Module outline - Enactus Australia

Showcasing at
the enactus
Written and designed by
Donella Caspersz and Danielle Bejr
for enactus Australia 2013
Showcasing at the enactus National Conference provides students with training in how
to showcase their projects in anticipation of their participation at the enactus Nationals.
The learning objectives of the module are to enable you to:
Identify the nine steps of effective showcase presentation (Task 1);
Meeti the enactus criterion in a enactus showcase presentation (Task 2);
Develop and trial an enactus project showcase (Task 3)
Presenting at the enactus National Conference has been developed to be
implemented as required by each enactus team.
This may be done in one session, or may be broken into a few sessions.
Each task has a stated aim and a description of a process that can be used to fulfil this
aim. I have listed and made available the resources you can use at each step of the
process. Powerpoints and worksheets are linked within the document, and can be
accessed as required.
A link to a survey has been attached both here at the end of the module to gather your
feedback. If all participants can fill out this survey at the completion of the training
module it would be greatly appreciated, as the information captured will be used to
improve the training for the next year.
Good luck,
Donella Caspersz
Nine Steps of Effective Showcase Presentations
To identify the nine steps of effective showcase presentations.
A. View the powerpoint 9 steps to effective presentations.ppt
B. Review the following worksheets as required by the group, What is a meaningful
hand gesture.doc, I didn't say she bit my dog worksheet.doc, and Predicting Q &
Meeting the enactus criterion in a showcase presentation
To help participants understand what an enactus showcase looks like, with an emphasis
on meeting the criteria.
A. Show the powerpoint Making your showcase for enactus.pptx
B. Give each participant a copy of the worksheet Sew Far So Good.pdf and use the
worksheet Does the Project Meet the Criteria.doc to facilitate a discussion.
C. Review presentation SIFE World Cup 2010 – Champion – French University in
Egypt (UFE) – Egypt
from 6.16 minutes to 9.07 Describe “Sew Far Sew Good’
D. After viewing the presentation, use the worksheet Does the Project Meet the
Criteria.doc, to facilitate further discussion.
E. Introduce key members of YOUR University’s Nationals team and ask them to
describe in 1 minute what their role in the Nationals showcase was.
Develop and trial an enactus showcase presentation
To develop an enactus showcase presentation of 5 minutes.
To present the showcase to receive constructive feedback.
Note: it would be helpful if students can access powerpoint to develop 2 slides and then
link into a data projector to use these when presenting.
A. Break into small groups of 5. You have half an hour to develop a 3-minute showcase
using the resources from B-D.
B. Read the worksheet Develop a Presentation.doc
C. Use the following worksheets to develop your showcase: Does the Project Meet the
Criteria.doc and The Presentation Format.doc
D. Each group is to develop 2 slides to use in your showcase using the template
enactus Trial Presentation Template.ppt
E. Develop a schedule of showcase presentations using the worksheet A Schedule of
F. Run the showcase presentations adhering STRICTLY to the time requirement. Allow
one minute of questions to follow.
G. Have each group evaluate the other showcase presentations using the Feedback for
Presentation.doc Worksheet. Each group will also need to evaluate their own
showcase presentation using the Evaluating Our Presentation.doc worksheet.
H. Generate a discussion about showcase presentations if there is time remaining.
Note: this exercise does not cover the production of an annual report.
At the completion of this training module, please fill out the
survey below to provide your feedback.