Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report January 2015 Update 1 Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 About the Pupil Premium and Catch Up Premium Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011 and is additional funding that the government gives to schools for each pupil on roll deemed to be disadvantaged. Pupil Premium funding of £935 per pupil is allocated to pupils deemed to be from low income families who are registered for Free School Meals, or have been at any point in the last six years, together with pupils who have been in care continuously for sixth months or more. In addition to this pupils from Service Families are allocated £500 per pupil. The literacy and numeracy Catch-up Premium provides schools with an additional £500 for each year 7 pupil who did not achieve at least level 4 in reading and/or maths at the end of key stage 2 in order to provide effective and appropriate intervention to help close the literacy and numeracy gap for these children. Currently 38% of our pupils are supported by Pupil Premium funding and 35 Y7 pupils are supported by Catch-up premium funding. 2013-14 Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Expenditure: Pupil Premium and Catch-up Premium funding has been used effectively to help close the achievement gaps. A range of personalised strategies are used to meet the needs of our pupils. The school continues to effectively utilise and target the additional Pupil Premium funding made available to schools in order to help further close the achievement gaps. The table below outlines planned Pupil Premium expenditure during the 2013-14 financial year. 2013/14 ACTUAL INCOME 2013/14 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE STAFFING 1.4 x Primary teachers (Catch up premium utilised) Maths Mentor English Overstaffing Maths Overstaffing Science Overstaffing Closing the Gap TA EWO TESOL Tutor EAL Coordinator TLR Connexions Support Teacher Coaches Overstaffing Lead Teacher Bursaries Total £356, 250 £356,250 (includes £35k Catch Up Premium) £ RESOURCES 64,389 29,378 42,215 30,493 21,215 21,080 20,688 18,984 3,120 10,134 7,236 11070 280,002 Renaissance Reading PP Resources Budget Literacy Numeracy Y11 Intervention Revision Camps Arts Award Trip Contributions Uniform and Equipment for Pupils Specialism Curriculum Development Fund Alternative Offsite Curriculum Provision Hola Project Attendance Minibus ECDL Rewards Post 16 Development English & Maths Revision CDs Additional CPD AfL Packs and Literacy Mats Total 2 £ 4,000 7,550 1,000 250 7,538 3,616 1000 61 1117 15000 2000 4000 784 2500 5000 3000 1000 3082 15000 800 76,248 Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 Pupil Premium Impact Teaching & Learning High quality teaching and learning ensures effective and appropriate strategies are in place each lesson to help close the achievement gap and meet the needs of all pupils. The quality of teaching and learning has significantly improved over the last three years. There has been a 13% increase to 78% good or better between the 2011/12 and 2013/14 academic years. At the end of 2013/14 79% of marking was judged to be good or better and judged to be positively impacting on pupils progress. During lesson observations 85% were judged to have good or better behaviour for learning and 76% judged to have good or better differentiation and personalisation. Whole school attainment and progress has risen in line with improvements in the quality of teaching based on RAISE Online 2014.The quality of teaching in English (80% good or better in January 2015) and Maths (76% good or better in January 2015) has an upward trend over three years in correlation with rising attainment and progress over a similar period, resulting in gaps in attainment and progress closing rapidly. We have developed a large group of good to outstanding teachers (51 at January 2015), based on an average rating over two years. This group is increasing year by year. In January 2015 we have 2 Teaching & Learning Leaders, 9 teacher coaches through which 21 teachers have accessed coaching at various levels. In total 58 coaching sessions have taken place. Our Aiming for Outstanding Teacher Programme is run by our Teaching & Learning Leaders. This has demonstrated a positive impact through feedback from teachers and through lesson observation outcomes. 80% of the cohort has demonstrated clear improvements in the quality of their teaching. 15 of the 20 teachers that have been on the programme now average consistently good or better in observation judgements and quality of marking. Achievement at Key Stage 4 There has been a clearer focus on Closing the Gap pupils in the planning and delivery of all lessons to ensure that teaching meets the needs and accelerates the progress of all pupils. Timely and appropriate interventions and alternative provision has also been put in place, within and beyond the classroom, to ensure the achievement gap is narrowed rapidly at KS3 and KS4. 2014 Y11 Outcomes: The table below indicates attainment gaps for 2014 performance measures. Gaps have closed significantly and rapidly in English, maths and for the 5A*-CEM measure, which demonstrates the positive impact the school’s Closing the Gap strategy is making on outcomes for young people. In 2014 all gaps for disadvantaged pupils are significantly below national averages. School Gap 2013 Gap to National 2013 School 2014 Gap to National -12% School 2013 to 2014 Difference 14% % 5A*-CEM -26% -21% % PP v Non PP English 3LP -15% -6% -11% 4% -12% % PP v Non PP English A*-C -24% - -12% 12% - % PP v Non PP Maths 3LP -11% -14% 7% -17% - 7% 4% 10% -6% % PP v Non PP Maths A*-C -21.8 - +5.8 27.6 - Closing the Gap Bes 8 Value Added 3 N/A - Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 NEETs also continue to fall with the school average being significantly below the Sheffield City and National average at only 1% for the whole school. Only 2 pupils were classed as NEET on leaving the school in 2013. Both were Pupil Premium pupils. 2014 saw only one pupil leave the school classified as NEET which at 0.5% is significantly below the national average NEET 2012 5.2% 2013 2014 1% 0.5% Achievement at Key Stage 3: Further improvements in reading ages have been made and sustained at Key Stage 3. More pupils are now at or above their chronological reading age and gaps have been closed further. However, further improvements need to be made through targeted intervention and detailed tracking of pupil progress. September 2014 % at or above chronological age January 2015 % at or above chronological age 79% 77% 51% 45% Y7 Y8 Gaps between PP and non-PP pupils are also closing at Key Stage 3: Year 7 PUPIL PREMIUM GAP DC1 Gap PUPILS MEETING CHALLENGE No % ENGLISH Pupil Premium 19 24.7 ENGLISH Non-Pupil Premium 35 27.3 ENGLISH Gap 16 2.7 MATHS Pupil Premium 49 63.6 MATHS Non-Pupil Premium 91 71.1 MATHS Gap 42 7.5 Year 8 PUPIL PREMIUM GAP DC1 PUPILS MEETING CHALLENGE No % ENGLISH Pupil Premium 9 12.9 ENGLISH Non-Pupil Premium 27 20.6 ENGLISH Gap 18 7.8 MATHS Pupil Premium 44 62.9 MATHS Non-Pupil Premium 110 74.0 MATHS Gap 66 11.1 4 Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 Year 9 PUPIL PREMIUM GAP DC1 PUPILS MEETING CHALLENGE No % ENGLISH Pupil Premium 8 11.0 ENGLISH Non-Pupil Premium 13 10.5 ENGLISH Gap 5 -0.5 MATHS Pupil Premium 31 42.5 MATHS Non-Pupil Premium 74 59.7 MATHS Gap 43 7.2 Attendance & Behaviour Further improvements in attendance and behaviour have been made and sustained for Pupil Premium pupils. Attendance: The graph below shows how Pupil Premium attendance has improved over time and is showing an upward trend. The Pupil Premium cohort has surpassed the National Average for last year. 94 91.5 92 89.9 90 88 91.7 90.5 92.1 90.9 National average 86.2 School Raiseonline 86 84 82 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 The graph below shows the Persistent Absence rates of Pupil Premium pupils. This is showing a downward trend over the past 4 years. In 2012-13 school was slightly below the national average. In 2013-14 school figures show a slight increase of 0.5% compared to 2012-13. 30 28.3 25 20 14.5 15 13 12.5 National Average School Raiseonline 10 5 0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 5 Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 Exclusions: The number of exclusions for FSM pupils shows a significant downward trend from 20102014. The number of exclusions for FSM pupils has shown a significant downward trend from 20102012 which is the most current published data in Raise online. In 2012 school was below the national average. The data for 2012-13 is taken from the LA data as Raise online data has not been published for this year. This shows an increase which is slightly higher than the national average but lower than the Sheffield average. For 2013-14 there were 81 exclusions in total. 47 of these incidents involved PP pupils. This represents 13%of the PP cohort who received a FTE in 2013-14. 30 PP pupils received one or more fixed term exclusion which represents 8.3% of the cohort. 70 63.33 60 50 45.61 40 school 30 national average Sheffield 21.8 20 16.22 13 10 0 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 6 2013-14 Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 Closing the Gap Strategic Completed Actions and Interventions 2013-14 Academic Year. The action plan below outlines the school’s key actions and resultant impact in order to close the gaps for Pupil Premium pupils during the 2013-14 academic year. Key Actions (How) Produce and distribute Pupil Premium Watch booklet to identify all PP pupils to staff Cost (£) £500 Set up Closing the Gap Working Group - Produce Closing the Gap Summary booklet after DC3 Distribute Closing the Gap booklet to staff when complete and make explicit target pupils and groups £500 photocopying Deliver Closing the Gap training to new staff - Identify new Y7 cohort for literacy intervention and reading support Set up literacy and reading interventions set up and commenced - Identify key pupils for EAL intervention and support for ESOL Tutor Set up EAL interventions Extend Renaissance Reading programme to year 8 Identify pupils for 1to1 reading intervention at KS3 with Closing the Gap TA Review mentoring system and implement modified system for target Y11s in English & Maths. Recruit more Y11 mentors to expand number of pupils who can be mentored Set up Catch up Premium Alternative Learning Pathway for pupils joining school below L4 in English & Maths £70k staffing costs £20k staffing costs £4k £21k staffing costs £100 copying - Coordinate the programme of KS4 interventions - Ensure Tracking of RONI pupils across all year groups Set up targeted literacy intervention for KS3 LAC pupil - £5k Utilise the additional LAC funding to support the achievement and progress of LAC pupils Put in place additional qualifications and personalised provision for underachieving Y10 and 11s £4k Watch booklet produced and disseminated to staff which includes photographs of all PP pupils to make them explicit to staff. Booklet includes all 346 pupils. Working group established which meets regularly to discuss effective whole school PP strategies and initiatives and how the PP funding is spent. Working groups includes 8 members of staff from all faculty areas. Closing the Gap document produced and disseminated to staff. Focus on key PP pupils underachieving, not behaving and not attending. 188 target pupils identified in total out of the 346 entire cohort. 64 for progress, 125 for attendance, 73 for behaviour. Training on PP documentation, Closing the Gap booklet and how to support PP pupils been delivered to 8 NQTs, 13 ITTs and 5 new staff to the school. Training to be delivered to Governors in March. 202 KS3 pupils below chronological reading age identified for reading intervention and literacy support. Literacy coordinators appointed. Whole school focus on spelling and grammar. 202 KS3 pupils receiving literacy and reading support from primary trained TA and Library staff. Lexia in place for 45 target pupils. One to one support for 2 LAC pupils. 18 pupils identified for literacy support from EAL Tutor focussing on literacy and language development. Key work taking place with parents to enhance engagement and support. EAL Tutor also providing pastoral support for PP E.European pupils. Lexia and BME mentoring provided for 15 PP pupils. Renaissance Reading embedded in one hour per week literacy lesson at year 7 and delivered on a cross curricular basis for year 8. All 346 PP pupils involved in this programme. 65 pupils targeted for 1to1 or small group reading intervention. 41 of which are PP. Mentoring programme reviewed and adapted. 46 staff mentors now mentoring 116 targeted pupils. All Y11 PP pupils have been assigned a mentor. ALP curriculum pathway established. Targeted pupils currently on the pathway receiving additional literacy and numeracy time to close achievement gaps, which includes all PP pupils joining school below L4 in English & maths. Programme delivered by two specialist primary teachers. Programme of after school intervention sessions established. Holiday revision camps run at October and February. More planned for Easter and May. 55 pupils attended camps to include 23 PP pupils. Pupils at risk of being NEET identified for tracking and intervention. NEET figure for 2013 was below national at 1%. Priority LAC pupil identified for additional literacy intervention by external consultant. Pupil received 12 weeks one to one support and made exceptional progress. All PP pupils provided with free English, maths and science revisions guides, CDs and past papers. Revision planner provided for summer exams which have formed part of mentoring discussions. £1k Provide free English, maths, Science revision guides and past papers for Y10 and 11 Produce PP teaching strategies guidance document and deliver staff training Progress Made ECDL £5k L&T £10k Ed Lounge £4k £300 copying 7 84 Y11 pupils completed additional qualification in ECDL to ensure 5A*-CEM for targeted pupils which includes 28 PP pupils. 34 pupils targeted to complete L&T GCSE to ensure 5A*-CEM for pupils which includes 10 PP pupils. Ed Lounge purchased to facilitate personalised learning provision for disengaged and hard to reach pupils. 10 Strategies to Accelerate PP Pupils’ Progress document produced and distributed to all staff. Document is a key focus of the Wednesday morning T&L focussed staff briefing which has been introduced. Key PP pupils have been identified across all year groups and staff share successful strategies for these pupils during Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 this briefing. Overstaff English, maths and science to facilitate streaming of groups and targeted intervention sessions. Review AOTP CPD programme and facilitate setting up of PLCs to share good practice Appoint a team of Lead Teachers to deliver the AOTP programme to enhance the quality of teaching and learning across the school Identify & review case load for EWO Set up ‘Attendance Minibus’ initiative to improve attendance of hard to reach PP pupils Deliver Rewards afternoons to reward the best and most improved pupils per year group Identify a PP Lead Governor Deliver PP Governor training Encourage Governors to attend LA PP course £85k £10k TLRs £21k staffing costs £5k £3k - Develop and implement system, or purchase software, to track pupil interventions and its impact on attainment/progress Ensure website information meets statutory requirements Redesign KS3 curriculum in light of new national curriculum following a skills based and concepts approach Deliver Closing the Gap focussed CPD sessions as part of the school’s AIMS Middle Leader Development Programme £2k Provide part and fully funded places on cultural trips and visits for target PP pupils Provide free uniform, equipment and resources to targeted PP pupils £2k Develop strategic plan for EAL provision to enhance EAL pupils’ progress Provide an Options interview for all PP pupils with relevant member of the senior team Ensure all PP pupils have a careers interview and are guided on to an appropriate Post 16 pathway Review KS4 curriculum to meet new accountability measures and needs of the most vulnerable pupils £3k TLR cost Further expand on-site Post 16 provision, specifically targeting progression routes for PP and other vulnerable pupils Ensure the provision of alternative, and offsite, provision for vulnerable pupils Organise Aim Higher visits for targeted pupils and register target Y9s on Future Scholars’ programme £3k Maths and English overstaffed to provide additional intervention time during SMSC and PE time. PP pupils prioritised for intervention. 112 pupils received intervention to include 54 PP pupils. 3 Outstanding practitioners appointed as Teaching Leaders to design and deliver an in house Oustanding Teacher programme. Aim to move satisfactory and good teachers to consistently outstanding through programme of professional development and coaching. Strategies to accelerate PP progress is a key element of the programme. 12 teachers successfully completed first cohort. An additional 12 teachers now part of cohort 2. 40 pupils part of EWO caseload, 30 of which are PP pupils. Attendance of PP cohort rising as a result and PA decreasing. EWO contract extended to 4 days to accommodate work load and targeted work with E.European PP pupils. 3 Rewards afternoons run per year. Rewards given for good and improved achievement, attitude to learning and attendance. Governor appointed and has attended LA training. 3 Governors in total attended LA training. PP training session delivered to all Governors. PP is a standing agenda item on Pupil, Parents and Community Governor sub committee. - Website information kept up to date. - Curriculum development group established. Common framework for skills and concept based approach to KS3 agreed. Agreed to keep - 3 sessions delivered to middle leaders and aspiring middle leaders as part of the internal AIMS middle leader development programme. Focus upon Pupil Premium gaps, why they exist and what we can do about it. Range of trips funded for 15 individual pupils to date who would not have been able to afford the trip without support. PP funding also been used to fund bus passes for pupils whose families struggle to cover costs of bus fares. Free learning equipment and uniform provided for families in need. Food bank referral system set up with local Food Bank. £1k - All PP pupils received careers interviews with independent careers advisor. £10k Connexions - KS4 curriculum and Options process reviewed in light of accountability changes. Nurture pathway introduced to provide bespoke learning pathway for low ability and vulnerable pupils. Business BTEC course added for 2014 start. Vulnerable PP pupils encouraged to apply for onsite Post 16 provision. 12 PP pupils offered places on provision. Disengaged PP pupils targeted for alternative offsite provision to include 13 Y11, 8 Y10 and potentially 3 Y9 PP pupils. Visits taken place to Cambridge, Huddersfield and Oxford Universities. PP pupils given priority places. 1 x PP Y9 pupil accepted on to SOAMS course £20k £1k 8 Pupil Premium & Catch-up Premium Report September 2014 Estimated Income and Expenditure Plan for the 2014-15 Financial Year 2014/15 ACTUAL INCOME 369,100 Actual Expenditure 461,612 Difference 92,512 STAFFING Literacy & Numeracy Primary teachers (2.0) Maths Mentor (0.2) £ RESOURCES £ 92,843 Renaissance Reading 4,000 6,163 PP Resources Budget 10,000 English Overstaffing (1.0) 42,215 Literacy Budget Maths Overstaffing (1.0) 30,493 Numeracy Budget Science Overstaffing (0.5) 21,215 Y11 Intervention & Revision Camps Closing the Gap TA (1.0) 20,532 English, Maths Science Revision EWO (0.8) 19,824 Specialism TESOL Tutor 18,900 Curriculum Development Fund 250 20,785 3082 15000 2000 EAL Coordinator TLR 3,120 Connexions Support 10,134 Hola Project Teacher Coaches Overstaffing (0.2) 10,056 ECDL 18,700 Total 110,462 Lead Teacher Bursaries Counsellor Numeracy TA (0.4) Staff CPD Total Alternative Offsite Curriculum Provision 1,000 34,645 1000 8,680 29,000 7,644 30,331 351,150 9