Chemistry eDay 2 Lewis Structures

Name ________________________________________________________________ Date __________ Period _____
e-Day Lesson 2
Lewis Structures or Diagrams
1. Print a copy of this page and hand it in when you return to school.
2. Go to
3. Relationships Between the Elements
4. Lewis Electron Dot Diagrams
5. Read the lesson
6. Answer the Review Questions, a copy is provided below
Review Questions
1. What is the advantage of the Lewis electron dot diagram?
2. What is the maximum number of dots in a Lewis's electron dot diagram?
3. Draw the Lewis electron dot diagram for lithium.
4. Draw the Lewis electron dot diagram for calcium.
5. Draw the Lewis electron dot diagram for bromine.
6. Draw the Lewis electron dot diagram for selenium.
David Scott, 2012
Name ________________________________________________________________ Date __________ Period _____
7. Write the Lewis electron dot diagrams for each of the following. What observations can you make
based of these diagrams?
(a) Oxygen 2- ion
(b) Sulfur 2- ion
(c) Antimony
(d) Aluminum
8. Write the trend for the Lewis electron dot diagrams for Group 6A (or Group 16) by filling in the
table below.
Oxygen (O)
Sulfur (S)
Selenium (Se)
Tellurium (Te)
Polonium (Po)
David Scott, 2012
# Valence e–