Minutes - April 2014 Board meeting - The Australian

AustCham Thailand Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday 8 April 2014
5:50pm – 7:10pm
Macquarie Securities Thailand: 28th Floor, CRC Tower, All Seasons Place 87/2
Wireless Rd, Bangkok
Minutes of the meeting
1. Meeting Opening
Leigh Scott-Kemmis (Chair)
Warwick Kneale
Josh Hyland
Rananda Rich
Angus Kent
Charles Wrightman
Shane Burt
Greg Wallace
AustCham Executive Director
Simon Shale
Wayne Williams
Alan Polivnick
M.L. Laksasubha Kridakon
Sam Mcmahon
David Armstrong
Conflict of interest disclosures: Nil
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes & matters arising
Minutes of the March board meeting were adopted.
3. Sponsors cocktail evening
The AustCham Sponsors Cocktail Evening will take place at the Ambassador’s residence on
14 May. The board were encouraged to submit contact details of any potential sponsors /
new investors into Thailand as additional invitees for this event.
4. Membership Update
The Board approved one new membership application.
A total of 431 members were noted, 12 fewer than the previous reporting period due to 18
relinquished members.
5. Finance
To consolidate the Chamber’s bank accounts, a motion was moved by Warwick Kneale to
close three accounts (listed below) held at Thanachart Bank, Silom Branch. The motion was
seconded by Angus Kent and unanimously carried.
1. Saving A/C No. 218-2-08912-6
2. Current A/C No. 208-3-05135-4
3. Saving A/C No. 218-3-06072-7
Following the appointment of Baker Tilly Audit as the Chamber’s new financial auditor
(approved at AGM on 5 March 2014), the Chamber’s Treasurer, Warwick Kneale, declared
no personal financial interests in Baker Tilly Audit (Thailand). This motion to the Board was
made at the request of the Auditor. To ensure transparency, auditable accounts will be
reviewed by a separate director on the board. Motion moved by Leigh. Seconded by Angus
Kent. Motion carried.
The board reviewed the first quarter P&L Statement and Balance Sheet. A surplus of
1,249,350 was noted for the first quarter (959,503 ahead of budget). This is attributed to
increased membership subscriptions / payments in first quarter (+538,051THB), increased
corporate sponsorship revenue for 2014 (+396,000THB), and increased attendance at
Sundowners (+41,562), and increased attendance at business events (+27,817THB).
6. Future Focus Discussion
In recognising the current competencies of the operational team, the board agreed to adopt
a strategic governance model for the year ahead – noting a need to assume a hybrid model
periodically. To protect the AustCham brand and reputation, the board acknowledged an
ongoing need to oversee member-wide communications (e.g. Advance, e-news).
The board acknowledged the need to develop a 2 to 5 year strategic plan (in addition to an
annual plan). One limitation is the potential turnover of directors each year. To achieve
strategic continuity and protect institutional memory, an amendment to the constitution
was proposed whereby ‘board members serve a minimum 2 year rotation’. This matter will
be explored further.
It was noted that AustCham’s planning cycle would commence in Q3 2014.
It was noted that the Chamber’s resources and priorities for the remainder of 2014 would
be impacted according to the outcome from the Asian Business Engagement Plan
The board requested an overview of pre-committed Chamber activities.