Barbara's Centre' For Dance “Ooh La La” Celebrating 16 years in business! REGISTRATION FORM Name:___________________________________________ Age:___________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ____________ Cell Phone:____________________ Home Phone:_______________________ Birthday:___________________ School: _______________________________ Email Address: (print clearly)________________________________________ Parent Names: _____________________________________________________ Please list days and times of desired classes and please read and sign policies noted on back:_____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ PLEASE READ AND SIGN THE BACK OF THIS FORM COST $ 40.00 registration fee / $50.00(per family) ________ ($20.00 registration fee if register after Jan. 1st) First Child - please circle # of classes desired - thank you! Discount - If you enroll in 8 classes or more and your tuition is paid by the 1st day of every month please deduct $5.00! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. class per week per month $45.00 classes per week per month $65.00 classes per week per month $85.00 classes per week per month $105.00 classes per week per month $125.00 classes per week per month $145.00 classes per week per month $165.00 Unlimited classes per month $175.00 ($5 discount available, see note above) Second Child - please circle the # of classes desired 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. class per week per month $40.00 classes per week per month $60.00 classes per week per month $80.00 classes per week per month $100.00 classes per week per month $120.00 classes per week per month $140.00 classes per week per month $160.00 Unlimited classes per month $170.00 1. Please abide by the dress code. This is so important for all of us! Proper dress code includes the following: black leotard, pink or tan tights, hair up and off neck (preferably a bun for all ballet classes), and proper dance shoes. Please see dance attire sheet for specific information for shoes. 2. Tuition is due by the 1st day of each month. A $10.00 late fee will be added to all payments received after the 1st day of the month. This will be strongly enforced! If there is ever a problem, please let Ms. Barbara know immediately. If a dancer’s account is not current when costumes arrive, costumes will not be allowed to go home until the dancers account is current. Also, a dancer will not be allowed to take part in the Dance Concert unless all outstanding balances are current and up to date by May 1st of current dance season. 3. Full tuition is due for all months even for months with holidays (with exception to August). Holidays observed – no classes held during the following: September - Labor Day, October - Halloween, November - Thanksgiving Break, December - Winter Break, March - Spring Break, April - Good Friday. We have dance classes during all school holidays/teacher work days with exception of those listed above. 4. There will be no refunds for classes missed, classes can be made up. Please see dance schedule for other days and times. Also, there are no refunds given for any reason. 5. Dance Concert tickets will be sold beginning Feb 1st of each dance season. Cost for tickets will be $10.00 for the month of February, thereafter tickets will be $15.00 each. Dance Concert Dates are as follows: Polk State College Theater (Winter Haven Campus). No refunds or exchanges given for any reason. Dress Rehearsal.....Friday, May 13, 2016 3:30p.m. Dance Concert.......Saturday, May 14, 2016 5:00 p.m. Dance Concert.......Sunday, May 15, 2016 2:30 p.m. 6. Costume balances are due by October 21st. Costume balances must be paid in full before any order can be placed. Please plan ahead for your costume payment. If you would like to make monthly installments please feel free to do so. Costume checks are payable to Barbara Mizell. All Costumes with exception of solo costumes will be approximately $65.00 each. Costume payments are nonrefundable. Costumes will not be distributed unless until all outstanding account balances are current. If one registers after January 1st participation in the annual dance concert will not be allowed. Costume Picture Days.....Monday, February 15, Tuesday, February 16 and Wednesday, February 17. 7. No gum, food or drinks of any kind allowed in dance centre’. Students, parents and siblings are allowed to have an appropriate snack in designated areas only. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages of any kind, at BCFD or any related event. 8. Dance Centre’, teachers, etc. are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Also, the centre’ is not responsible or liable for illnesses or injuries of any kind. 9. Please plan to drop off and pick up your child on time. It is not fair for teachers to wait with your child after hours. If there is an emergency contact us immediately. Dance centre’, teachers, etc. are not responsible for children not picked up on time or left unattended. 10. If your child is to be absent from dance please give us a call to let us know. This is a big help when preparing for class and it helps us not to worry about your child’s safety. 11. If your child wishes to drop or add a class please submit a note in writing. If a written statement is not received then you will be responsible for your dance tuition, this is to secure your spot. Remember we have a waiting list at BCFD, if your payment is not received a long with your late fee by the 1 st of each month, then you will be dropped from the roll and replaced with a new friend from our waiting list. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! 12. All classes are limited in size; classes are first come first serve and anyone can be dismissed from class and/or BCFD at any time. 13. There is a $25.00 charge for all returned checks and no refunds are given for any reason. I hereby affirm that I have read and understand BCFD’s Rules and Policies. SIGNATURE: _________________________________________ DATE: _________________________________ *THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BEFORE THE FIRST CLASS IS ATTENDED. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MAKE A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS.