Key Learning of the Unit:

Unit: Chemistry of Life (written November 2013)
Key Learning:
All living things are made up of various chemical compounds and how
they react determines how living things function
Instructional Tools:
Unit Essential Question:
What are organic compounds and how do they help things live?
Organic compounds
3.3.10.B, 3.2.10.B, 3.3.10.A,
3.1.10.B, 3.2.10.C, Bio A.2.2.1,
Bio A.2.2.2, Bio A.2.2.3
Lesson EQ:
Organic Reactions and
3.1.B.A2, 3.1.B.A7, Bio
A.2.3.1, Bio A.2.3.2
Lesson EQ:
How is carbon uniquely suited to
form biological macromolecules?
How do living things regulate
chemical reactions?(A)
How are macromolecules formed
from monomers? (A)
What are some factors that
effect the function of enzymes?
Water and Life
3.1.B.A8, 3.1.B.A5, 4.2.5.C,
Bio A.2.1.1
Lesson EQ:
Why is water so important for
living things? (A)
What is the structure and function
of each of the four groups of
organic compounds? (A)
Atom, monomer, polymer,
macromolecule, carbohydrate,
monosaccharide, polysaccharide,
lipid, nucleic acid, nucleotide,
ribonucleic acid (RNA),
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
protein, amino acid, molecule,
organic molecule
Chemical reaction, reactant,
product, activation energy,
catalyst, enzyme, substrate
Additional Information: molecular model of water, pH scale
Vocabulary Report
Atom –
Monomer –
Polymer –
Macromolecule –
Adhesion, cohesion, polar,
capillary action, buffer, specific
heat, freezing point, pH
Carbohydrate –
Monosaccharide –
Polysaccharide –
Lipid –
Nucleic acid –
Nucleotide –
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) –
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) –
Protein –
Amino acid –
Molecule –
Organic molecule –
Chemical reaction –
Reactant –
Product –
Activation energy –
Catalyst –
Enzyme –
Substrate –
Adhesion –
Cohesion –
Polar –
Capillary action –
Buffer –
Specific heat –
Freezing point –