CASCADED AMPLIFIERS Acquire more gain! Bandwidth shrinkage Check the 3dB-BW for the cascaded systems: first order TF, BW is not linear as GBW Best number of stages Assume constant GBW = omegaT Check overall BW and try to maximize it GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCT Trade-off between BW and delay High BW and gain is possible but one pays for a huge delay Traveling-wave amplifier basics Gain increases linearly with n CHAPTER 7: NOISE IN AMPLIFIERS Fundamental noise sources and manmade noise sources or interference STATISTICAL PROPERTIES OF NOISE Random signal, Gaussian distribution Noise power spectral density (PSD function) Combining noise sources Add up by mean square definition v2 = v12 + v22 + 2 v1*v2 last term: correlation PHYSICAL SOURCES OF NOISE Thermal noise White till one THz Available noise power = Shot noise Charge carriers hop over the potential barrier at random times, also white noise In diodes, BJT, DC gate leakage… Flicker noise (pink noise) 1/f noise spectra, PSD increasing down to mHz Noise can be up converted to higher frequencies, causes modulation Popcorn noise Burst noise, switches randomly between 2 or more discrete values >10µs, non Gaussian. FC is the corner frequency, above noise flattens out Main noise sources in a bipolar transistor Thermal noise from base spreading resistor vB Shot noise from collector current iC Shot noise from base current iB When necessary: 1/f sources Noise sources in a MOS transistor Drain current noise is thermal (resistive channel) and flicker noise (charge trapping at interfaces) Gate current noise is shot noise (DC gate leakage) and channel Induces gate noise (long channel) Is a thermally fluctuating channel voltage, coupled capacitively at the gate Blue noise (only at HF) CIRCUIT REPRESENTATION OF NOISE Input referred noise sources One can transfer noise sources in a circuit to only two noise sources at the input How to calculate them? Voltage noise Short the input of the noiseless linear two-port circuit, so that the input-referred voltage noise source forces the voltage at the terminals of the current noise source Calculate rms output noise voltage (solely from the input noise voltage) Calculate the output noise of the noise network, these two should be equal Current noise Open the input of the noiseless linear two-port circuit Calculate the output noise of the noiseless and noise circuit and equate them BJT vs. MOS transistor ZL high: MOS has a better noise performance for sufficiently low frequencies ZL low: Bipolar transistor, larger transconductance LINEAR CIRCUITS AND NOISE SNR & Noise Factor (NF), Noise figure is NF in dB Equivalent noise temperature TE No noise adding => amplifier at zero Kelvin Measured by the Y-factor method Y = ratio of the two output noise powers in function of the temperature Pi = GkTiB + GkTEB Noise figure of a noisy two-port circuit Connect a signal source (vIN, RS) Alpha is the voltage gain to P Spot NF = NF at a 1Hz band NF of cascaded circuits CHAPTER 8: POWER AMPLIFIERS Class A and B are linear, C is not linear, D, E, F, G, H and S are not linear, with high eff. Power efficiency eta, in %, ratio of RF output power top DC power Normalized output power PMAX, maximum RF output power achieved by an ideal PA with 1V and 1A peak collector emitter power (high PMAX means cheap semiconductor) Always start with neglecting voltage drops over transistors LINEAR POWER AMPLIFIERS Class A PA Use the BJT always in the forward region so iC > zero So each transistor conducts all the time RFC = RF choke, blocks RF, passes DC Has bad efficiency (max 50%) Class B PA centre tapped transformers (CT) Pushpull configuration, each transistor Conducts during 180° Phase inversion by CT transformer Limitations BJT Make sure VCE does not go Below VSAT (hard clipping) At higher frequencies VSAT Increases MOSTFET Finite on-resistance For class A RON is twice as big Reactive load: R0 in shunt with jB An extra rho loss TUNED CLASS C POWER AMPLIFIERS Evolved from class B, with better efficiency Highly non linear Current source as class C amplifier Current source: so vacuum tube , (FET)MOS okay, BJT (=> mixed mode PA) Topology that can operate in class A, B or C by proper biasing Negative virtual bias current => so less than 180° conduction (=2*y) Fundamental component of ID that flows through the load = VOM*sin(2pif0) Class A: y = 180° Class AB: y = 90..180° Class B: y = 90° Class C amplifier with saturation Operation with strong device signal, the output Voltage will saturate during part of the cycle FET VD saturates when VD = IDRON HIGH EFFICIENCY POWER AMPLIFIERS Main power dissipation reduction: Reduce average of the power (VCE x IC) Switched mode PA’s (D, S): active component used a switch (needs to be fast) Other PA’s (F, G, H): special circuits Class D amplifier: The push-pull voltage-switched class D amplifier VC2 is a square wave => s(theta) = -1 of +1 Only the 1st order sine wave will get trough Class D amplifier: The voltage-switched class D amplifier with transformers One can also use the class B schematic: adapt the impedance level The output transformer is a square wave, only fundamental term is passed