Approval of Internship Placements and Placement Management

IMS: Intern Management Systems
ALCIM: Annesbrook Leadership College Intern Manager
Programme Coordinator: Person at ALC coordinating the programme delivery, and who is the
primary point of contact for students
Programme Area Leader: Person overseeing delivery of the ALC programme on behalf of NMIT
Placement Manager: Person at an organisation that is offering an internship that will oversee
the student while they are at the organisation
Rotation Reports: The reports generated each six weeks by the Placement Manager
Intern: All ALC students are interns
Placement: Location where a student will complete their internship
NMIT: Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
Required Hours
Generally students will be at their placement for a minimum of 25 hours per week (Certificate) or 22.5
hours per week (Diploma) with an additional 12 hours per week (Certificate) or 15 hours per week
(Diploma) set aside for lecture/teaching and self-directed study. Class time will be two set days each
week for a total of 10 hours. Hours within the placement are described in the time sheet to be filled out
with the application for an intern. These hourly requirements exclude school holiday periods. ALC
recommends negotiated holiday hours recognising the need for students to have holidays but the
service they perform having to continue as well. Voluntary hours in holidays are permitted.
Weekly Activity Descriptions
A weekly activity schedule is to be established as part of the agreement between the student and the
Placement Manager. The Placement Manager is to provide a job description to the ALCIM that specifies
the tasks the intern will participate in. The practical phase needs to be treated in the same way as any
employment would be expected to occur but without payment.
The Placement Manager will complete a rotation report as required under the IMS. This report will be
forwarded to the ALCIM either every term as required, or after a placement has been completed
whichever comes first. In any event, a rotation report will be completed at the conclusion of every
placement. The intern will complete a Self Assessment at the end of each term, and a fortnightly journal
termed a Profile of Learning will be compiled all year. All reports must be forwarded to the ALCIM as
explained on the report document.
Annesbrook Leadership College’s Responsibilities (in compliance with NMIT)
Arrangement of Internship Placements
The IMS requires that the ALCIM actively works to establish relationships with potential Placement
Managers. In respect of this relationship notification will have been given to all potential Placement
Managers prior to the commencement of the academic year, and requests for placements will have
been considered. Where students have already requested internships with their home Churches or any
other off-site location, the Placement Manager and intern in any of those locations will be responsible
to comply with the requirements and standards implicit in the IMS. The IMS is consistent with all NMIT
requirements. The ALCIM will ensure compliance in liaison with the NMIT Programme Area Leader.
Approval of Internship Placements and Placement Management Arrangements
The details of any potential internship placement must be submitted to the ALCIM before approval will
be given for the placement. An application needs to be received from the proposed Placement
Manager outlining the nature of the work to be done, physical resources available (e.g. desk space, car
etc.), and the experience and qualifications of the proposed Placement Manager.
The requirements for the proposed Placement Managers are:
1. To be approved by Annesbrook Leadership College under the IMS.
2. Will be able to fulfil the requirements of a Placement Manager for the full period of the
3. Will ensure the following standard provisions apply:
a. Health and Safety in Employment Act provisions.
b. The process for raising and resolving complaints by all involved.
c. In the case of Accidents/Incidents involving Students/Staff on off-site practical and
workplace components both NMIT and the workplace accident/incident reporting
procedures shall be adhered to.
d. Students and staff involved in off-site practical and workplace components shall at all times
maintain the confidentiality of accessed workplace information unless written permission
is obtained from the Placement Manager.
e. Where students experience harassment they shall be supported by the ALCIM to address
the issue using the workplace policy. In the absence of a workplace policy, the NMIT
Preventing Harassment policy will be utilised.
f. Student Misconduct/Serious Misconduct whilst on off-site practical and workplace
components shall be addressed using the NMIT Student Misconduct Procedure or in house
misconduct policies where applicable.
Appended to the contract shall be a clear statement of the student's off-site practical and workplace
components learning objectives/outcomes or a statement of recommended activities for the student to
be involved in.
Monitoring the Quality of Management
At the end of each school term the intern will complete a Personal Self Assessment. In addition a Profile
of Learning journal will be completed fortnightly for the entire year. The intern will also complete a
feedback form commenting on the Management they have received. These documents are assessed by
ALC to monitor the quality of the placement and its management, along with the rotation reports which
will determine the intern’s progress. ALC will ensure the NMIT Programme Area Leader has access to
the reports.
Providing Necessary Information on Internship Requirements
ALC will ensure that students and proposed Placement Managers are informed of the internship
requirements and the expected learning outcomes, and the Placement Manager shall complete
assessments (if required) with the ALCIM acting as moderator.
Monitoring the Written Reports Submitted by the Intern and the Placement Manager
A regular visit by the ALCIM to interns whose placements are within two hours drive of ALC will be
undertaken. Regular Email and phone contact will be maintained with any intern and Placement
Manager who are beyond a two hour distance. The timing of these visits and contacts will be
determined by the ALCIM in cooperation with each Placement Manager.
Evaluation of Intern
ALC will evaluate the internship on its completion through an interview with the intern and the
reporting system described in this document. This evaluation will be completed by the ALCIM and other
appointed persons and will be carried out at the end of the academic year.
Placement Managers’ Responsibilities
Internship Role Description
When formulating the Role Description a potential Placement Manager needs to consider the following:
Describing the needs of the host organisation
Meeting the course learning outcomes for the intern
The responsibilities must be identified to enable the ALCIM to successfully allocate the placement to
an intern most likely to have the abilities to fulfil the expectations inherent in the Role Description.
The position should be challenging but the Placement Manager must remain mindful that the intern
is learning. The ALCIM will do all within their power and knowledge of the potential intern to
harmonise the request and the person fulfilling the placement.
It is recognised that the intern's responsibilities and abilities may change as the internship
progresses. Circumstances will change and new opportunities may become apparent as the intern
becomes more familiar with the placement. Should this occur it will be necessary to re-evaluate and
adjust the Role Description during the internship. Any new information should be discussed with
the ALCIM and then formalised in writing.
Note: Before approval of an internship placement can take place the ALCIM must receive and approve
the application which will include:
A completed application form (role description)
Agreement Letter
Example of expected weekly timetable
Placement Management
The Placement Manager’s role is to supervise and mentor the intern relating to the placement and in
keeping with the application form received by ALC. The Placement Manager will meet at least weekly
with the intern. This is intended to provide direction and also to aid the student with any feedback on
their own functioning with the internship. The Placement Manager will be required to complete the
Rotation Report forms documenting the intern’s practical progress.
The Placement Manager is the intern’s immediate point of reference for support in their placement.
If the intern has a course related question, either the Placement Manager or the intern can contact
the ALCIM for help.
Annesbrook Leadership College and NMIT expect all Placement Managers to act in a fair and
impartial manner toward their interns.
Final Report
The Placement Manager will complete their final report at the end of the internship. This report will
indicate whether the Placement Manager is satisfied with the work of the intern and provides the basis
for allocating an intern with a mark on the practical component of the total internship course.
Final Practical assessment
The Placement Manager may be requested to be present for the final interview with Interns. This
interview will be held at the end of each year to correlate all information and determine the intern’s
grade for the course. The interview will include the presentation by the intern of the Profile of
Students’ Responsibilities
Negotiate an Internship Placement
The student will discuss with the ALCIM all details relating to their abilities and wishes regarding
placements. This will occur prior to any placements being allocated.
1. The Role Description and weekly time sheet will be discussed and agreed upon
2. All expectations will be aired and understood by the three parties (Intern, ALCIM, Placement
3. Review dates may be set, although the dates of rotation reports may be considered as sufficient
for this process.
Reporting Procedures
The student will complete the following after each term or placement whichever is the shorter
 A personal assessment
 An assessment on the placement regarding
o Adherence to Role Description
o Adherence to Time Sheet
 A two-weekly Profile of Learning
These documents will be completed and delivered to the ALCIM within one week of completing a
placement or before the commencement of the next school term.
Study Programme
The student must successfully complete the required study programme to gain the required credits for
the Internship Course. A total of 120 credits are required to graduate with one of the Christian Ministry
Internship Qualifications.
Assessment Requirements
The student is responsible to complete all assignments and assessment requirements by the due
dates and to the required academic standard.
Application Form
Role Description
According to the below described position I/we hereby apply for an internship placement from
Annesbrook Leadership College (ALC). In making this application I/we agree to abide by the
conditions and requirements of a Placement Manager listed in this document, and agree to
cooperate fully with the ALC Intern Manager (ALCIM) who in turn will comply with all policies and
procedures of ALC and NMIT.
Role Description for:
Applicant’s Position / Title:
Type of Role:
Hours of Role:
(This number must reconcile with the timesheet also supplied as part of this application)
Primary objective of the Role:
Functional relationships with:
(Please state positions and names)
Experience/Education required (if applicable):
Core Capabilities required:
Key Outcomes of the role:
Specific Tasks and Duties:
(Write on the back or add extra sheets if more than this space required)
Specific Authorities:
Unless specifically noted, this only applies to senior management positions
Review Dates:
(These dates will correspond with the requirements of the reporting system herein)
Role position Sign - off
Intern ............................................................................ Date .............................
Placement Manager ........................................................... Date .............................
ALC Intern Manager (ALCIM)
Signature ........................................................................ Date .............................
Agreement Letter
This letter will be a signed agreement including:
1. ALCIM for Annesbrook Leadership College
Name …………………………………………….
2. Placement Manager
Name ……………………………………………..
3. Intern
Name ……………………………………………..
In signing this document you agree to all requirements contained herein
The agreement will need to include, but not be limited to, the following:
Purpose of Internship Role:
Expectations Placement Managers will have of Interns:
Time requirements: attached time sheet
Event expectations: This applies should the intern be required to be involved in events/conferences
over and above their normal weekly time expectations in the position: Please attached extra
timesheet applicable to the event only (dates and times)
Organisation expectations (if applicable)
Resources Interns will need to supply for themselves
Conduct expectations
As a Placement Manager please describe:
1. Your availability and accessibility
2. Resources you will provide
3. Direction and guidance
 Student Misconduct Procedure
 Complaint Procedure
 Health and Safety Policy
 Health and Safety Manual
 Programme Regulations
 Health and Safety in Employment Act, 1992
This letter, once signed by all parties, will form the cover sheet for all related documents