Organic Compound Foldable

Organic Compound Foldable
Background: You are will make a foldable to compare the 4 different organic compounds. Use your
notes from class and section 2.3 in your textbook to help.
Purpose: To understand the types of organic compounds and their monomers
Materials: paper, colored pencils, crayons, or markers
Fold one piece of paper in half lengthwise.
Divide the half into four squares.
Cut four lines along your folds to the original half fold.
Leave your paper folded so you have four flaps.
Label flap one: carbohydrates, flap two: lipids, flap three: proteins, and flap four: nucleic acids
Draw and label a few examples of each organic compound. For example: on the carbohydrate flap
you can draw some sugar and fruit.
7. On the top inside flap of the foldable, define each organic compound, and then list the monomer
that makes up this polymer.
8. On the bottom inside flap, write the function of each macromolecule.
Analysis (answer these questions on the back of your foldable):
1. What is an organic compound?
2. What is a polymer? Give an example.
3. What is a monomer? Give an example.
4. What four elements make up each of these organic compounds?
5. What characteristic of carbon allows it to form the base of each of these compounds?
6. What type of food would you eat if you needed a quick burst of energy?
7. What type of molecule is used for energy if none of the above molecule is available?
8. What is a substance we drink that contains no organic compounds? How do you know?
Conclusion: What are the 4 organic compounds? Why is each important in your body.