Symbol Analysis

A thing that represents or stands for something else, esp. a material object
representing something abstract : the limousine was another symbol of his
wealth and authority.
• a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object,
function, or process, e.g., the letter or letters standing for a chemical element
or a character in musical notation.
• a shape or sign used to represent something such as an organization, e.g., a
red cross or a Star of David.
Mr. Lucero’s definition- Symbols are something (object/ setting/ event/
animal/ person) than stands for something more than itself.
Your definition-
Things to know about symbols:
1- Symbols are often visual
2- When some event or object is used as a symbol, it often reappears
throughout the story.
3- A symbol in literature is a form of figurative language. Like a
metaphor or simile, a symbol is something that is identified with
something else that is different from it but shares the same qualities.
4- A symbol usually has something to do with a story’s theme.
Allegories, fables, and parables are all stories that use symbols and
symbolism to teach ethical lessons
Our everyday lives are full of symbols, and there are many symbols that
occur in your culture that you can recognize quickly.
*Examples of symbols
Draw a symbol you know and
recognize in the box below
1- Cross
2- Stars and Stripes
3- Rainbow
4- Pink/ yellow/camouflage
List specific characteristics of that
symbol and explain how society
views that symbol.
Analyze the following symbols by listing the characteristics of the symbol
and explaining how society views that symbol.
1- Dove carrying an olive branch.
2- A blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales.
3- Skull and crossbones
4- A broken heart