1 Electronic supplementary material 2 Warnecke et al., Pathophysiology of white-nose syndrome in bats: a mechanistic model 3 linking wing damage to mortality 4 Material and methods 5 This study was part of a larger project and further details on methods are published in 6 Warnecke et al. [1]. We collected bats from a WNS-negative cave near Grand Rapids, 7 Manitoba, Canada, in November 2010. We immediately transported bats in cotton bags within 8 a temperature-controlled cooler to the Animal Care Unit of the Western College of Veterinary 9 Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 10 Bats were divided into three groups of 18 individuals and inoculated with either a 11 North American isolate of Gd (designated type isolate 20631-21, see [2]), or a European 12 isolate of Gd (MmyotGER2, see [3]). We applied 20 μl of a liquid conidial suspension 13 containing 500,000 Gd spores in PBS-Tween20 directly to the dorsal side of both wings [4]. 14 The control group was sham-inoculated with a PBS-Tween20 solution lacking conidia. 15 Each group was kept in a nylon mesh cage (Apogee, Dallas, Texas, USA), modified 16 with sheet plastic to an overall size of 37 × 37 × 104 cm, and contained within separate, dark, 17 water-saturated temperature-controlled environment cabinets (VWR BOD 2020; VWR 18 International LLC., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). Bats were left undisturbed for four 19 months and observed only via an infrared, waterproof security camera (VL650IRVFS; Speco 20 Technologies, Amityville, New York, USA) connected to a motion-detecting digital video 21 recorder (SHR- 3040; Samsung Techwin, Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, USA). During this 22 time bats were not fed as they do not eat during hibernation in the wild, but water was freely 23 available. Without opening the cabinets, we refilled water dishes weekly from the outside 24 through plastic tubing. 25 At the conclusion of the study in spring 2011 the temperature of the cabinets was 26 increased to 25°C to assist bats to rewarm from torpid body temperatures to normothermia. 27 Bats were anaesthetised using 4.5-5.0% isoflurane in oxygen and body temperature was 28 measured rectally using a thermocouple and digital thermometer (800008 Sper Scientific 29 LTD, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA) immediately before blood collection. Anaesthetised bats 30 were euthanised and whole-blood samples collected using 200 μl lithium-heparin treated 31 capillary tubes and transferred into micro tubes (SSH2 StatSampler, Iris Sample Processing, 32 Westwood, Massachusetts, USA). Using a pipette we delivered ~90 µl of blood to a cartridge 33 that was inserted into a handheld blood analyser (i-STAT®1 Vet Scan, Abaxis, Union City, 34 California, USA). We used the CG8+ cartridge, which measures a range of blood variables 35 including glucose, haematocrit, partial pressure carbon dioxide, pH, potassium and sodium, 36 but not chloride. 37 To quantify severity of infection we removed all skin from one wing, rolled it on a 5 38 mm diameter rod of dental wax and then cut ~10 sections from across the length of the rolled 39 skin. These samples were processed using routine histological techniques before 5 µm 40 sections were cut, mounted on glass slides and stained with periodic acid-Schiff stain. A total 41 of 15 to 20 cm of 5 µm thick sections from each bat were examined with a light microscope to 42 derive a lesion score. Pathogenicity for both isolates of Gd was similar and lesions caused by 43 both isolates were identical based on histopathologic examination [1]. We, therefore, pooled 44 results for bats inoculated with the North American (n = 6) and European Gd isolates (n = 2) 45 for both blood physiology and tissue necrosis scoring. We modified the histopathologic 46 scoring system reported by [5]. Necrosis score was based on the percentage of skin surface 47 with fungal hyphae present that was necrotic where 0 = no necrotic tissue; 1 = minimal 48 (<1%); 2 = mild (1-10%); 3 = moderate (10-30%); 4 = severe (30-50%); 5 = very severe 49 (>50%). 50 To account for the multiple pairwise comparison design of our study we adjusted 51 alpha levels as described by Narum [6]. We used an individual-experiment alpha level of 0.1 52 because of our small sample size and then adjusted this alpha using the false discovery rate 53 method of Benjamini and Hochberg [7]. The resulting experiment-wide alpha level was 0.07 54 for t-tests and 0.04 for regression analyses. Before conducting statistical analyses we tested 55 for normality of all variables using Shapiro-Wilk test statistics. Non-normal data were log- 56 transformed and normality was confirmed. For Student’s t-tests the assumption of 57 homogeneity of variance was tested using Levene’s test of equality of variances. We 58 corrected for violation of equal variances by using the pooled estimate for the error terms and 59 making adjustments to the degrees of freedom. We used least-squares linear regression to test 60 for relationships between blood parameters and necrosis scores. All statistical tests were run 61 with StatistiXL v.1.9. (http://www.statistixl.com/). 62 63 References 64 1. 65 Warnecke L., Turner J.M., Bollinger T.K., Lorch J.M., Misra V., Cryan P.M., Wibbelt G., Blehert D.S., Willis C.K.R. 2012 Inoculation of bats with European Geomyces 66 destructans supports the novel pathogen hypothesis for the origin of white-nose 67 syndrome. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 109(18), 6999-7003. 68 2. Gargas A., Trest M.T., Christensen M., Volk T.J., Blehert D.S. 2009 Geomyces 69 destructans sp. nov. associated with bat white-nose syndrome. Mycotaxon 108, 147- 70 154. 71 3. Wibbelt G., Kurth A., Hellmann D., Weishaar M., Barlow A., Veith M., Prüger J., 72 Görföl T., Grosche L., Bontadina F., et al. 2010 White-nose syndrome fungus 73 (Geomyces destructans) in bats, Europe. Emerg. Inf. Diseas. 16(8), 1237-1242. 74 4. Lorch J.M., Meteyer C.U., Behr M.J., Boyles J.G., Cryan P.M., Hicks A.C., Ballmann 75 A.E., Coleman J.T.H., Redell D.N., Reeder D.M., et al. 2011 Experimental infection 76 of bats with Geomyces destructans causes white-nose syndrome. Nature 480, 376-378. 77 5. Reeder D.M., Frank C.L., Turner G.G., Meteyer C.U., Kurta A., Britzke E.R., Vodzak 78 M.E., Darling S.R., Stihler C.W., Hicks A.C., et al. 2012 Frequent arousal from 79 hibernation linked to severity of infection and mortality in bats with white-nose 80 syndrome. PLoS ONE 7, e38920. 81 6. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Narum S.R. 2006 Beyond Bonferroni: less conservative analyses for conservation genetics. Conserv. Genet. 7, 783-787. 7. Benjamini Y., Hochberg Y. 1995 Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. J. R. Stat. Soc. B 57(1): 289-300. 90 Results 91 Raw data: 92 Treatment pH PCO2 HCO3 Na K Glu Hct C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C I I I I I I I I 7.552 7.489 7.446 7.553 7.744 7.587 7.549 7.555 7.539 7.683 7.503 7.531 7.557 7.600 7.449 7.548 7.602 7.627 7.634 7.502 7.656 7.576 7.458 7.485 7.426 7.397 33.46 45.75 49.20 44.90 25.80 33.49 39.30 34.71 43.15 30.00 44.91 35.32 37.65 27.28 50.04 42.39 35.21 29.39 26.84 33.88 24.48 36.24 29.28 34.89 26.44 17.87 29.4 34.8 33.9 39.6 35.3 31.9 34.3 30.7 36.8 35.6 35.3 29.6 33.5 26.8 34.7 36.9 34.7 30.7 28.5 26.5 27.4 33.7 20.7 26.3 17.4 11.0 147 153 155 161 136 143 150 143 145 136 153 147 151 143 165 153 138 144 133 133 134 143 129 134 126 121 4.1 4.6 4 4.9 3.9 3.6 3.8 7.4 4 5.1 4.4 4.9 4.5 6 6 3.9 5.1 5.2 3.4 4 3.7 5 7 5.5 5.8 5.8 138 155 127 160 97 123 87 36 96 61 99 108 110 87 87 86 92 116 106 66 93 45 73 98 29 57 42 48 50 51 34 43 46 44 41 41 40 51 44 40 50 49 40 38 49 48 42 48 59 46 73 63 Key: C Sham-inoculated control group I Gd-inoculated group PCO2 Partial pressure carbon dioxide (mmHg) HCO3 Bicarbonate (mmol/L) Na Sodium (mmol/L) K Potassium (mmol/L) Glu Glucose (mg/dL) Hct Haematocrit (% packed cell volume) Further details see text.