ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Regression relationship between potential ammonia oxidation rate and AOA/AOB abundance According to the heterogeneous characteristics of potential ammonia oxidation rate and the abundances of AOA and AOB determined in the plant-bed/ditch system, the regression analysis between potential ammonia oxidation rate and the log number of AOA or AOB abundance was carried out. The results showed that potential ammonia oxidation rate was significantly dominated by AOB abundance both in the plant-bed soils (p=0.002, R2=0.464) and in the ditch sediments (p=0.0002, R2=0.761). However, there was no such significant relationship between potential ammonia oxidation rate and AOA abundance (Table S1). Table S1 The regression equations between potential ammonia oxidation rate and AOA/AOB abundance in the plant-bed/ditch system Plant-bed soil Ditch sediment Function R2 p Ammonia oxidation rate = -1.98 + 1.55 × Log(AOA) 0.013 0.659 Ammonia oxidation rate = -97.4 + 14.6 × Log(AOB) 0.464 0.002 Ammonia oxidation rate = -765.6 + 123.9 × Log(AOA) 0.096 0.328 Ammonia oxidation rate = -3091.1 + 424.8 × Log(AOB) 0.761 0.0002