Call for Proposals - California State University, Fresno

Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................2
Types of Awards and Amount of Awards ........................................................................2
Eligibility and Procedures .................................................................................................2
Criteria for Successful Proposals ......................................................................................3
Checklist for Application Materials ..................................................................................5
The budget of the California State University includes funding for faculty awards for
research, scholarship, and creative activity. The funds have been allocated to each campus
on a prorated FTEF basis.
The purpose of this program is to provide time and seed funds that will help faculty
remain current in their disciplines, attract external funding to expand research
opportunities, pursue new ways to enrich student learning, and contribute to knowledge
that will strengthen California socially, culturally, and economically.
Types of Awards and Amount of Awards
Funds will be provided to faculty on a competitive basis for awards of $5,000 based on
criteria outlined below. Grant funds can be used in one of two ways:
(1) Three (3) WTUs of Assigned Time backfill rate. The 3 WTUs would
be charged against the award and funded to the appropriate
Twenty five hundred dollars ($2,500) of Non-Academic Year Grant
Administration pay plus twenty five hundred dollars ($2,500) for other
grant expenses.
Representative examples of other grant expenses would include, but would not necessarily
be limited to, student assistant salaries, supplies, postage, services, travel, and equipment
intended specifically for the funded research.
Eligibility and Procedures
All faculty defined as members of Unit 3 are eligible to compete for funding.
Proposals will be reviewed and recommended based upon the criteria outlined below.
Proposals for support will be recommended by the respective department/program and be
reviewed by the Research Committee within the respective College/School or Library.
These research committees will recommend, in rank order, proposals from their
College/School or Library. The College/School Dean will complete the final
recommendation and sign the Application.
The campus committee for reviewing proposals will review the recommendations from
the College/School or Library Research Committees and will recommend proposals for
final award to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost will
make all final decisions on the awards.
Faculty who receive awards will be required to file final reports at the termination of the
grant. This report must describe the results and the impact on the department/school goals;
publications/exhibitions; and proposals developed for external funders.
Please see “Submission Instructions” in Application for all deadlines, routing
instructions, and formats. Faculty members must have a complete paper copy of the
application submitted to the Department Chair for initial review AND a complete
electronic copy submitted to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs by
4:00 p.m., Friday, April 4, 2014.
Criteria for Successful Proposals
All projects will be evaluated by the following criteria, as applicable:
Strength of the Proposed Activity
A. Clarity and thoroughness of proposal and need for funding
1. Is the proposal clearly written with well-defined goals and objectives?
2. Is campus funding for this proposal appropriate and needed?
3. Is there adequate demonstration that the proposed research is well thought
out, reasonable, and timely?
B. Significance to the field
1. Will the work contribute new information to the body of knowledge within
the discipline? Proposals whose main purpose is to advance university goals
other than creative/scholarly activity are best funded from other sources.
Some examples of proposals that should seek alternate funding are
community service projects, organization of workshops, curriculum
development, improving student admission/retention, and development of
university-community relationships.
2. Does the work appear to be significant and appropriate to the discipline?
3. Does the scope of the work justify the resources requested?
C. Feasibility (timeline, budget, resources, and commitment)
1. Does the proposal demonstrate an adequate understanding of the steps
required and the time needed to accomplish the proposed work?
2. Is the proposal clear regarding exactly what work will be accomplished
during the time proposed for support?
3. Are the budgeted resources adequate for successful completion of the
proposed work?
4. Is the allocation of supportive resources (staffing, equipment, supplies, etc.)
appropriate to the described project? Proposals for computer hardware and
software, which are commonly available on campus, will not normally be
Contribution to Institutional Goals
A. External Recognition and Support
1. How does the proposal show promise of enabling the faculty to compete for
future outside funding?
2. What publications, reports, or presentations are likely to be achieved?
3. How will the project help develop working relationships or visibility with offcampus organizations?
B. Instructional goals
1. How will the result of the project benefit the University's instructional program?
2. How will students benefit directly by their involvement in the research projects?
3. How will the results benefit the long-range goals of the department, school, or
4. How will this activity contribute to the faculty member remaining current in
his/her teaching area?
5. How does the work demonstrate the link between the research, creative, and
scholarly activity and the development of student learning and courses?
C. Non-Tenured Faculty and Educational Equity
Does the proposal recognize the need to encourage and support non-tenured
2. Does it encourage and promote the affirmative action and educational equity
goals of the CSU system?
Ability to Accomplish the Proposed Activity
A. The program is designed to recognize the need to encourage and support new
scholars and scholars initiating new fields of study as well as established
scholars. Evidence of potential to complete the proposed work can be presented
in either of two ways:
1. For new faculty or those initiating new fields of study: evidence of the
proposer's potential to successfully accomplish the activity under study (e.g.,
appropriate budget, support letters, evidence of preliminary project
2. Established scholars: a vita that gives evidence of scholarly work or creative
accomplishments within the last five (5) years, particularly those which have
received peer review (e.g., conference papers, publications, exhibitions) or
recognition of the quality of the scholarly activity through external awards,
grants, etc.
3. Comprehensive bibliography.
B. Past Awards
1. If this is a continuation of previous university supported study, does past
experience demonstrate a potential for successful completion of the proposed
2. Have previous awards resulted in new publications, extramural grants, etc.?
Checklist for Application Materials
The “Application” contains the following elements. Please complete every element while
staying within the word/page counts clarified in the “Application.”
1. Cover Page
2. Abstract Page
3. Additional Information for Chancellor’s Office Page
4. Proposal Narrative
5. Budget Pages (Line Item Budget and Budget Justification)
6. Department & College/School Recommendation Form
7. Requests for Internal Support Form
8. Summary of Previous Funding Form
9. Scholar’s Qualifications to Accomplish Activities Page
10. Contributions to Institutional Goals Page
11. Signed Agreement Page