McMillen Stout Grammar 8

Created by: Stacy Stout and Sarah McMillen
ELD Daily Lesson Plan
Time of Daily Lesson:
8:25-9:15 (M,T,TH,F)
12-12:30 (W)
Week of
Lesson Plan Time:
40 Minutes
ELPS (English Language
Proficiency Standard):
Proficiency Level:
Grade Level: 4th
Type: grade level
Time Allocation:
40 Minutes
ELP Standard(s)/Performance Indicator(s):
Student Friendly Language Objective:
3.L.1: Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run‐
I can create a complete sentence and recognize and correct sentences.
3.L.1: Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.
I can produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.
HI-7: producing declarative, negative, and interrogative sentences using present progressive tense
verbs with subject-verb agreement.
I can write different types of sentences using present progressive tense.
Writing- Journal, 2 Column Notes, 3 Column Notes, Quick Write, Reflections
Inquiry- Levels of Thinking and Questioning, Discussion
Collaboration- Partner sharing, Group sharing
Organization- 2 Column Notes, 3 Column Notes, Grammar and Homework Folders, Color Coding
Reading- Think Alouds, Word wall, Vocabulary
Word wall, notebook, handouts
Day 1:
Teacher Will:
Introduce new grammar concept of
present progressive declarative,
negative, & interrogative sentences.
Present PowerPoint
Guided Practice
Write the definitions and rules on the
board and the students take notes in
their notebooks for future reference.
Student Will:
Students will TPS what present progressive
declarative, negative, & interrogative sentences and
how they are used.
Guided Practice
Students will record the definitions of a declarative,
negative, and interrogative sentence in their notebooks
as they follow allow with the teacher as it’s written on
the board.
Created by: Stacy Stout and Sarah McMillen
Independent Practice
Write a few sentences, using present
progressive declarative, negative, &
interrogative form, on the board and
instruct the students to write two new
Day 2:
Teacher Will:
Continue PowerPoint from previous day.
Re-Introduce new grammar concept by
creating an anchor chart of present
progressive declarative, negative, &
interrogative sentences. Teacher will use
popsicle sticks for differences between
sentences as presented on the board.
Independent Practice:
Write three sentences using present progressive
declarative, negative, & interrogative in their
notebooks. If time allots, students will work on i-Ready.
Guided Practice
As the teacher guides the students
through the PowerPoint and anchor chart,
the students will take Cornell notes
Independent Practice:
Write sentences using present progressive declarative,
negative, & interrogative basic structure. Share them
with table partners to check the work. Make sure to
use complete sentences and capitalization and
If time allots, students will work on i-Ready lessons.
Independent Practice
Have the students write a few
(depending on time) sentences in their
notebooks and share them with their
partner to verify they are underlining the
writing complete present progressive
declarative, negative, & interrogative
Day 3:
Teacher Will:
Review with students the importance of
taking their time and listening and
reading questions before answering the
Guided Practice
Have the students log into log in and
begin the lessons for Math and Reading.
Independent Practice
Have student quietly work on i-Ready as
the teacher monitors.
Student Will:
Students will TPS the definition of present progressive
declarative, negative, & interrogative sentence.
Guided Practice
Students will record the notes from the PowerPoint and
anchor chart as the teacher guides them.
Student Will:
Students will login to the I-Ready test.
Guided Practice
Students will follow the directions on beginning their IReady lessons.
Independent Practice:
Students will complete I-Ready reading and math
lessons on their computer.
Created by: Stacy Stout and Sarah McMillen
Day 4:
Teacher Will:
Review the format of sentence is present
progressive form using an anchor chart.
Guided Practice
As the teacher guides the students
through the sentences.
Independent Practice
Sentences will present in the PowerPoint
in declarative, negative, or interrogative
form. The teacher will monitor and
observe to insure they understand the
Day 5:
Teacher Will:
Revisit grammar concept by continuing
with the PowerPoint. Have the students
write examples of each sentence
structure of present progressive
declarative, negative, & interrogative.
Add some to your grammar wall.
Guided Practice
Review the assessment with the
students. Explain the directions and that
this is an individual test not a group test.
Independent Practice
Administer test
Student Will:
Students will participate in creating an anchor chart
and write notes as needed. Students will write present
progressive sentences in the given declarative,
negative, and interrogative format.
Guided Practice
Students will write present progressive sentences in
declarative, negative, and interrogative form
Independent Practice:
The students will write sentences given it in the
PowerPoint and state if it declarative, negative, or
interrogative then write the following two forms use
the same sentence. If time allots, students will work on
Student Will:
Students will write sentences in their journals.
Guided Practice
Students will review the test with the teacher and ask
any questions they may have.
Independent Practice:
Students will complete as much as the test as possible.
Grammar test for present progressive declarative,
negative, & interrogative sentences (two separate
Observation of Notes
Collect meaningful sentences (if time permits)
i-Ready lessons
Created by: Stacy Stout and Sarah McMillen