The major objectives shall be

Constitution 1
This organization shall be known as the Chinese Scholars and Students Association
Section I. Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the helping Chinese
students connect to each other and provide service to Chinese students nonprofitably through the creation of a Chinese club to all Chinese students at the
University of Central Arkansas.
Section II. Objective
The major objectives shall be:
(1) To create a Chinese Club in order to help Chinese students at UCA have good
connection between each other and build good relationship with different other
communities at UCA through activities, and provide service to ALL Chinese students at
(2) To engage in activities during Chinese traditional holidays.
Constitution 2
Section I.
Eligibility for Chinese Scholars and Students Association Membership
The members of the Chinese Scholars and Students Association enrolled ALL
Chinese students automatically at the University of Central Arkansas.
Section II. Eligibility for Chinese Scholars and Students Association Council
Council members shall consist of enrolled Chinese students at the University of Central
Arkansas; exceptions shall be made only if a two-thirds majority vote is obtained in the
Council meetings.
Section III. Officers’ Duties
President – Shall preside over the council meetings; lead, plan and see that all activities
are carried out according to plans made by the Council; communicate with the
university staff and advisors on all matters; vote on official business of the association.
Vice President – shall assist the President; take responsibilities for arranging different
matters of different departments among the association; serve as President when
President is absent.
Secretary – Shall record minutes, check attendance, and record absences; take notes
during each meeting; sum up the main points for each meeting; post information on
official website.
Treasurer – Shall monitor financial transactions; prepare and maintain activities
budget, and present financial updates.
Constitution 3
Planner—Arrange activity & performance, buying and collecting equipment and stuff
needed for the events; control and arrange decoration.
Publicity Agent – Organize official website and online group; advertize the activities;
post the posters.
PR man – Communicate with school officials and look for investors for the organization.
Section IV. Eligibility for Chinese Club
Membership in the Chinese Club is open to all Chinese students enrolled at the
University of Central Arkansas. All other people who are interested in the activities are
welcomed to participate but may charge a little bit extra fee for the big events. All
people may bring their relatives and friends to the activities.
Section I. Election Process
Nominations shall be made by any member in good standing.
The president election shall be held on the Spring Festival of 2012. To win, the
candidate needs a simple majority vote and presence of over two third of total
membership. The former president will resign on the fourth Saturday after the Spring
Festival when the new president succeeds. All other officers will be elected and start
working on the fourth Saturday after the Spring Festival.
The term of officers shall be one academic year.
Section II. Replacement of Officer Vacancies
Constitution 4
1. The office of President shall be occupied by the Vice President for the remainder of
the term.
2. A new officer shall be elected to complete the term when a vacancy takes place. The
election shall be held during the meeting following that during which the announcement
of a vacancy takes place.
Section III. Removal of a Member
1. Any member may be removed from the organization if they do not fulfill the
requirements in Article III, Section I.
2. Any member may be removed from the organization after three un-excused absences
from any business meetings.
3. Failure to pay dues by two weeks after the deadline may result in withdrawal of
4. In other cases where removal of a member is under consideration, removal can only
take place with the approval of a two-thirds majority at the meeting where the removal
is being considered.
Section I. Regular Meetings
The regular meeting of the Chinese Scholars and Students Association shall be held
twice per month theoretically, but may negotiate when necessary.
Constitution 5
Section II. Called/Special Meetings
A called/special meeting of Chinese Scholars and Students Association shall be held
when the President and Vice President call to have one. A called/ special meeting shall
be defined as any meeting other than a regular meeting.
Section III. Quorum Defined for Regular Business Meetings
A quorum shall consist of 1/2 of the total membership +1 and must be present to
conduct business.
Section IV. Voting Rights
Every officer has one vote, but each counts as two. Each member has one vote, and each
counts as one.
Section I. Requirements and Responsibility
The advisor(s) must be a faculty/staff member at the University of Central Arkansas.
The advisor(s) may attend executive council and business meetings as necessary to
provide consultation for the CSSA.
All advisors will receive the minutes for every regular business meeting in order to be
kept abreast of association activities.
Constitution 6
Section II. Selection
The advisor will be elected by the entire membership at the second regularly scheduled
meeting in the fall and serve for one academic year.
The number of advisors is dependent on the willingness of potential advisors to serve
and the election by the membership.
Section I. Special Committees
A Committee may be created and/or dissolved by the Chairperson, who has been
assigned by the Executive Council to chair that committee (the Executive Council
includes President, Vice President. Secretary, and Treasurer).
Committees shall discharge such responsibilities as may be assigned by the Executive
Committees shall remain under the charge of Executive Council; all the Committees’
meeting agendas and minutes shall be presented to the Executive Council.
Section II. Constitutional Revision
The constitution may be revised or amended at any meeting provided notice has been
give to members prior to that meeting as to the need for such revision or amendment. A
Constitution 7
proposed amendment will go into effect if approved by a two-thirds majority of the total
membership (see Article VI, Section III).
Section I. Accounting Year
The accounting year for the Chinese Scholars and Students Association will be from
August 1 to July 31; the funds for this organization shall be accrued through fees, and by
such other means as the organization shall determine.
Section II. Dues
No Dues shall be collected, for this is a non-profit organization.
Section II. Monetary Transactions
In order for a monetary transaction to take place and be authorized, it must be
approved by two officers: first, either the President or the Vice President, and, second,
the Treasurer. All Chinese Scholars and Students Association transactions must have the
signature of either the President or Vice President and of the Treasurer.
Section III. Contracts
In order for a contract to be binding, both Advisor and President must sign the contract.
Section IV. Dissolution of Organization and Allocation of Remaining Funds
Constitution 8
Should the organization be dissolved for any reason, all the monies will go to the nonprofit entities in the University of Central Arkansas.
Signature of Advisor
Signature of Advisor
Signature of Advisor
Signature of Student Organizer
Director of International Program