INT. FOUR DOOR SEDAN - LATE NIGHT Three excited friends, MIKE, NEIL and LEAH are driving down the freeway in a 1990 Ford Mercury. They are headed to one of their favorite restaurant on a Saturday Night. NEIL I’m starving. MIKE I’m not. Mike and Neil look back to get Leah’s position on the matter but she panics, and stubs her toe. LEAH Oh no my toe. MIKE We’re going to need a doctor. NEIL 10-4. Neil stomps on the gas and veers off the road through a fence. The passengers are holding on and the music is somehow louder. Neil sees a trailer that is set up like a ramp then looks to Mike, but he’s to busy being instantly pregnant. He heads strait for the trailer and heads strait into a nice two story house living room. INT. LIVING ROOM - LATER Mike, Neil and Leah are all looking around the car in amazement. They are clearly cut and bruised but they do not seem to notice. NEIL This guy better be a toe doctor. MIKE Yep. A 45 year old, OLD MALE in a housecoat walks into the room putting on his glasses. OLDMAN Holy buck nutter. LEAH You better fix my toe... Real quick. MIKE Yes. OLDMAN What? NEIL Listen Doc, we don’t have all day. Just fix my friend, give us your car, and we’re gone. MIKE Look at this guy, too rich to deal with us peons. OLDMAN What would make you think I was a Toe Doctor... Did you say you wanted my car... I’m calling the police. Leah is looking around the place. LEAH This looks like the house of a guy that fixes toes for a living. MIKE No doubt about it. NEIL Police, I am the police. Neil takes out then throws his wallet to the Oldman. OLDMAN This says you’re a toe doctor. NEIL Do I look like a toe doctor to you? MIKE How hot is your under-aged daughter? OLDMAN No you don’t, I never said I had a daughter. He sits there and thinks about whats going on here. NEIL How hot is your daughter. OLDMAN Please don’t hurt my baby. LEAH Hold on, nobody is going to get hurt here. NEIL Yeah we just think its sexy to hear fathers talk about how hot their daughters are. MIKE Yeah... is that illegal or something. NEIL You got insurance, right? OLDMAN Yeah, but I really don’t see how that applies here. I think we just... LEAH If you’re not going to help me then give us your car and make sure this is all cleaned up or we’re going to call the police. MIKE And fifty bucks. NEIL Yeah, what he said, a thousand bucks. The Oldman slowly goes into his front housecoat pocket. LEAH He’s got four guns! They all cower behind the wreck. The Oldman pulls out keys and a wad of hundred dollar bills. OLDMAN Just get the fuck out of here. The trio grab the money and keys then leave the room EXT. HOUSE - LATER The trio are walking down the steps toward the car. NEIL If he just would have admitted he was a toe doctor. MIKE I know right. Hows your toe Leah. LEAH Fine. Never really hurt. NEIL Yeah totally. Neil hits the button to unlock the doors, the lights of a brand new vehicle flash a couple of times and unlock. They all smile at one another and hop in. INT. OLDMAN’S BEDROOM - LATER As the Oldman shuts the door we see his wife curled up with the blankets at the head of the bed. WIFE What the hell was that noise honey. The Oldman takes off his housecoat to reveal a t-shirt that reads on the back "#1 Toe Doctor". OLDMAN Nothing a little insurance won’t cure. He gets into bed then kisses his wife and shuts his eyes. The wife turns off the lamp and goes to sleep. THE END