A Graph-Theoretical Kinetic Monte Carlo Framework for on-Lattice Chemical Kinetics Michail Stamatakis and Dionisios G. Vlachos Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1. Rate Expressions for Elementary Steps Involving Gas Species For a surface reaction of the type X* + Y* Z*, the partition functions of all species have only vibrational components, and thus, the rate is calculated as: kSurface E q vib k T B exp q vib,X q vib,Y h kB T (1) The vibrational partition function of species X is expressed as a product of contributions from each vibrational mode of that species: q vib,X h k exp 2 kB T h k k 1 exp kB T (2) and similar equations hold for species Y and Z. For an Eley-Riedel reaction of the type X(gas) + Y* Z*, the rate is given as: k fwd Eley Riedel k TST N X E k T Q B exp NX QXgas QY h kB T (3) where NX is the number of X molecules in the gas phase, Ast the surface area of the site(s) over which the reaction takes place, and Auc the area of the surface unit cell. The partition functions QY and Q have only vibrational components and can be computed from equations similar to (2). The partition function for X(gas) can be written as: QXgas q vib,Xgas q rot,Xgas q trans3D,Xgas (4) The distance of X(gas) from the surface can be used as a reaction coordinate, thereby motivating the decoupling of the z component of the translational partition function as follows: q trans3D,Xgas q trans2D,Xgas l z 2 mX k B T h (5) where l z the length of the gas-phase in the z-direction and the 2D translational partition function over a unit cell of the surface is: -1- q trans2D,Xgas = A st 2 mX k B T h2 (6) where Ast the effective area of the site(s) where the reaction takes place. In equation (4), the rotational component for a linear molecule is: 8 2 I k B T h2 q rot,Xgas (7) where I is the moment of inertia and the symmetry number of the molecule. For molecules with non-linear geometry: 3 1 Ia Ib Ic 2 8 2 k B T 2 q rot,Xgas h2 (8) By substituting equations (4, 5) into (3) we obtain: E q vib NX k B T exp q vib,Xgas q rot,Xgas q trans2D,Xgas q Y,vib l z 2 mX k B T kB T k fwd Eley Riedel (9) Further, from the ideal gas law pXV = NXkBT and noting that V = l zAuc we end up with: k fwd Eley Riedel E q vib pX Ast exp q vib,Xgas q rot,Xgas q trans2D,Xgas q Y,vib 2 mX k B T kB T (10) For the reverse reaction: E E rxn q vib k B T exp q Z,vib h kB T k rev Eley Riedel (11) where Erxn is the reaction energy changeErxn > 0 for exothermic, < 0 for endothermic). An activated adsorption elementary step denoted as X(gas) + * X*, can be treated similarly: k fwd Activated Adsorption E q vib p X Ast exp q X,vib q X,rot q X,trans2D 2 mX k B T kB T (12) and for the desorption: k rev Activated Adsorption E Eads q vib k B T exp q X,vib h kB T (13) For non-activated (endothermic) adsorption one assumes an early 2D gas-like transition state and thus the rates for adsorption and desorption simplify to: k fwd Non Activated Adsorption k rev Non Activated Adsorption p X Ast 2 m X k B T (14) q vib,Xgas q rot,Xgas q trans2D,Xgas k T E B exp ads q vib,X h kB T -2- (15) 2. Comparison of the Computational Times of Graph-Theoretical KMC and a Simpler KMC Approach The table below provides the CPU times for three different runs for each KMC framework, namely the graph-theoretical KMC (GT-KMC) and a KMC approach capable of simulating 1and 2-site processes only (12-KMC). All times are reported in seconds. The ZGB system (Table 3 in main text) was simulated for PA = PB2 = 0.5 and tfinal = 100. The lattice size is given in number of sites in x direction by number of sites in the y direction, thus the 100 100 lattice has 10000 sites. The lattice coordination number was equal to 4 in all simulations. Lattice Size GT-KMC run 1 run 2 run 3 12-KMC tavgGTKMC run 1 run 2 run 3 tavg12-KMC | Δt avg | | Δt avg | t avg12-KMC 25 25 22.4 22.4 23.5 22.7 16.9 16.5 16.3 16.6 6.2 37% 35 35 44.0 44.4 46.1 44.8 35.0 32.2 32.1 33.1 11.7 35% 50 50 91.6 92.1 95.0 92.9 73.7 68.5 68.2 70.1 22.8 32% 71 71 184.2 186.1 184.4 184.9 155.3 142.6 142.1 146.7 38.2 26% 100 100 363.5 363.9 363.8 363.8 308.6 295.8 295.3 299.9 63.9 21% 141 141 727.3 727.7 728.3 727.8 648.2 623.2 623.0 631.4 96.3 15% 200 200 1485.5 1486.4 1489.4 1487.1 1389.0 1330.6 1327.7 1349.1 138.0 10% 283 283 3049.7 3050.9 3056.8 3052.5 2894.8 2811.9 2808.0 2838.2 214.2 8% 400 400 6210.3 6213.4 6220.6 6214.8 6038.9 5855.3 5913.8 5936.0 278.8 5% 12686.0 12250.0 12225.0 12387.0 421.3 3% 566 566 12658.0 12599.0 13168.0 12808.3 -3- 3. Water-Gas Shift Elementary Reaction Patterns In the following graphs, different site types are denoted as follows: top CO adsorption CO(gas) CO* * O2 dissociative adsorption O2(gas) * * O* O* * * H2 dissociative adsorption H2(gas) * * H* H* * * CO2 dissociative adsorption CO2(gas) * * O* CO* * * H2O adsorption H2O(gas) * H2O* H2O decomposition H2O* * OH* H* -4- fcc hollow bridge OH decomposition * * O* H* OH* * OH-OH disproportionation * OH* O* OH* * H2O* * * CO-OH disproportionation H2O* CO* * tCOOH* COOH decomposition * tCOOH* * H* CO2(gas) tCOOH-O disproportionation tCOOH* * O* OH* * * * * CO2(gas) tCOOH-OH disproportionation CO2(gas) tCOOH* OH* * H2O* HCO formation H* CO* * * * * O* CH* HCO** -5- HCOO formation O* O* * * CH* O* O* CH* HCO** HCOO*** HCOO decomposition * O* CO2(gas) H* O* CH* * * * HCOO*** HCOO-O disproportionation O* O* CO2(gas) * O* CH* * OH* * HCOO*** HCOO-OH disproportionation OH* H2O* * O* CH* CO2(gas) * O* * * HCOO*** -6- * 4. Data Used in the Rate Constant Calculations Table S3.1: Total energies ETotal, moments of inertia IA or product thereof (IAIBIC) for nonlinear molecules, symmetry numbers s, and vibrational frequencies for gas phase species. Gas Species CO CO2 O2 H2 Gas Species H2O Linear Molecules IA (10−47kgm2) 14.568 71.4988 19.471 0.47203 Non-Linear Molecules ETotal (eV) IAIBIC (10−141kg3m6) -467.4604 5.8577 ETotal (eV) -588.9694 -1025.4623 -867.2017 -31.6629 1 2 2 2 ν (cm−1) 2143 667, 1333, 2349 1580 4190 2 ν (cm−1) 1595, 3657, 3756 Moments of inertia were read from Ott, J. B., and Boerio-Goates, J. (2000). “Chemical thermodynamics: advanced applications”. Chemical Thermodynamics, ed. J. Boerio-Goates. Vol. 2. London: Academic Press. Vibrational frequencies of polyatomics (CO2, H2O) were read from Pople, J. A., H. B. Schlegel, et al. (1981). “Molecular-Orbital Studies of Vibrational Frequencies”. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry: 269-278. Table S3.2: Total energies ETotal, and vibrational frequencies for surface species and transition states. The free slab energy is Eslab = −11448.22 eV. Vibrational frequencies > 200 cm−1 are reported. The numbers under the transition states column correspond to the elementary steps of Table 2 in the main manuscript. Adsorption steps having early gas-species-like transition states are not mentioned. Surface Species CO* O* H2O* OH* H* HCO** HCOO*** COOH* Transition State 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ETotal (eV) -12039.09 -11882.98 -11916.04 -11899.15 -11464.54 -12054.46 -12489.87 -12490.26 ETotal (eV) -11479.95 -12472.44 -11915.26 -11898.21 -12350.53 -12489.54 -12489.40 -12924.54 -12941.08 -12054.10 -12488.19 -12488.83 -12922.88 -12939.78 ν (cm−1) 367, 374, 455, 2010 366, 394, 467 241, 454, 554, 1559, 3483, 3606 494, 855, 3576 692, 701, 986 235, 333, 377, 535, 718, 1129, 1284, 2907 287, 322, 336, 733, 904, 1264, 1288, 1535, 2995 267, 308, 434, 572, 655, 1076, 1206, 1675, 3341 ν (cm−1) 305, 310, 1601, 2255 290, 350, 370, 422, 545, 1896 254, 282, 493, 524, 870, 1866, 3552 260, 410, 477, 1796 268, 432, 565, 578, 724, 839, 1353, 1454, 3551 310, 386, 409, 512, 553, 839, 1926, 3545 275, 319, 555, 576, 1157, 1804, 1958 235, 264, 324, 448, 568, 630, 1048, 1120, 1174, 1764, 2234 267, 308, 434, 494, 572, 655, 855, 1076, 1206, 1675, 3341, 3576 213, 288, 315, 624, 977, 1597, 2053 285, 305, 412, 475, 555, 818, 1057, 1488, 2975 207, 370, 608, 895, 1030, 1240, 1532, 1644 235, 264, 324, 448, 568, 630, 1048, 1120, 1174, 1764, 2234 201, 225, 375, 473, 652, 674, 963, 977, 1103, 1292, 1621, 1959, 3052 -7- 5. Effect of Diffusion To evaluate the effect of diffusion, the hopping of CO and H species was accounted for, since these are the two most abundant species on the surface: CO diffusion CO* * CO* * * * H diffusion H* * H* * * * These two processes were assumed to be fast compared to the adsorption-desorption dynamics of the two species and thus the kinetic constants were taken such that the frequency of diffusion events is at least two orders of magnitude higher frequency of adsorption-desorption events. A comparison of the KMC results in the absence and presence of diffusion are shown below. Without Diffusion With Diffusion Coverage fractions 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 H* CO* 1 Coverage fractions H* CO* 1 0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 Time (s) 4 5 -3 x 10 0 1 2 3 Time (s) 4 5 -3 x 10 The figure above shows the coverages for the parameter set of Figure 9a in the main manuscript. Including diffusion in the reaction mechanism does not affect the CO coverage, or the H2O coverage which remains low (not shown). On the other hand, diffusion affects the H coverage, as evidenced by the higher values of the latter when this process is present. This effect can be explained by the fact that H2 desorbs dissociatively: in the absence of diffusion the two hydrogen adatoms produced by water and carboxyl decomposition remain within the same neighborhood and are ready to desorb. However, in the presence of diffusion, the two adatoms no longer remain localized, and thus, H desorption is limited by how fast an adatom can diffuse and find a -8- “partner” with which it can desorb associatively. Since the process of desorption is hindered by this effect, higher H2 coverages are observed. Without Diffusion With Diffusion CO_adsorption CO_diffusion H2_dissociative_adsorption H_diffusion H2O_adsorption H2O_decomposition CO_OH_disproportionation COOH_decomposition HCO_formation CO_adsorption H2_dissociative_adsorption H2O_adsorption H2O_decomposition CO_OH_disproportionation COOH_decomposition fwd rev HCO_formation 0 10 2 4 10 10 6 8 10 10 10 fwd rev 0 10 2 10 Event frequency (s-1) 4 10 10 6 8 10 10 10 10 Event frequency (s-1) The figure above shows the histograms for the reaction statistics for the parameter set of Figure 9d. Diffusion of CO and H was assumed to be fast compared to the adsorption-desorption dynamics of these species. Thus, the frequency of diffusion events was at least 2 orders or magnitude higher than that of adsorption or desorption events. The frequencies of events other than diffusion are similar in the two simulations. Note that HCO formation occurs more frequently when diffusion is present due to the higher H coverage on the lattice. Without Diffusion 10 10 10 2 E = 12.0 a kcal /m 1 10 ol E a = 24 .3 0 kc al/ mo TOF (s -1) TOF (s -1) 10 With Diffusion l -1 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 10 10 10 2.1 -1 2 1 E = a 16 .1 k cal/ mo l E a = 28 0 .7 k ca l/ m ol -1 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 -1 1000/T (K ) 1000/T (K ) The figure above shows comparisons of the Arrhenius plots. The qualitative characteristics of the graphs are the same, and the apparent activation energies are also similar (within 5 kcal/mol). -9- 6. Error Estimates for the Arrhenius Plot Given that NH2 molecules have been produced over the time course of the simulation, t sim = tfin − tini from a total number of sites SL, we need to estimate the rate per monolayer at which H2 is produced, assuming that the production of each H2 molecules follows a Poisson process. Thus, the waiting times for the production of each molecule are exponentially distributed (memoryless process): i ~ Exp r (16) and thus the overall number of H2 molecules produced follows a Poisson distribution: N H2 ~ P NH 2 e P N H2 | N H2 ! where r SL t sim (17) We use Bayesian inference to obtain a distribution for from which the expectation ̂ , and a confidence interval (CI) can be deduced. In this approach, we postulate a prior distribution for , that incorporates our existing knowledge on the value of this parameter. Then, using the information about NH2 we find a posterior distribution from which ̂ and the CI are obtained. P | N H2 c P N H2 | P (18) where c is a constant. If the prior P() and the posterior P(|NH2) belong to the same family of distributions, then the latter family is referred to as the conjugate prior of P(NH2|). For the Poisson distribution the conjugate prior is the Gamma distribution: ~ Γ , P 1 e (19) where () is the gamma function: z t z 1 e t dt (20) 0 Therefore, if one uses Γ (,) as the prior distribution, then given n samples for NH2 the posterior distribution will be: | N H1 2 , N H22 ,..., N Hn2 ~ Γ N Total H2 , n n i where N Total H2 NH2 (21) i 1 From the above equation, it turns out that if the prior gamma distribution has 0 and 0, the expectation of the rate is identical the maximum likelihood estimator: 1 ˆ N Total H2 n given N H12 , N H22 ,..., N Hn2 (22) Further, the 95% CI can be found by solving the following equations: N Total H 2 , min N Total H2 0.05 and N Total H 2 , max N Total H2 -10- 0.95 (23) where (k,x) is the lower incomplete gamma function: x z, x t z 1 e t dt (24) 0 Thus, the 95% CI for the rate r can be found by scaling the CI for by SLtsim. -11-