Building Resilience to Climate Change Project Progress/Final Reporting Template Use this template to complete your progress and final reports for projects delivered under the Building Resilience to Climate Change program. You may want to refer to you project proposal whilst completing the report. Note that the following text boxes will expand to the length required as you write your report. Name of program/project title Report type Progress report or final report Report time frame Actual period covered in this report Note that final reports should cover the life of the project Report completed by: Contact person Job title Daytime phone Email 1. Summary Provide a summary of progress to date covering the last twelve months of the project, approximately 200-500 words. This may be used for media and communication purposes therefore please use plain language and avoid technical language and jargon. 2. Project objectives and outcomes This should include a brief outline of the objectives and outcomes as stated in your project proposal and also your progress including any environmental, social and economic co-benefits identified in your proposal. 3. Project plan Describe what you have achieved during this reporting period, based on your Project Plan. Please fill out the following template (you can copy and paste from your original Project Plan) and provide comment on your progress against each milestone, outcome and planned activity. Page 1 of 5 This project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust Milestones (That were planned to be commenced or delivered in the reporting period) Activity Project measures Total number of projected outputs Total number of actual outputs (Cumulative total to date) (Cumulative total to date) Milestone Commencement Date Milestone Completion Date Planned Planned Actual Actual Progress or what was delivered Comments (Provide comments on variations, if any, between projections and actuals including where you have exceeded your projected outputs. Provide detail on any changes of approach you will be taking or have taken to ensure the activity is/was met). Page 2 of 5 4. Project Monitoring and Evaluation Provide a brief summary on the implementation of your measures listed in your Project Plan and in Schedule B of the grant agreement. You should include: how monitoring has been established how data has been obtained reflect on what the data is showing list any adaptive management approaches that you will deploy. to what extent did you achieve your outcomes (include in final report) Will the project’s outcomes continue once the project has been completed? What will you do to maintain the project outcomes after funding finishes and what long-term benefits or flow-on effects will result, or have resulted, from your project? (include in final report) 5. Issues/challenges List any problems you have encountered, please include any issues that the Trust, as the funding body, should know about. 6. Actions to address issues/challenges Outline how you have dealt with, or intend to deal with, any issues/challenges. 7. Variations Are any variations to the Project Business Plan/Annual Implementation Plan foreseen or have you encountered any issues with the financials or deliverables for this project? Will you be seeking a variation and/or extension to this project? 8. Opportunities List any lessons learned, other opportunities and how benefits from the project could be spread more widely, along with what will/could be done to harness them. 9. Other (including providing progress updates on any special conditions listed in the Grant Agreement if relevant) Page 3 of 5 Is there anything else you would like to raise in this report? Page 4 of 5 Checklist Attached? 10. Will you be seeking a variation and/or an extension to this project? Yes No If yes, please attach an outline of the variation request 11. Updated Schedule B – Project Measures Ensure you update Schedule B – Project Measures (from Grant Agreement) and provide it as an attachment in Excel format. 12. Communication Ensure you provide copies of media coverage, publications and materials produced as an attachment. Media coverage Brochures Publications Photos Other 13. Other attachments Provide any other attachments that are relevant to your project. 14. Financial reports Ensure you use the Financial Reporting Spreadsheet and provide as an attachment. Spreadsheet Page 5 of 5