine. You would need to factor in the time it takes from the Parishes to the hospital and back. I do
not know the Parishes car park well, I have used it but found it a bit intimidating. Is it disabled friendly? How long would it take to get
from there to the Hornsby’s bus? More traffic would be using the town centre.
Parking at the present location is easy and there is always plenty of space and the journey time is negligible. It is also handy to use the
park to visit patients. The drivers of the bus are friendly and helpful and it would be a shame for them to lose their jobs.
I hope you will seriously consider not moving the park and ride or if it has to be relocated because of the football ground moving, an edge
of town location at the hospital side of town would be best.
Just wondering if there will be designated spaces in the car park for park & ride users , I use this service regular due to hospital
appointments & obviously around Xmas the multi storey is very busy so would struggle for a space .
1. Whilst I understand that the current location was never a permanent solution in view of the fact that the football club is looking to
relocate. I am concerned and disappointed about the move. Change of location would mean allowing time to park close to the bus
station, pick up park and ride bus then travel to Hospital.
Depending on the type of appointment(s) you have at the Hospital you would need to ensure you complete your visit in 2 hours to take
advantage of free parking or pay to park for 4 hrs or all day to be sure you do not receive a parking ticket for overstaying. Early morning
appointments would mean leaving home extra early, and adding to the commuters making for town. As you are aware you do not
generally have much choice what time appointment would suit you.
2. I have an elderly neighbour who has difficulty in walking very far due to severe chest problems and mobility. His wife does not drive, so
he too would have to travel with the morning/evening rush traffic and try to park as close to the bus station as he could. He does
however have a 'disabled' concession
3. Once the football club have vacated the site, could this still be kept as park and ride until the site is taken over by a new owner?
4. The car parking in the Parishes is stretched enough with town workers using the car park, adding patients will put pressure on the
parking which in turn would add stress trying to find a space to give you time to catch the park and ride bus.
I hope some of the above points may be considered regarding this proposal.
As users of the Park & Ride in Scunthorpe we strongly object to the proposal of it being moved into the town centre. This to us would be
as frustrating as trying to park in the hospital car park ,not to mention the further congestion of the town centre and us having to drive
through it, so please leave the Park & Ride where it is as it is so convenient for both Patients, staff and visitors.
I am concerned about the Park and Ride facilities being re-located into the town. Park and Ride services are there to keep traffic out of
the town centre, so why do something completely the opposite?? Where is the common sense?
It is a valuable service both to staff and patients. When the football stadium moves there will still be the same parking facilities available,
and I am sure that all visitors and patients would be happy to contribute to keep this service 'out of town'.
11 I cannot believe you could even consider the ridiculous idea of moving the park and ride to the parishes car park, have you seen how
many cars are parked at Glanford Park at any one time, the car park is usually really full this will just overfill the Parishes which will not
allow shoppers to park there and as for everyone getting on the bus you will have to arrive to catch a bus way before your appointment
time as the buses are going to be stacked with town patients using their local service to get to the bus station and park and ride traffic,
especially when staff are leaving you might have to wait for the next bus, the park and ride bus I used last week was full, mainly with staff.
How are you going to determine who is using the park and ride and therefore can park for free when the car park is only free after 2pm,
its no good getting two hours free parking as when I attend the eye clinic you can be there 3 or 4 hours and can have morning
appointments. You don’t want people arriving at the hospital more than 10 mins before their appointment time but people are going to
have to arrive much earlier in case the buses are full. You would use your time and money more wisely advertising and improving the
service you already have as last week I must have timed it badly and we stopped with the engine off waiting for staff to come out the side
entrance which isn’t really acceptable when the buses are supposed to run every ten mins. How much more traffic do you want to jam
the town centre with?, at the moment the hospital traffic is well flowing down to GPark but put all that traffic into the town centre means
more queues, are people again going to have to allow much more time than necessary getting to their appointment on time and
therefore perhaps arriving at the hospital earlier than you would like. I use the park and ride regularly and most of the time it is an
efficient service and much easier and cheaper than fighting for a space in the hospital car parks. Please do not move.
12 Before commenting on the proposed Park and Ride I would appreciate further information which I have been unable to find elsewhere.
Where precisely is the parking. Is this dedicated parking and is it secure?
I am from the Isle of Axholme and a very satisfied user of the current service.
13 I have just started at SGH and commute from near Beverley. One of the factors of my move was the park and ride as it is so convenient
for staff who come in on the motorway.
I will be devastated if it moves to the proposed site and will be unable to use it. I thought the purpose of a park and ride was to stop
people from driving into towns??
I hope the proposed move doesn't go ahead.
14 We would like the park & ride to stay at the football ground as it is so convenient and easy to park. It would be much busier getting into
the town centre and could be difficult in the multi storey for people with walking difficulties if the lifts were not working.
My husband and I were disappointed to hear of the plans to move the park and ride bus service from Glanford Park to the Parishes.
Surely it will cause major problems for shoppers parking at Christmas as well. Why change something that currently works well.
I heard today that from 4th Jan next year the park and ride as it is now will cease. It will operate as I understand from multistorey car park
in town using hospital shuttle bus. I feel this is a backward step. It makes more sense to operate the service from the outskirts of town.
Will there be certain bays highlighted for hospital users at the multistorey? I can foresee them being abused and town shoppers bagging
them all. When the new stadium is built will the park and ride go back to the new stadium?
I would just like to say my husband and I are not happy about the proposed change.
Over the last two years we have used this service a lot for appointments at various clinics and it has been excellent. Why can’t it be
transferred to the new football ground when it moves?
When the service moves to Scunthorpe can you guarantee parking? How are you going to stop the general public parking in the multi
storey car park and taking all the places, it’s surprising what people will do to save paying when going to work or shopping? People are
not going to park in the other car parks and pay if they can get into this car park free. How are you going to stop this?
Thus leaving people with afternoon clinic appointments unable to get to the hospital.
Another point the ground floor will be reserved for disability sticker people, then judging from the number of cars parked at Glanford
Park there will be lots of staff cars from early morning which means lots of old people who walk with sticks will be left to park their cars
on the higher floors and walk down the stairs or risk being trapped in the lift.
We have seen many people manage to walk from their cars with a struggle to the bus but would struggle with the stairs. Have you
thought this might lead to a greater demand for hospital transport?
Is it already arranged or can more thought be given to us old people who try to be independent and rarely used the hospital until these
last few years?
18 I wonder if you could answer a few question about the new park and ride.
1. What area is for the park and ride in the Multi story ?
2. Will their be Blue Badge parking?
3. How do you know that someone will be park and riding not just gone shopping in that area?
4.. Or are you just allowing the public to park using the free parking that already exists which is two hours because if this is the case it will
not work because if you factor in
travel time plus appointment then you may have to have blood test this can and does take you over the 2 hours
5 Christmas /January sale time can be a nightmare to get into the centre of town this could also effect the bus running times!
19 I feel that I have to make representation against the newly proposed Park and Ride arrangements to the Scunthorpe Hospital which
currently work very well. I have only recently had the need to use this service to visit a sick relative and have found it highly convenient
due of course to the lack of parking space at the Hospital and the high expense if one is lucky enough to get a parking space particularly if
one is visiting twice a day and/or long term.
Neither staff nor members of the public will want to go into town to use the multi-storey car park which for one thing is out of most
peoples way and particularly females on dark days/nights if on their own will not feel safe.
It is far better to have a large open space where all can be observed,
Surely if the current arrangements must be changed then a similar type of venue could be found.
I do hope that the Management will reconsider and come up with a better solution.
I saw a paragraph in the Epworth Bells stating that you want comments on the proposal to relocate the Scunthorpe Hospital park and ride
service to a town centre location.
It is difficult to give balanced consideration to a proposal without some answers.
First, where is the proposed town centre location/ Who has proposed relocating and why?
As a recently retired, health service professional, I felt that the current Park and ride at Glanford Park worked very well. It certainly freed
up space in hospital car parks when I had to attend meetings at short notice.
Colleagues found it suited their needs.
As a member of the public, living to the West of scunthorpe, it took a way the anxietys of hospital appointments, knowing that there
would be a space to park in the large car park, friendly driver to reduce nerves and to deliver outpatients to the door. This would not be
achieved by a town centre location with the additional stress from travelling into the centre. Traffic is a problem already on main routes.
The current car parks may be short of spaces.
Those travelling from the east of Scunthorpe would have a more difficult journey to the town centre than travelling on the M180/M181
to Glanford Park.
I question the proposal but expect money/politics is the driving facto.
Please don't move the park and ride into Scunthorpe town centre. I live in Belton and have cause to use the transport regularly , it is so
convenient for those living in the isle of Axholme. There is plenty of parking and no charges if your appointment takes more than two
hours. It will be a sad sad day if we lose this amenity.
22 Do you really think people from the opposite side of town, ie Gunness, Keadby, Crowle, and Epworth etc. are going to travel into town to
park for the hospital?
A hospital shuttle bus already does town centre to the hospital.
If the service is moved, then you are going to face the same problems you had before the service began.
Streets will become blocked by patients visiting for tests etc. so they don't have to pay the high prices to park.
To move the service is pointless and it would be better to withdraw it and put that money to reduce the parking charges at the hospital.
Alternatively I am sure there must be somewhere this side of town that you could investigate to use. This is going to be more of an issue
when the new "villages" are built off the motorway!
23 We frequently use the park and ride service and find it very convenient.
Living in Crowle, we are lucky as it is on the right side of Scunthorpe for us and means we can avoid the town centre. Moving it to the
Parishes won't benefit our side, or indeed any side of Scunthorpe! Furthermore, people from this side of the town would have to pass the
end of the road leading to the hospital and would probably try to park at the hospital to avoid the extra journey into the town centre,
thus causing more congestion at the hospital.
The free parking at Glanford Park is all on one level which helps those of us who are not so steady on our feet, and the bus drivers always
allow plenty of time for us to get seated,
The Telegraph states that 450 spaces have been allocated at the proposed site. Surely this will clog up the car park, restricting parking for
much-needed shoppers, Also, if 425 staff permits are currently issued, will there be enough allocated spaces left for hospital patients and
I know this is primarily a cost-cutting measure and has probably already been decided but some of us are not in favour,
24 On behalf of the patients and relatives from the Isle of Axholme we strongly object to the change of the park and ride location.
25 I would just like to let you know my views about the hospital Park and Ride service that is currently operating between the hospital and
the Glanford Park car park. I understand this service is under review and might be changing to just operating from the bus station in town
centre. We (my husband and I) currently use the park and ride service as it is very convenient to take our car to the out of town centre
location to avoid the chaos at the hospital car park, which as I am sure you are very aware, is a nightmare. The current service helps to
reduce the added stress that is usually associated with our hospital clinic appointments as we never have to worry about where to park
the car, the car parking charges as our appointments almost always run late and the drivers have always been so nice and
helpful. Bringing the Park and Ride service to the town centre would add to the traffic in town and take up valuable parking spots from
shoppers when Scunthorpe town centre could use many more shoppers rather than less. Couldn't the current system work from the new
football ground when it is built in the new year? Maybe you could consider increasing the price to maybe £1.50 round trip? I still think
that would be a reasonable charge. We would not use the service if it is operating only from the town centre, we would try to take our car
and have to fight for the few parking spaces. Thank you for your time and for allowing us to express our views on this matter.
26 It was with great dismay to read of the proposed parking changes for the hospital. When park and ride schemes were first introduced the
whole idea was to get extra traffic out of towns now you are considering the reverse of this so that we will end up with queues again
compounding already stressful situations with hospital appointments. People visiting hospital for appointments are ill some more
seriously than others but it is an anxious time; the last thing they want is to be in traffic queues then the hassle of parking then waiting for
a bus and to reverse all this when they leave. People with mobility problems and their carers or mothers with small children will be
appalled if they have to make this journey. We will request another hospital if this change takes place we cannot face all the hassle. I do
not know the reason behind the proposed change, I expect money plays some part but the present arrangements are fantastic. The car
park is out of town, there's always room to park, the bus runs regularly and drops us off at the door why change a scheme that is ideal
and cause lots of problems? Give us the reasons for change not the bland statements that there will be a number 9 bus etc and things will
be fine they won't. Leave well alone that's fine!
27 Why are you cancelling the Park and ride ok you are moving it, therefore it is no longer park and ride.
The object of this was to stop congestion in the town centre NOW YOU PENCIL PUSHERS ARE FORCING PEOPLE TO COME INTO TOWN.
This is another way of forcing people to use transport that they don’t want. It was a great idea to use the car park' convenient to shop
now its back to the middle of Scunthorpe, and don’t give the excuse because the football ground is moving the car park will still be there.
28 We would like to object to the plan of stopping the Park & Ride scheme that operates between Glanford Park and the Hospital.
As pensioners, both my wife and myself have to attend the Hospital fairly regularly. Being able to Park & Ride means we do not have to
worry about how long this takes and how much it would cost to park at the Hospital. Please think again before the decision to stop this
service is taken.
The idea of Park and Ride is to take passengers from the outskirts of a town to the centre of town not the reverse.
The congestion in the morning afternoon and evening will have a bad effect on traffic in that area of town plus taking a normal service
bus to the hospital will probably result in patients late for appointments or taking an earlier bus and overcrowding the hospital waiting
30 I have read the proposal for the new place for park and ride. My husband and I are regular attenders at the Hospital either for ourselves
or assisting friends. I am 75 and my husband is 80. The thought of using a multi story car park terrifies us and our friends are of the same
opinion. The place of the park and ride now is ideal as I would be too frightened to drive into Town. I note that the multi storey has cctv
but this is of no comfort or reassurance. To catch a public bus seems ludicrous when there is at the moment a dedicated bus for the
Hospital, again the worry of youths or unsavoury characters is lessened. I have spoken to a number of people in the Isle who all feel the
proposed site is too far, too unsafe and would not be used by them. Some of the friends that I currently bring to the park and ride have
now said they will request hospital transport. I will NOT use the park and ride if it moves.
I also know a lot of people who work at the hospital from the isle; most of whom are parents and the impact on extending childcare hours
would be quite significant. There does not seem to be any good things in the news about Scunthorpe Hospital these days.
31 With reference to the article in this week's copy of the Scunthorpe Telegraph, I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the
proposals. Firstly, let me say that I am, as many people must , very grateful for the service to the hospital which I find very convenient
and as a fairly regular out patient I use the service quite a lot and found the drivers very pleasant and helpful. One minor detail is that I
was under the impression that the present service ended at 6pm with the last bus leaving the hospital at 5.50pm. The first item I would
like to comment on is the fact that 450 spaces have been allocated at the Parishes car park and that 425 parking permits have been
issued to staff which potentially means there are only 25 spaces for public use, however I do realise that allowing for days off, shift
patterns and other reasons 425 cars are not going to descend upon the car park at once. My other concern is that shoppers may take the
opportunity of free parking by using the park and ride facility. The change of running times of every 20 minutes as opposed to the
present 15 minutes is a minor detail I am sure everyone can live with. It may be argued that going to and from the Parishes at peak times
will delay the bus but I feel no more than the present route getting onto Doncaster Road and negotiating the Berkeley Roundabout and
visa versa. All in all looking at the proposal positively I can foresee no major problems and we thank the NLG trust for their most valued
service. Most probably people coming from west of the football ground will without doubt not agree with me!!!!! It goes with saying you
can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you will never please all the people all of the
time!!!!!! I have attempted to look at the proposal in a positive light.
32 If the proposed new Park & Ride includes concessions, does it mean that seniors will be able to use their bus pass and enjoy free parking?
Quite happy to have P & R in new location
33 I use the park & ride on a regular basis and I am not at all happy about it being relocated to the town centre,I always thought that the
whole reason for having park & rides was to have them located on the outskirts of the town centres to stop congestion of heavy traffic. I
would like to see this service remain at this location it is the ideal spot and easy to get to, has a lot of people I have spoken to while
waiting for this bus agree that it should not be moved and certainly not into the town centre. If this service is moved I for one and many
others will not go into the town centre we might has well just drive to the hospital, please listen to the people and leave it where it is the
ideal spot and we don't want it relocated.
I would like the NHS park and ride to remain at
Scunthorpe United Football Club
35 Our preference would be option 1 to stay where it is until football team move and then move with them. As coming from the west of the
isle it would be more difficult moving into the centre of Scunthorpe and using the service bus would not be a good option in our opinion.
If you are travelling at busy times you could miss appointments and have to wait a long time to get back to the car park.
36 I'm a keen user of park and ride as I don't have to worry about finding a parking space, and it’s cheap! I am a blue badge user and whilst I
have never tried to find a blue badge parking space when I go to the hospital (in the afternoon) they look full, and I'm happy for someone
in more need than me to have any spaces. The park and ride also delivers me door to door, and I can usually park near to the bus stop at
glanford park, so walking is minimised.
I'm concerned that if the P &R is moved into town, that parking will be further away from the bus. I have chronic fatigue so the less I need
to walk, the better. Can you reassure me about this?
I must add that I feel very irritated that other blue badge users choose to park on church lane and cause traffic problems than to use P&R
(subject to their capabilities).I need to minimise walking, not choose to park further away from the hospital. Perhaps numbers of blue
badge spaces need to be increased?
Thank you for giving the opportunity for the general public to comment on proposed changes regarding car parking at the Trust.
My elderly parents use the current park and ride service for every hospital appointment. Last week they used it on four consecutive days.
They have no problem about parking up and taking the bus. This is due to them not having to drive through a busy town centre and
having to negotiate a daunting car park.
Should the park and ride be taken to a more populated area then I am afraid this is something my parents would not use and would be
required to book hospital transport, which is an additional cost I am sure the Trust can do without.
Could you please provide me with a detailed time frame of this consultation and if comments provided by the public will be available in
the public domain.
Whilst appreciating that at some time in the future the service will no longer be able to operate from Glanford Park and the difficulties in
finding an alternative site
we do not consider that the present proposals are ideal for a number of reasons as detailed below :1) It will be much more difficult for the elderly & infirm to move from the car park to the buses whereas at present the can be dropped off
adjacent to the bus stop.
2) Will there be a designated area to park in the multi storey and what happens if this is full?
3) How will the free parking be monitored & will people be expected to prove they have visited the hospital. With travelling this can often
take longer than 2 hours and people visiting patients have no written proof?
4) Will the normal bus service be able to cope at peak times and how will the 50p fare be monitored for eligibility?
5) There are likely to be many more traffic problems driving into the town centre than to an outlying site, and the whole idea of park &
ride was to keep traffic away from town & city centres.
Thank you for your consideration of these points and we would urge that the continue to look for a more suitable site.
39 I respond to your invitation in the Epworth Bells to comment on the proposals – in so much as they have been disclosed. In my experience
of many such schemes throughout the UK, this is the first occasion that relocation to a town centre location has been the proposal. Within
recent weeks, my wife and I have made use of the service as I needed to attend for checking on possible blood clots. Last Friday my wife
escorted a near neighbour for a review of her Shingles which she has had for several weeks. On this occasion your NHS bus displayed
details of the proposed scheme.
In view of the fact that parking is to be accommodated in a town centre multi-storey….. Available space has to be questioned. As the bus
from the multi-storey
to the hospital is a Service bus available accommodation for NHS passengers, also has to be questioned.
I appreciate that there have to be reviews from time to time and changes made but I for one hope that the excellent service you have
provided, will not be lost.
40 We wish to protest about the possible closure of the current park and ride facilities based at Glandford Park. We are current users of the
scheme, which we use frequently, as we appreciate the lack of problems presented by the very limited parking facilities at the
hospital, not to mention the exorbitant parking fees. It can also present an extra 1 hour to the appointment because of having to leave
earlier to ensure parking.
We appreciate the football ground is moving which means alternative sights must be found, but there is already an existing shuttle
service from the bus station and it would mean no transport from the West and South West of Scunthorpe.
We would have thought it beneficial to have a Park and Ride away from the centre of town where it must cause more congestion.
41 I have used the Park & Ride from Glanford Park to Scunthorpe Hospital today, and saw a notice relating to the possible cessation of the
service from Glanford Park.
I would to to say that I am not in favour of this, and would prefer for it to stay as it is.
From the number of cars parked, it is obviously popular. It solves the problem of parking at the hospital.
The proposed alternative would lead me not to bother with the service, and revert back to trying to park at the hospital. I do live in the N.
Axeholme area.
42 I would like to register my disapproval with the plans to move the Park and ride to the multi storey car park. This site has security
problems, safe access for elderly and low lighting levels plus awkward access for driving too and from plus tiny bay's not suitable for my
vehicle. Extra hours do help but not if I can,t use the car park.
I note the proposal to change the park and ride to Scunthorpe hospital from Glanford park to Scunthorpe town centre. I believe at this
stage it would be a mistake, and should be kept at Glanford Park for as long as possible, although I do appreciate it may be necessary to
make alterations in the future when the ground is sold. Please record us as voting against the proposal
44 I rode the bus this morning and read the proposal. I am a regular patient user.
You give no indication of the reason for the proposal but guess it must be financial. Clearly this is not an amendment but a removal of a
worthy service and cobbling together a ‘replacement’ from an existing bus service. I have to say I am disappointed by the concept as the
P&R service suits me and, judging by the number of cars, plenty of others too.
My daughter was a midwife at the hospital and always had problems with parking. She would have made greater use if the P&R had
operated such that she could fit her shift times with the parking. Keeping staff away from the main site would make life much easier for
patients. Glanford Park is relatively close and apart from on match days is an ideal site, being on the outskirts of town and close to
motorway and principle roads.
I believe consideration should be given to expanding the service to round the clock with an ‘on call’ service out of daytime working hours.
One minibus type vehicle could satisfy the overnights and still ensure nobody had to wait more than 10/15mins from a call.
The proposal goes against all the principles of P&R Schemes which is to keep vehicles out of town and city centres. You would be
increasing journey times for many on congested roads. It would be likely to be unpopular. So what happens then? People don’t use it.
Result is more cars use the hospital site increasing congestion and pollution not just for staff and patients, but all the local residents too.
Those residents may also suffer with increased informal parking near their homes adding to their misery. That effect just expands when
controls are put in place. You just extend the problem around the circumference.
As an aside, but of significance, is that the parking is also close to shops. I have witnessed staff visiting Boots and M&S for convenience.
No doubt the shops benefit from the numbers of people being brought close by. Were they to be counselled about the proposal you
might be able to persuade the local shops and eateries to contribute to some kind of sponsorship as they too will lose.
I oppose the proposal which seems ill thought out. A bit of lateral thinking might deliver better solutions.
45 We visited hospital yesterday & was alarmed to see your proposal to run the bus service from scunthorpe town centre.
It's easy to see why this move has been proposed (to save money) putting the needs of the public as a low priority.
I spoke to many people yesterday & didn’t find anyone who thought your proposal was a good idea, also i feel that the traffic situation in
town has not been taken into consideration.
People with limited mobility will find it almost impossible to use as at present they can be dropped at the bus stop before parking the car.
Her's hoping that common sense & the needs of us the patients will be given priority Although i don't hold much hope of us the public
being listened to'
I don’t know if it is too late to object to the hospital park and ride moving to the middle of Scunthorpe. I will try anyway!
I live in Haxey and the football ground service has been wonderful for me. I understand it has to move. Can an alternative place not be
found on this side of town. Once it stops I will have to go back to parking at the hospital or surrounding streets. Going to make life more
difficult. I know I am being selfish but at my age I have to do what makes my life easier.
Park and Ride Relocation Response to the Public Comments 2015
The proposed new location is The Parishes Multi Storey Car Park situated in Scunthorpe Town Centre, this is connected to the View Cinema
complex adjacent to the bus station. The proposal came about following discussions with the Local Authority who identified the area to us as a
possible location, we are also retendering our Transport services for the Trust. The proposal does also offer considerable financial savings of
which we are challenged to provide as part of a wider remit within the organisation, of which I am sure you are aware.
The park & ride in its current location is a great service, and the proposal will continue to provide space off site for staff, public and visitors to
Scunthorpe Hospital. There will be both negative and positive feedback in terms of the change this presents, travelling either from the West or
East & South of the main site, some of which pass the Hospital to the existing location, and perhaps will not, if we do relocate.
The space we have secured is the same as we have at Glanford Park, and the route to the proposed location could follow the same bus route
via the Kingsway, Church Lane, and then via Station Road and Cole Street into the car park, avoiding immediate town centre.
The proposed bus service will run direct from the bus station to the hospital with 2 stops in-between on both journeys, the journey time of
each way is 10 minutes. The vehicle has been increased in size to accommodate the capacity required to run the service during peak periods.
The cost of the proposed service will remain as per the current service which will include concessions. Parking at the proposed location will
continue to be free of charge to all patients and visitors.
As above, those travelling from the West can utilise the existing route, off the M181, to Station Road and Cole Street, but there was also this
trade off when we implemented at Glanford Park in 2009, with feedback from staff travelling past the Hospital, coming from the South and
We are faced with financial challenges within the NHS, and this proposal, excluding a location change, provides a like for like service utilising
existing routes we are not required to fund as a dedicated service, so these have to be explored. The feedback will be collated and shared,
pending a final recommendation and decision from our Executive Team